Favorite foods you like to eat while losing weight?

What are all of your favorite snacks or food to eat while you’re trying to lose weight? Write them down so others can see and maybe even want to try!! I like to try new things.


  • maggibailey
    maggibailey Posts: 289 Member
    Goldfish! 140 calories for a good size portion, I eat them almost everyday
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    Spicy shrimp tacos
    Bbq chicken or steak Caesar salad
    Butternut Squash

    These are surprisingly low calorie foods that I lean on more now.
  • Beaudom91
    Beaudom91 Posts: 54 Member
    I just eat what I've always eaten, if I feel like a certain food, I eat it. It's just a matter of working it into my calories for the day to maintain a deficit.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Same things I loved before, just in portions within my calorie limit.

    Yep ... this!

    And I also went to several grocery stores and markets to have a really good look at what was available that both looked like it might taste good and would still be relatively low cal.

    sijomial wrote: »
    I spend twice as much per bottle of wine but drink half as much.

    Also this ... only with chocolate. :)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Yes, yes! to everything that has been said.

    I also want to address the word "trying", because it is tightly tied up to your question. My previous weightloss endeavours have been exactly that - trying to lose weight. I would lose all the weight I wanted, but regain after. The attitude I had then, was that weight management was, and had to be, a struggle, and that I needed to exercise and eat special food. Exactly the opposite - food I like, in appropriate amounts, and making movement a natural part of my life - has made weight loss and maintenance virtually effortless. This is the "secret" that "nobody" wants you to know. Because there isn't much money to be made from people who eat normal food, but not too much, and lots of gym memberships are sold to "burn off" the excess calories people eat because the diet they're on, makes them feel miserable.

    We's all excited when we start out. That isn't the determining factor of whether our plan is a good plan.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    All the foods!
  • cindytoronto
    cindytoronto Posts: 13 Member
    When i decrease portion size i increase variety and that keeps me satisfied. For example, dinner might be a small soup, baked fish with a sauce, at least four different viggies (some cooked, some raw, some pickled) and a few cubes of a good cheese.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Oma827 wrote: »
    Whole foods that don’t need an ingredient list make me full and satisfied. I am working on habits for a lifetime; at the same time, living a wonderful life with friends and family. Those foods exist at restaurants and friends’ houses, and no one cares what you put in your mouth as long as you are there to join in the conversation!

    These types of foods make up most of my diet regardless of my goals - losing, gaining, maintaining...whatever!

    OP, I eat the same foods, basing most of my meals around protein and vegies, with yummy fats too. When I'm losing, I tend to pick lower cal vegies - eg, swap potato for pumpkin, more non starchy choices. Fruit is the same - when losing I eat loads of berries, less other things (banana, apple etc). I try to get the most volume for my budget
  • brittneyalley
    brittneyalley Posts: 274 Member
    I make filling salads (that actually taste good!). I can have a pretty large bowl of salad for less than 300 calories. Just have to make sure not to put too much dressing, sometimes I skip it.

    Pretzels and hummus are my guilty pleasure. I eat it almost daily (sometimes 2-3x/day) with hot sauce.

    Yasso Greek frozen yogurt is good too. 100 calories for a ice cream-like popcicle thing. They have cookies and cream, mint chocolate chip, etc, and they're all good!
  • rawrrgenn
    rawrrgenn Posts: 118 Member
    Frozen grapes are good. :smile:
  • JasmineDiver22
    JasmineDiver22 Posts: 148 Member
    I love me some pesto chicken breast with green beans and cherry tomatoes. I also love the simplynature sweet potato chips. And I love me some almonds! Oh and chocolate almond milk. Halo top is decent when I’m feeling like I’m gonna die if I don’t have anything for my monthly lol.

    Keep posting your favs!!!
  • crazykatlady820
    crazykatlady820 Posts: 301 Member
    My favorite food to eat always is chili. I'm eating some right now. It's spicy goodness!