Gaining weight but ruled out all causes?

Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello everyone. I've been doing well for the most part; I'm 7 months in and nearly 50 pounds down. Hope to hit 80 down by the end of the year! =)

Anywho, I have not only not been losing lately, I've been gaining. I have not upped my sodium, I still drink plenty of water, I have not decreased my exercise and I have not upped my calories. The only change I can think of is that instead of burning my calories using he stairs I'm not doing the stairs less often and taking walks a lot more.. Could this change in exercise account for the gain? It's also not my period time.

I'm not sure whats going on.. as I continue my healthy eating/exercise but I'm putting on a few pounds. This isn't from daily weighing either. This is over the course of a week and 1/2.

Hope someone can help!


  • Try changing something...change your workout routine, change your diet, or take a week off from it all and come back to it. Your body gets very used to whatever you are doing, so you must continually challenge yourself, and change it up. About every 4-6 weeks is what I hear. The more you have to lose, the easier it is, once you get down closer to your goal the last part will be harder. Also try taking a little break from your diet once a week wihtout going overboard. Good job so far though, don't give up. I was down about 70 pounds at one point and have gained back about 20 in the last few years from pregnancy two times in a row. It's turning out to be way harder to get back down where I was this time around. And that was even the end goal, I still have more to go after that.
  • heather3879
    heather3879 Posts: 26 Member
    Have you increased your carbs or sugars? Check your food diaries and see - I know these are big weight-gain culprits for me. And stairs are definitely higher-intensity exercise than walking, so try increasing the intensity of your walks...walk at a faster speed, go to an area with lots of hills, do some running intervals, or stop to add in lunges, squats, jumping jacks, etc. every few minutes. There are lots of walking workouts online you could check out. I know has many. Good luck!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Sounds like you need to up your workout. . . If you go walking strap on some ankle weights. . . or carry hand weights. . . walk faster or take longer strides. . Perhaps some walking lunges in there. . .

    If your body becomes too accustomed to the routine that you are doing it is going to be content to stay right where it is at. . . So throw it a curve. .. Throw in a new exercise tape upping your level or cardio. . .

    As the other person stated. . switch up your routine. . .

    This should shake your body lose and you should start to see change happening. . .And depending on how much you still have to lose you may need to increase your caloric intake. .
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Wow, you have done so, so well with your weight loss and it must be so frustrating to reach a plateau. I have not lost anywhere near what you have, but I reached a bit of a halt for 10 days and for 1 day only I over ate at lunchtime by 666 cals (no plan in the number I was aiming between 500-700) I did no exercise that day. so it was like a `day off` except I planned to overeat at luchtime and kept my breakfast and dinner cals as usual. I did not go over carbs/protein/sodium etc.

    It has got me back on track and things are moving slowly again

    Maybe checking out zigzagging calories may help you? I have only been doing this for over a month so after 7 months maybe your body has got into a routine with the food and exercise and you need to try something different?

    good luck x
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