Can I ask a stupid Shred question?

I see a lot of people posting that they are on Level 1, day 5, etc. Where did you find the schedule for x number of days at each level? I bought the video and started with level 1. It was totally doable so I went to level 2. Did that a few times and went to level 3. I'm not doing 30 days in a row currently--mostly using it as a filler for days that I can't get a run in (I'm currently training for a half-marathon). I guess I'm wondering if I took the wrong approach?



  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    Each level should be for 10 days - that's how you come to 30 day shred:smile: I have seen some do it to a tee and others more sparatically - guess it just depends on each individual. Great job getting through all three levels! I made it through the 1st one but never moved on.
  • lucky1304
    lucky1304 Posts: 57 Member
    Each level should be for 10 days - that's how you come to 30 day shred:smile: I have seen some do it to a tee and others more sparatically - guess it just depends on each individual. Great job getting through all three levels! I made it through the 1st one but never moved on.

    Is it meant to be done for 30 days in a row? I tried to look on her Web site but didn't find anything but a bunch of videos for sale!

    Also, thanks for the reply. Math has never been my strong point, but three levels in 30 days totally makes sense! :)
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    Everything I've ever heard, it's meant to be done consecutively for 30 days.
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    As far as I understand, you don't HAVE to do each level in 10 days.

    I personally moved on when each level felt easy to do - which is how the DVD says to do it. So I'd say you're doing it right and if you're on level 3, that's a good filler exercise if you're not committing to the 30-day-in-a-row-shred.
  • jesilva80
    jesilva80 Posts: 287 Member
    Ive seen people skip back and forth between levels if their bored and do that for 30 days as well. But yes 10 days each level is the way it supposed to go , it might be on the start part of the DVD
  • rwuchic
    rwuchic Posts: 20 Member
    It's suppose to be 10 days at each level for 30 days straight with no breaks. A lot of people do modified version though. When I'm not doing the 30 day thing I use the videos as quick filler to get some good exercise in.
  • lucky1304
    lucky1304 Posts: 57 Member
    Ive seen people skip back and forth between levels if thee bored and di that for 30 days as well. But yes 10 days each level is the way it supposed to go , it might be on the start part of the DVD

    I was just thinking that. It must in an instructional part of the DVD that I skipped. Is it just me, or are you forced to watch Jillian give her little speech each and every time you put the DVD in? That drives me crazy.
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    Hahaha, I did the same thing (looking at the website) thought it was funny that they wanted to sell me more videos when I couldn't even figure out how to do the one I purchased. I ended up doing math which I think is what most people did 30Days/3 Levels = 10 Days per level. Way to go on working through the levels so quickly.

    There is a routine that incorporates most (if not all) of her videos so it provides some variation. There's a thread on here that has the schedule posted
  • karenp84
    karenp84 Posts: 119
    Ive seen people skip back and forth between levels if thee bored and di that for 30 days as well. But yes 10 days each level is the way it supposed to go , it might be on the start part of the DVD

    I was just thinking that. It must in an instructional part of the DVD that I skipped. Is it just me, or are you forced to watch Jillian give her little speech each and every time you put the DVD in? That drives me crazy.

    Lol i must have skipped that part too because i thought u would just move on after level 1 i couldn't figure out what the 30 days were about untill i googled it.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Is it just me, or are you forced to watch Jillian give her little speech each and every time you put the DVD in? That drives me crazy.

    I finally figured out that if you stop the DVD when you finish (I do it before she even finishes her little talk), when you hit play the next day (or whenver) it will start right from there, and then will take you back to the place where you select the Level you want - rather than WAY BACK to the beginning!
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I was just thinking that. It must in an instructional part of the DVD that I skipped. Is it just me, or are you forced to watch Jillian give her little speech each and every time you put the DVD in? That drives me crazy.

    I hated that too ... I realized if I just left it where it was, stopped the DVD and just changed the TV back to my cable, I could start it up where I left off the day before w/out having to listen to that whole thing again and again!
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    Each level should be for 10 days - that's how you come to 30 day shred:smile: I have seen some do it to a tee and others more sparatically - guess it just depends on each individual. Great job getting through all three levels! I made it through the 1st one but never moved on.

    Is it meant to be done for 30 days in a row? I tried to look on her Web site but didn't find anything but a bunch of videos for sale!

