exercise routine help

i dont know much about exercise routines.
when i go to the gym which varies between 3 to 5 days a week approximately 30 to 60 minutes each session.
i dont have much a variety.
when i'm at the gym i just do my cardio and it's usually on the eliptical.
i need help on a good exercise routine.
if anyone has any suggestions, that would be fantastic :)<3


  • EnS1110
    EnS1110 Posts: 10
    What type of equipment do you have accessible at the gym?
  • gabrielleshannonhatt
    anything you can think of. elipticals, treadmils, bikes, weights, various weight machines for different parts of your body such as legs, stomach, arms, back, etc.
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    My workouts 3 x weights with 6 x cardio a week (morning and evening)
    Keep my sessions 30mins max at a time
    Never once been to gym so cant help on that.
  • jcannon15
    jcannon15 Posts: 148
    i love the gym i mainly spin,but i mixed in at home workouts mainly beachbody's workouts for a change or on days i dont feel like going.