I don't get intermittent fasting.



  • bernadettenz
    bernadettenz Posts: 252 Member
    I have skipped breakfast for well over 30 years. I did not know it was a 'thing' until I came to MFP.
    On work days I eat two meals between about 12 and 6pm. On home days I prefer to eat one huge meal about 4pm. I get my calories in either way.
    I have been slim for most of my life, gaining weight for the first time about eight years ago when I gave up smoking and ate everything in sight.
    I don't think I would eat this way if it wasn't so easy for me to do. I don't feel hungry and I have heaps of energy. I don't use the words IF to describe how I eat. It just is what it is.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    IF is a blanket term used for everything from eating windows like 16:8 or the like, to fasting 24 hours 1 or 2 times a week to establish a calorie deficit. In terms of the first, I have seen little evidence of there being positive effects other than an eating pattern that I happen to prefer. In terms of the other, there is some evidence of it providing other health benefits beyond simply losing fat. It also is a way that people who consistently eat the same thing can establish a calorie deficit simply by cutting out the calories of 2 meal during the 24-hour fast period one or two times a week without logging. While I have done that, my tendency is not to consistently eat the same sort of things, so it is an ineffective way for me to establish a calorie deficit. Neither will cause fat loss faster than eating at a similar weekly calorie deficit. I wouldn't really call them a fad expect in terms of those who portray them at doing something magical to boost metabolism resulting in faster fat loss than a similar calorie deficit established in other ways eating with other patterns.
  • Anon2018
    Anon2018 Posts: 139 Member
    Thanks guys - OP here, not trying to mock, just saying - I don't get it. I see it on the boards - lots of folks saying things like, "oh my weight loss really kickstarted when I found IF" or recommending it to folks who are hitting plateaus. I also do low carb (again, not keto), but look up a lot of LC type recipes and end up on a keto blog here or there and see a lot of cross pollination between the two lifestyles. When I read about keto, I see what supporters are getting at, I just prefer to just keep carbs to a minimum to help me keep my calorie deficit and moderate cravings, and don't really see any value in putting my body into any kind of magic state. When I read about IF, all I can think is "that sounds like a really fancy way to say you skip breakfast", lol. I can totally see why it would help an individual moderate calories - I also am a person who prefers satisfying meals, so I typically don't snack, and split my 1400 calories into approx 200-500-700 since I like to enjoy nice hearty dinner with my SO. I don't really see how it would help any given person lose weight vs. a comparable diet where a person eats breakfast. I'm also asking because I could also pretty easily skip breakfast and eat two 700-700 meals instead, but wasn't sure there was any point to it, yknow? I guess my assessment was pretty accurate for how most reasonable people think of it, with some obvious outliers who think it's some kind of magic. I also admit I found the term "fasting" a little ridiculous to refer to skipping one meal, but if it works for people's mentalities, than that's great. I think I'm going to stick to what I'm doing now, but appreciate the folks who took the time to explain to me. I've been at this for 10 weeks and have lost 8.6 pounds, so relatively steady (I'm 155 and 4'11"), so guess it's always good to look into "well, if I just cut 30 more carbs, or skipped breakfast, would I be losing faster?". Sounds like the answer is no...
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    Anon2018 wrote: »
    Thanks guys - OP here, not trying to mock, just saying - I don't get it. I see it on the boards - lots of folks saying things like, "oh my weight loss really kickstarted when I found IF" or recommending it to folks who are hitting plateaus. I also do low carb (again, not keto), but look up a lot of LC type recipes and end up on a keto blog here or there and see a lot of cross pollination between the two lifestyles. When I read about keto, I see what supporters are getting at, I just prefer to just keep carbs to a minimum to help me keep my calorie deficit and moderate cravings, and don't really see any value in putting my body into any kind of magic state. When I read about IF, all I can think is "that sounds like a really fancy way to say you skip breakfast", lol. I can totally see why it would help an individual moderate calories - I also am a person who prefers satisfying meals, so I typically don't snack, and split my 1400 calories into approx 200-500-700 since I like to enjoy nice hearty dinner with my SO. I don't really see how it would help any given person lose weight vs. a comparable diet where a person eats breakfast. I'm also asking because I could also pretty easily skip breakfast and eat two 700-700 meals instead, but wasn't sure there was any point to it, yknow? I guess my assessment was pretty accurate for how most reasonable people think of it, with some obvious outliers who think it's some kind of magic. I also admit I found the term "fasting" a little ridiculous to refer to skipping one meal, but if it works for people's mentalities, than that's great. I think I'm going to stick to what I'm doing now, but appreciate the folks who took the time to explain to me. I've been at this for 10 weeks and have lost 8.6 pounds, so relatively steady (I'm 155 and 4'11"), so guess it's always good to look into "well, if I just cut 30 more carbs, or skipped breakfast, would I be losing faster?". Sounds like the answer is no...