    Also, thanks for the reply. Math has never been my strong point, but three levels in 30 days totally makes sense! :)
    Yes 30 days in a row - but that was tough for me working full time and having two kids - so i figure anything is better than nothing. The workout is great for the time alotted and i was really doing it to switch things up a bit from my usual walking excercise.
  • Txifonly
    Txifonly Posts: 43 Member
    Lucky1304 I totally agree with you. I've been doing Shred for about 8 days and have been looking for a way to bypass her intro every morning. Isn't once enough to watch it? lol I have been starting the video, then going to get my weights, put on my shoes, test my blood sugar, etc while it is going thru the intro. I'm considering turning down the volume and putting in my ipod. I already know what comes next and can watch for cues on when to change from cardio to strength while listening to some good upbeat tunes instead of the same comments from her every day.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I think most people do 10 days of each level, and that is what I did as well.

    However, now that I finished the 30 days, I go back and mix it up. Last Sundya I did all 3 levels back to back but with about a 15-20 minute rest in between each one.

    I know others who felt one level or another was too easy after less than 10 days and moved ahead. It's all about what is right for you. I personally stuck with the full 10 days on each level b/c I wanted to get to a point where I was doing every single move unmodified before I moved on to the next level and I'm happy to say that I did it! :)
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    I was just thinking that. It must in an instructional part of the DVD that I skipped. Is it just me, or are you forced to watch Jillian give her little speech each and every time you put the DVD in? That drives me crazy.

    I hated that too ... I realized if I just left it where it was, stopped the DVD and just changed the TV back to my cable, I could start it up where I left off the day before w/out having to listen to that whole thing again and again!

    Haha - I tend to mute her. I even tried doing the workout to just the music instead of listening to her.
  • lucky1304
    lucky1304 Posts: 57 Member
    I love all the helpful little tips I've gotten from this thread. Thanks, guys! It never even occurred to me to divide the number 30 by the number of levels, but I work with words (not numbers), so it doesn't surprise me that I'd make such a silly oversight.

    I keep thinking that I'd like to give the 30 days in a row thing a whirl, but I'm a little worried it will be too much time/effort in combination with half-marathon training. As it is, I did the video on Monday, then ran Tuesday and today, and my knee is KILLING me. Still, I can't get over this little nugget that believes I'll really lose the crazy amount of weight she guarantees if I do the video for 30 days straight. I'd almost be willing to abandon the half-marathon if it were true (what is it, like 16 pounds in 30 days?)!
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    Lucky1304 I totally agree with you. I've been doing Shred for about 8 days and have been looking for a way to bypass her intro every morning. Isn't once enough to watch it? lol I have been starting the video, then going to get my weights, put on my shoes, test my blood sugar, etc while it is going thru the intro. I'm considering turning down the volume and putting in my ipod. I already know what comes next and can watch for cues on when to change from cardio to strength while listening to some good upbeat tunes instead of the same comments from her every day.
    There is actually an option on the dvd to just do the music without her commentary - nice feature they added in:smile:
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Actually JM tells you to move on when you are comfortable. I do believe most ppl do each level for 10 days each, but I didn't move on from L1 until I could successfully do the jumping jacks. And yes, it took longer than 10 days. Good luck!
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    I love all the helpful little tips I've gotten from this thread. Thanks, guys! It never even occurred to me to divide the number 30 by the number of levels, but I work with words (not numbers), so it doesn't surprise me that I'd make such a silly oversight.

    I keep thinking that I'd like to give the 30 days in a row thing a whirl, but I'm a little worried it will be too much time/effort in combination with half-marathon training. As it is, I did the video on Monday, then ran Tuesday and today, and my knee is KILLING me. Still, I can't get over this little nugget that believes I'll really lose the crazy amount of weight she guarantees if I do the video for 30 days straight. I'd almost be willing to abandon the half-marathon if it were true (what is it, like 16 pounds in 30 days?)!
    Yea the "20 lbs in 30 days" was definitely one of the reasons i bought it - but i have a feeling that is for people significantly over weight - you tend to lose faster. Unfortunately i didnt get through the full 30 days to see if i could accomplish 20 lbs - maybe i ought to try again!
  • lucky1304
    lucky1304 Posts: 57 Member
    I would love to believe that I could get to lower than my goal weight in 30 days if I do the Shred for 30 consecutive days (I believe you also have to follow her diet, but I'm already doing 1200 calories here, so it must be comparable). But I really don't believe it. I am fighting tooth and nail to lose a pound a week!