Intro--post-Cushing's EU tripper ;-)

Hi! Ciao! Szia! Hola! Thought I'd get all of them in there that I've used in the last few years, in order :-)

I'm a 59 y/o post-op Cushing's Syndrome survivor (14mths), and the endo specialist has given me a specialized post-CS weight loss "diet/food regime" (1200cal) as the weight has been refusing to come off. It happens, though--some people it comes off right away, others it takes over a year before it starts. I have to keep reminding myself that I went undiagnosed for 10 years, so there's a lot of damage to be undone and will take time! Thankfully nearly everything else has reversed itself with removal of the tumor (blood pressure normalized so no more meds, glucose dropped wonderfully so the "you're two seconds away from full-on diabetes and are definitively pre-diabetic" is reversed, thyroid's still hypo but that will probably never reverse).

Anyway--as I've eaten nothing but Mediterranean-style for the last 16 years, the food regime is tweaked a little. And besides, though I'm an editor/copyeditor/proofreader by trade (and translator), my passion is my website about wine and olive telling me I can only have "two tablespoons maximum" of olive oil per day is...well...just silly :D And I guess I'll need to use the spit bucket more during my wine tasting >:);)

I guess this is going a bit past an introduction--Sorry! So I'm new to MFP and have found this one's food database to be the most international (others had absolutely nothing int'l), even with brand names.

It's been 5.2 days with walking 4-5k four times a week, and 2.2 kilos down...I suppose that's something, but I'm convinced it's just "water weight." At least I can stick to "Mediterranean diet" as, even though I keep moving around, I stick to the Med area :p

Shutting up now...sorry!


  • corinneallene
    corinneallene Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 8 months post-op! I've lost quite a bit of weight but I'm still carrying a lot af flab. It is tough for me to work out because of the muscle and bone damage. I have been vegan for over theee years and I feel it's helped me a lot. I still have to try to control my appetite, which is why I'm on here! I am hoping tracking my diet and exercise will help :)