Keto Newbie

Just wondering if anyone can tell me how I did.
I'm only allowed 22 carbs, 134 grams of fat and 108 grams of protein.
I couldn't figure out what to add on top to finish the rest of my fats up.
It seemed like when I added something I lost out on something else. For example
I added more fats but went over my calories or vice versa.utmcwo58epg8.png


  • fightingweight155
    fightingweight155 Posts: 90 Member
    You did great. I wouldn't be concerned with adding fat to hit that macro exactly. As long as you stick to your carb level, you should be good. If you haven't already joined, there are low carb and keto groups in the group section where you will get more tips.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Protein is a goal you want to hit, or be close to. You did great with that.

    Carbs are a ceiling that you want to try to stay under. You did fine there too.

    Fats are just what fill in the rest. If you are hungry, then hit or exceed your fat macro (although exceeding it too often will not result in weight loss). A hungry day may have 140g of fat but a less hungry day may only have 90g. KWIM? If you are not hungry, do not force the fat. Let you body provide the fat for fuel in that case.

    Are you at maintenance now? Or are you trying to slowly lose?
  • laughingtheweightaway
    laughingtheweightaway Posts: 2 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hi I'm so sorry for responding so late. I didn't think anyone would answer me so I kinda drifted off. ^__^:;
    I'm actually trying to lose slowly. I just started low carb almost 2 weeks ago. I went from 242 to 233. I know its water weight but it just feels good to see the numbers going down.
  • pumasareace
    pumasareace Posts: 28 Member
    I would definitely try and increase your fiber, otherwise you will end up with gut issues further down the line :-)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    If your allotted calories are around 1700, that's what you have to stick to, if you want to lose weight. You can distribute your calories as you want. Macro split is supposed to make it easier to stick to your calorie target, not make it harder. You don't just have to figure out how to eat, you have to stick to it too, and for a long, long time. If you like low carb/high fat/high protein, it will be easy. If you like a more moderate distribution, it will be hard. Fat is the most calorie heavy macronutrient, so if you add more fat, and don't remove anything, you will go over on your calories.

    At your current weight, you can lose quite fast (2 pounds per week). But that takes sticking to your calories.
  • CrazyCarbContessa
    CrazyCarbContessa Posts: 21 Member
    I eat walnuts, bbq pork rinds or 1/2 an avocado to increase fat without really increasing the protein or carbs. If you like any of those, they are a great staple for the Keto Lifestyle. I incorporate them into my meal plan EVERYDAY! I make a guacamole and use the pork rinds for my chips. I also do tuna salad boats with the avocados. The walnuts satisfy my need to snack on something CRUNCHY and they are a great brain food. I buy them in the shell so I have to work for my food and it prevents me from just mindlessly eating shelled ones right out of the bag. I don't eat more than 3 or 4 whole walnuts a day and that is 75-100 cals. I eat 1 whole avocado everyday. 1/2 with my breakfast and 1/2 at another meal unless I'm making the guacamole and then I will use a whole one with 1/2 an oz of pork rinds. Hope this helps and Good Luck!