Trainer really must be talking rubbish? Help please



  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Without knowing your stats here's some estimations..
    You would need to lose (over) 6.5 lbs per week.. (But for easiest maths we'll say 6.5)- that's a 3250 calorie deficit per day, which means your TDEE would need to be 4450 if you're eating 1200 calories.

    If it were possible for you to do that (it almost certainly is not), I surely would not recommend it.
    I can't imagine you would have much energy eating 1200 cals and trying to do all that exercise, and I can't imagine that would be enough exercise to achieve a 4450 TDEE, unless you are very over weight. (You'd probably need to run a marathon to burn that many calories per day, or weigh like 500 lbs..?)

    To put that in perspective I weigh 148lb and on a Tuesday can get a total burn of just over 4000 Calories but that involves :

    30 min cardio heavy PT session
    45 min Zumba Class
    45 min Insanity Class
    45 min Boxercise

    Plus walking to and fro between classes and school run (total of around 40000 steps)

    My highest ever total burn was at a fitness weekend away when I not only did 8 classes but also danced in the evening until gone midnight. That was an almost 5000 Calorie day. But I'm used to that level of activity and built up to it over the last couple of years, and I eat a lot more than 1200 Calories (3000/day). If I tried to do that on 1200 Calories I'm sure I'd crash and burn after the first couple of classes as would someone who isn't used to that much activity. Oh and even I need to take a break and have at least one day a week when all I do is walk and my burn is closer to 2500.

  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    It *might* be physically possible, but you'd get good and sick in the process, and as soon as you stopped killing yourswlf, the weight would come right back.
    Your trainer either does not have the proper training themself. Or they do not actually have your best health interests in mind.
  • the0cuteness
    the0cuteness Posts: 7 Member
    Fast weight loss is a risk factor for gallstones. You’ll have terrible pain and then need surgery to remove the gallbladder. And they might not be able to remove it right away so you’ll need a stent put in while waiting months for surgery.
  • CaptainJoy
    CaptainJoy Posts: 257 Member
    This is entirely possible but it would be temporary. Unless you understand cico, maintaining that kind of loss is nearly impossible. You’d likely not only regain the weight, but gain more than you lost.

    My family left me for one month to care for my dying father-in-law 30 years ago. I lost 25-30 pounds that month. Oatmeal for breakfast, 2 scrambled eggs on brotchen for lunch, tuna on dry toast for dinner. Black coffee and water to drink. A daily vitamin. Calisthenics every morning & night; walking 5 miles to and from work; dancing in my spare time. It felt good but it was temporary. I didn’t waste away but I couldn’t maintain it when my family returned. I understand nutrition, cico, and the need for patience and consistency now. I am healthier and leaner than ever because I eat and exercise in a sustainable fashion.