Need help with Plateau



  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    as you get closer to goal it's going to be harder to lose. also, you lost a significant amount of weight in a short period of time. the smaller you needs fewer calories than the larger you did. so it's worth it to recalculate at your current weight.

    other than that, how are you logging? do you use a food scale? verify that database entries are correct? when you have less to lose these details matter more.

    The bolded is a very good point. At 5' 11" and 170ish lbs, you're in the "not much to lose" category. As such, you won't have the same type of wiggle room and margin for error as others do. Heck, as you did when you started.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    mariom1112 wrote: »
    @ jess i do use a weight scale, and my diet - the additional indulgence on Sunday have been the same
    And i have recalculated ect, but one thing that stumps me is am i “ Active” or “ Very Active”
    That in itself would make a world of difference

    Whatever activity level you choose, you have to evaluate it based on your real life results. What you know right now is that you increased your calories and you aren't seeing the results that you want.
  • mariom1112
    mariom1112 Posts: 61 Member
    @ jpo, my confusion comes with that if i was eating 2400 lbs a day and losing 2 lbs a week (which 2lbs is 7000 cals) then you take 2400 x 7 = 16800 and add the 2 lbs you were losing which is 7k cals you get 23800 / 7 days a week my mait. Should be 3400 a day which eating 2800 should have me at a 600 deficit a day which in turn should be losing close to 1 lb a week not maintaining it, this is where i am struggling on the plateau bus.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    mariom1112 wrote: »
    @ jpo, my confusion comes with that if i was eating 2400 lbs a day and losing 2 lbs a week (which 2lbs is 7000 cals) then you take 2400 x 7 = 16800 and add the 2 lbs you were losing which is 7k cals you get 23800 / 7 days a week my mait. Should be 3400 a day which eating 2800 should have me at a 600 deficit a day which in turn should be losing close to 1 lb a week not maintaining it, this is where i am struggling on the plateau bus.

    You're comparing math to real life. Math is precise and exact and predictable. Real life isn't. Regardless of what the math has you wanting to believe, your real life experiences tell a different story... a story where 3400 cals per day is NOT your maintenance (based on how you log).
  • mariom1112
    mariom1112 Posts: 61 Member
    Thats a very solid point, just kinda stunned that the difference between me losing 2 lbs a week and losing none is 300 cals, and that is the reality of the calorie world that i have to accept.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    Except that I doubt that difference is actually 300 cals. I'd bet there is something off in your logging/estimating somewhere that accounts for the difference.
  • batorkin
    batorkin Posts: 281 Member
    edited December 2017
    I highly doubt you were losing 2.4 pounds a week and eating 2500 calories/day at your height/weight, it's basically impossible. I'm not surprise to see you maintaining at 2800 calories/day.

    Exercising/lifting does little for weight loss. Even in extreme daily workouts, it's only about 20% of what a good diet does. Another 300 calories/day would mean another 20-30 minutes EVERY DAY of intense exercise.

    Your waist is already 30". You wear a small shirt. That's tiny for most men. You can't expect to lose much more... especially at 2800 calories a day. At those calories + lifting, you are probably putting on muscle which is going to increase your weight in a good way.
  • mariom1112
    mariom1112 Posts: 61 Member
    I would gaurentee that my log is 99% spot on, its repetitive food, same thing for months on months, i scale everything, and working out isnt where alot of my energy goes to, im a auto mechanic who works 12 hours shifts, who walks 20k plus steps a day and do a lot of wrenching.
  • mariom1112
    mariom1112 Posts: 61 Member
    And 2.4 a week is an average of the total amount of time to the amount of weight ive lost. That would be a weekly average.
  • mariom1112
    mariom1112 Posts: 61 Member
    When i was 15 years old i was 225 lbs and dropped to 155 lbs in 7 months, my body has seen rapid change.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited December 2017
    mariom1112 wrote: »
    And 2.4 a week is an average of the total amount of time to the amount of weight ive lost. That would be a weekly average.

    So you were you were losing less per week more recently? This is information that could help people help you out here. You were not at a 2.4 pound a week deficit until just recently, that represents your *average* deficit during the total time you were losing weight, correct?

    Your deficit was already smaller due to your progress and you increased your calories to an amount that meant you were no longer at a deficit. So, if you still want to lose weight, make adjustments to put yourself back at a deficit.

  • mariom1112
    mariom1112 Posts: 61 Member
    When i began i was seeing 3 lbs, 4 lbs,
    When towards the end month it was 2 lbs
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    mariom1112 wrote: »
    And 2.4 a week is an average of the total amount of time to the amount of weight ive lost. That would be a weekly average.

    Ah, that's potentially meaningful...
  • mariom1112
    mariom1112 Posts: 61 Member
    I believe im going to drop my cals to 2450 and see what happens, the biggest issue and a reason i went up after the rest week was i was mentally and physically exhuasted and i felt myself feeling dissy at work due to this.
  • batorkin
    batorkin Posts: 281 Member
    edited December 2017
    mariom1112 wrote: »
    And 2.4 a week is an average of the total amount of time to the amount of weight ive lost. That would be a weekly average.

    At 2800 and your height/weight, you'd likely be very slowly gaining if it wasn't for your active lifestyle. You are eating to much, it's as simple as that. Plus, you are a small-built guy if you are already wearing 30" pants and small shirts at your BMI. You may need to eat less than the average guy or what the calculators recommend.

    Cut out 300-500 calories a day if you want to keep losing, that last bit of fat takes a lot more effort than the rest. It's hard to keep a very low body fat %.
    mariom1112 wrote: »
    When i was 15 years old i was 225 lbs and dropped to 155 lbs in 7 months, my body has seen rapid change.

    At 15 we could all drop weight much easier and maintain it easier. Getting to 155 again will be very hard at a later age.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    At least you get bonus points from me for spelling "plateau" correctly.

    (I think I've been here too long.)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    mariom1112 wrote: »
    I believe im going to drop my cals to 2450 and see what happens, the biggest issue and a reason i went up after the rest week was i was mentally and physically exhuasted and i felt myself feeling dissy at work due to this.

    So why not just stay at maintenance for a while, give yourself a break
  • mariom1112
    mariom1112 Posts: 61 Member
    I would like to hit 165 thats the goal i want to be at. Im
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    mariom1112 wrote: »
    I would like to hit 165 thats the goal i want to be at. Im

    so set your calorie goal to lose 0.5lb per week, and expect the last 7lbs to come off slow so you can retain muscle.
  • mariom1112
    mariom1112 Posts: 61 Member
    That is what im doing! I used the HB formula & the mifflin formula and i dropped my cals fo 2480 which should put me down to a 1lb a week and taking all the extra sodium out my diet as i love it to much, and i honestly believe just cutting sodium out will put me under my 170.