How long is to long.

Im told binge eating your body can only proses so maney cal at once and the rest is lost, for example, i normaly intake around 1800 cal a day and one day i eat 6000 cal, my body will only take in about 3000 of them since it is not use to it. dose excersize work the same way? If i were to excersize for 3 hours and burn 1400 cal would my body stop burning at some point?


  • Veggychick
    Veggychick Posts: 10 Member
    I am not sure if working that way will work for most people but I used to train for marathons, so I was running between 10 and 20 miles once a week and doing nothing during the week and still lost weight. Maybe burning a ton of calories at once helps?
  • rainbowbuggy
    I have heard that it is called "overtraining. So I think the answer is "Yes" because at some point it becomes counter productive
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    You'll probably drop dead at some point.
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 480 Member
    <<<<< Not a dietician and not a trainer. From my understanding, your body will take its energy from different sources as exercises continues. First it takes energy (cals) from the food you eat, then from fat stores in your body, and then from muscle. Its commonplace for those trying to build muscle mass, not to do high intensity cardio or long sessions of cardio because they don't want to burn muscle away as well.

    Most of us when we start to lose the weight, we lose body fat AND muscle. I know I did with my long cardio sessions and I was OK w/ that to begin with.

    Just my 2 cents... take a penny if you'd like.
  • jfarmer1226
    jfarmer1226 Posts: 16 Member
    If you aren't consuming enough calories to sustain a 3 hour workout..then yes, your body will start to hoard the calories instead of burning them. And where did you hear that if you eat 6,000 calories that your body will only take in 3,000 because it can't handle it? I'm pretty sure if you eat 6,000 calories...your body has no choice but to take it because you put it in your body in the first place. It will store all of the unneeded calories as fat.....and then you have to work even harder to burn them off. And if you starve yourself 6 days out of the week and then binge on one day....your metabolism will be so out of will hold on and hoard all of those excess calories.