Juggling Adulting and Weight loss?

Over the span of a year it has come to my attention the struggle of maintaining a healthy lifestyle while trying to keep up with day to day life. This past year I got married and bought a house and also got a new job! My previous job caused me a lot of distress do to layoffs and also during that time my father-in-law had a major heart attack. Long story short this past year has been a very stressful year. Because I feel like I am now taking on the duties of a grown adult woman I have now put my once healthy lifestyle on the back burner. I work 40 hours a week I commute about 10 hours a week I come home and try to cook and clean everyday I have three dogs that I have to tend to it's hard to find time (and energy) at the end of the day to be active like I once was not long ago. And because of that I have gained 40 lb in the last 2 years. I'm currently being treated for a lower back injury so I can't do strenuous exercise or lifting, what would be a good activity for me to burn fat? I have been cutting back my calories every day and watching my food intake but that doesn't seem to do it. Also how can I make it a regimen for me? It was easy when I was living with my parents and when I was single but now I have responsibilities to take care of before anything else. Did anyone else have this problem and how did you overcome it?


  • Before doing any sort of exercise I'd ask the doctor treating your back if it's okay. That said, are you able to walk? It might be good for you and the dogs. You don't need exercise to lose weight but it would give you a few more calories to play with, walking is good for *some* back problems (not necessarily yours) and you might find any issues you're having with dog care easier if they're getting exercise.
  • BetsyBidez1105
    BetsyBidez1105 Posts: 15 Member
    You don't need exercise to lose weight. Full stop. All you need is a calorie deficit - portion sizes.

    I have definitely cut back my portions, calories, even subbed for no sugar added/gluten-free/vegan meals. I try to eat between 1000-1400 calories daily.
  • BetsyBidez1105
    BetsyBidez1105 Posts: 15 Member
    Yep, no exercise is needed for weight-loss, only a calorie deficit.

    Also, is your hubby helping out with the cleaning/cooking? In my experience us women need to insist our male counterparts pitch in their fair share. Just sounds like you might be overwhelmed by those aspects of life. It's something I need to work on too!

    I have definitely cut back my portions, calories, even subbed for low-sugar/gluten-free/vegan meals. I eat between 1000-1400 calories daily. I've been doing this for at least 3 months with no results. As for hubby, he works about 60+ hours a week and tries to help as much as possible, I finally breakdown the other day and told him how much stress I'm under and he did offer to help out more. He handles alot of other household responsibilities but manages stress way better than I do.
  • BetsyBidez1105
    BetsyBidez1105 Posts: 15 Member
    Maxxitt wrote: »
    A full time job plus two hours of commuting daily is a challenge in itself & you have had a lot of significant life events in addition. It's not mandatory female adulting to assume primary responsibility for everything in the house. Maybe you and your partner can come to a different plan for sharing household tasks and dog care so that you aren't feeling so overwhelmed. To borrow from the airlines, affix your own oxygen mask before assisting others :) In any case, let the housekeeping be minimal during the week. Prep meals ahead of time (cook a bunch on the weekend; find slow-cooker recipes you like) & keep weeknight meals simple. Walk the dogs a half hour (before or after supper) to help manage stress. Once you get a daily routine going that doesn't feel like it's going to kill you, you can tweak it to allow for purposeful exercise. With regard to managing calories - go for a modest deficit & weigh solids and measure liquids.

    Great response, I love the way you put this! I will look into investing into a slow cooker and researching some healthy recipes. We have been taking the dogs on walks some evenings for about 30 minutes. We need to work on making it routine. I have the calorie deficit on check, I think my body is craving activity. Thank you for your response.
  • BetsyBidez1105
    BetsyBidez1105 Posts: 15 Member
    Before doing any sort of exercise I'd ask the doctor treating your back if it's okay. That said, are you able to walk? It might be good for you and the dogs. You don't need exercise to lose weight but it would give you a few more calories to play with, walking is good for *some* back problems (not necessarily yours) and you might find any issues you're having with dog care easier if they're getting exercise.

    Thanks for asking. Dr has me doing some physical therapy. He says walking is good and I can do it 1-2 hours daily. I can't lift anything and squat. I'd like to burn calories quickly without straining my lower back.
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    My first suggestion would be to see if your partner can help you with some of those chores. Then, I'd ask your doctor if low impact cardio like elliptical would be okay for you with your lower back injury. But, that being said, you don't need to exercise to lose weight. As long as you eat a deficit you'll see results!
    I hope your year slows down and you get some much needed time to rejuvenate mentally and physically!
  • brittneyalley
    brittneyalley Posts: 274 Member
    edited December 2017
    I eat 1000-1300/day (normally 1100), and I've lost almost 35 pounds in the past ~4 months. Are you weighing your food or just guessing?

    ETA: I think I've been to the gym less than 5 times in that time frame as well.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Before doing any sort of exercise I'd ask the doctor treating your back if it's okay. That said, are you able to walk? It might be good for you and the dogs. You don't need exercise to lose weight but it would give you a few more calories to play with, walking is good for *some* back problems (not necessarily yours) and you might find any issues you're having with dog care easier if they're getting exercise.

    Another vote for walking, which can indeed be good for some back problems.

    I often have to force myself to exercise in the evening (well at lunchtime too) but am always glad I did.

    Speaking of lunchtime, if I don't get in some activity at lunch, frequently a walk, I have less energy through the afternoon and evening, and am also more prone to the munchies.
  • BetsyBidez1105
    BetsyBidez1105 Posts: 15 Member
    How are you logging your food? If you have been eating 1100 - 1400 calories for three months with no loss, either you are a miracle of nature, or you are eating far more calories than you realize. Weigh and log everything.

    I'm no stranger to measuring and counting, oven doing it for 3 years! I went from being extremely active before marriage to super sedentary after. And even cutting back on my daily calories wasn't enough to get results.
  • BetsyBidez1105
    BetsyBidez1105 Posts: 15 Member
    Wow. I can't believe people are actually saying no exercise. Your body needs exercise. It needs to move and it can only help.

    I know my body needs exercise it felt so good when it did it often. I just need a good routine and method. It's frustrating I can't go full throttle because of my back injury and dieting isn't helping.
  • BetsyBidez1105
    BetsyBidez1105 Posts: 15 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Before doing any sort of exercise I'd ask the doctor treating your back if it's okay. That said, are you able to walk? It might be good for you and the dogs. You don't need exercise to lose weight but it would give you a few more calories to play with, walking is good for *some* back problems (not necessarily yours) and you might find any issues you're having with dog care easier if they're getting exercise.

    Another vote for walking, which can indeed be good for some back problems.

    I often have to force myself to exercise in the evening (well at lunchtime too) but am always glad I did.

    Speaking of lunchtime, if I don't get in some activity at lunch, frequently a walk, I have less energy through the afternoon and evening, and am also more prone to the munchies.

    Great advice! I might sneak in a 30 min walk after lunch, maybe a 30 min walk before dinner?
  • BetsyBidez1105
    BetsyBidez1105 Posts: 15 Member
    katadx wrote: »
    My first suggestion would be to see if your partner can help you with some of those chores. Then, I'd ask your doctor if low impact cardio like elliptical would be okay for you with your lower back injury. But, that being said, you don't need to exercise to lose weight. As long as you eat a deficit you'll see results!
    I hope your year slows down and you get some much needed time to rejuvenate mentally and physically!

    Thanks for your advice and support! I love the elliptical when I go to the gym. We currently don't have a membership bc we're trying to cut back on expenses. But hopefully some walking would be a good start.