Need help with toning butt and thighs...

Losing everywhere else but can I lose in that area?
Thanks for your help!


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Squats and lunges darling.. that will help tone up that area.

    Also keep doing the cardio to help burn the fat.. you can't really spot reduce, but these 3 things will help.
  • If you want to tone areas, nothing works better than Pilates!
  • Ashleysh22
    Ashleysh22 Posts: 204 Member
    you might not be able to "spot reduce" but you can do an awful lot of lower body exercises. Of course there are squats and lunges but there are also floor exercises - like getting on all fours in table top position and lifting your legs one at a time back and up.

    As said in another comment - you really need to do cardio to lose the weight. and then focus on specific muscle groups you want to tone. I did a fitness program called Brazil Butt Lifts to really target those areas. Its a series of just those kind of exercises.

    Anyways - send me a message if you want more info!
  • irishseven
    irishseven Posts: 35 Member
    fast, intense power-walking for 30 min. every day, your butt will be totally is working so well for me! Good luck!
  • slhaamid
    slhaamid Posts: 11
    Okay I have been doing the lunges and squats. I guess I need to give it some more time...Thank you very much for replying...I will keep at it!
  • slhaamid
    slhaamid Posts: 11
    Thanks everyone for your feedback...I will try the recommendations!!!!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Did some great variations at my legs bums and tums class this week:

    Vary your squats. Hold weights. Do a ballet/ plie style squat (feet slightly wider than normal squat stance, keep your back straight and sink vertically down, no pushing out your behind)

    For your butt: Lie on your back. Get into a bridge position by sliding your feet towards your bum, and lifting your back, bum and thighs off the floor. Keep your palms on the floor underneath you for support and put your weight on your shoulders. Straighten/ lift one leg at a time, clenching the other butt cheek to keep it in position.
  • slhaamid
    slhaamid Posts: 11
    Thx will do!!!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    The best moves you can do that really work the butt are walking lunges with a weight (10-25 pounds) or 10 pound dumbbells, squats with heavy weight (65# or more), and deadlifts with heavy weight (80# or more).
  • slhaamid
    slhaamid Posts: 11
    Thx kdiamond!
  • cheri03
    cheri03 Posts: 172 Member
    I had issues toning there and did squats till I couldn't stand them and then I started Insanity. Toning like crazy now. Try it.
  • Ashleysh22
    Ashleysh22 Posts: 204 Member
    I had issues toning there and did squats till I couldn't stand them and then I started Insanity. Toning like crazy now. Try it.

    Interesting... I did both Insanity and Brazil Butt Lifts -and although I found Insanity really toned my back and upper body strength - I felt like I got a lot more out of Brazil Butt Lifts for lower body. Also - Shaun T (in Insanity) kinda drives me nuts. but my hubby really likes those workouts!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    The best moves you can do that really work the butt are walking lunges with a weight (10-25 pounds) or 10 pound dumbbells, squats with heavy weight (65# or more), and deadlifts with heavy weight (80# or more).

    I second this. and lots of repetitions!! My husband loves my tee-shirt "Shut up and Squat" because he's seen firsthand what squatting can do for you!