    The use of fasting to refer to this is that is it extends ones overnight fast that is all. Just because the fast is only 16 hours does not make it not fasting. Having said that, I agree that they are some who present it as some sort of magic way of eating that overcomes the basic rules of calories in needing to be less than calories out. That is the issue of the various other things you have mentioned as well, but again, not everyone looks at them as some way to overcome CI<CO. Some simply see even low carb, keto, and others as ways to eat that work for them.
  • WhereIsPJSoles
    WhereIsPJSoles Posts: 622 Member
    Yeah, most of the time I hear the word “fast” it’s used medically - as in “come to your appointment fasted” and I assume that most people know that means they don’t have to skip like 3 meals prior to the appointment.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    edited December 2017
    I do it to keep me from overeating. I like to eat tell full so if I start early I will overeat. It also is cheap (eating nothing for a meal is cheap). It also takes less meal planning for the meals you skip. It does give the heart a break from digesting food. My heart rate is 40-45bpm while fasted in the mornings and as soon as I eat something it will go to 55-60bpm (I've measured this numerous times and that happens every time). Some claim it increases human growth hormone production and also that it promotes autophagy which cleans out cells, and also it is supposed to help with insulin resistance since it causes periods of time of low insulin since there is not food consumption to drive insulin levels up. I've measured my blood sugar levels many times while fasted and I don't think I've ever gone under 70 after a 20-hr fast.

    I've lost 57-lbs doing a 20:4 IF routine. I'm not sure if it is just form losing the weight and sleeping better (no snoring now) and being more diligent with taking supplements, but I don't hardly get sick anymore whereas I used to get sick all the time. I do feel much better during the day if I fast than if I eat carbs earlier in the day which will make me very hungry and give me an afternoon crash. I never get an afternoon crash if I fast through lunch. Those are some of the things I've noticed while fasting. I've also maintained for two years now mostly doing a 16:8 IF diet.

    It's been a very good thing for me. Eating a lot of small meals for me would be extremely difficult because I would never get to eat tell satiety. If that works for someone, that is fine but that doesn't work very well for me at all. It is much less pain for me to just not eat anything and then to be able to eat tell full later. I eat ad libitum in my four hour eating window. I don't count calories or measure anything and it is very nice not having to do that. I just follow the bathroom scale. If it's not going the right way, I get back on a 20:4 and I lose. If that didn't work, I would shorten the eating window tell it did.
  • twistedhailstone
    twistedhailstone Posts: 26 Member
    I found that I feel better by not eating breakfast at "breakfast time" and consume food within a smaller window of time. I wouldn't say I was fasting as I still try to eat a certain amount of kcals but it has stopped me eating for eating's sake.
    DYLPICKEL Posts: 100 Member
    Anon2018 wrote: »
    So, obviously keto and IF are the fad diets du jour. I've done a lot of research and thought about keto, and don't want to get into it, but I simply don't GET intermittent fasting.

    First of all, the 16/8 deal is just....skipping breakfast? TBH I don't really see how that's fasting or why that would have any metabolic effect. I fast once a year for religious reasons (I'm jewish and fast for 24 hours on Yom Kippur), and it's an actual 24 hour fast. I don't really see how waiting til lunch counts as a fast. Plus some people have bulletproof coffee (i.e. coffee with butter) as breakfast during a fast. Like, you're not fasting if you eat a stick of butter during it.

    While I may or may not agree with other fad diets, I at least see what people are trying to get out of it. With intermittent fasting, I just don't get what the goal of it even is. Is it just that if you eat less often you'll consume less calories? TBH I eat low carb (not keto) and I do see that it's easier for me to wait between meals vs. when I was eating higher carb BUT I stlil enjoy eating all my meals an the occasional snack.

    With IF I dont even get what the dogma is supposed to be - can someone explain?

    Perhaps you are taking the term "Fast" to mean a 24 hour period of time. Breakfast is called that because it Breaks the Fast of having been asleep without food. So 24 hours is not a required time for a fast according to that.

    Being someone who fasts for religious reasons myself I do understand the confusion. : )
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    blambo61 wrote: »
    People with some kinds of cancer are also put on a low carb diet (fasting is very low carb). Some cancers love sugar. Some imaging methods for some cancers include infusing the body with sugar with some attached elements that can be picked up with imaging. The sugar goes to where the cancer is or maybe it is where there is no sugar after it is consumed. I'm not sure but I have a friend who did this imaging about two months ago.

    Fasting is not low carb (technically its low everything) - it's not a diet. I'm eating plenty of carbs, and eat my meals within a reduced time frame
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    blambo61 wrote: »
    People with some kinds of cancer are also put on a low carb diet (fasting is very low carb). Some cancers love sugar. Some imaging methods for some cancers include infusing the body with sugar with some attached elements that can be picked up with imaging. The sugar goes to where the cancer is or maybe it is where there is no sugar after it is consumed. I'm not sure but I have a friend who did this imaging about two months ago.

    Fasting is not low carb (technically its low everything) - it's not a diet. I'm eating plenty of carbs, and eat my meals within a reduced time frame

    QFT. Friday I had 300 grams of carbs within a five hour eating window. Definitely now low carbing.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    edited December 2017
    blambo61 wrote: »
    People with some kinds of cancer are also put on a low carb diet (fasting is very low carb). Some cancers love sugar. Some imaging methods for some cancers include infusing the body with sugar with some attached elements that can be picked up with imaging. The sugar goes to where the cancer is or maybe it is where there is no sugar after it is consumed. I'm not sure but I have a friend who did this imaging about two months ago.

    Fasting is not low carb (technically its low everything) - it's not a diet. I'm eating plenty of carbs, and eat my meals within a reduced time frame

    It is low everything including carbs while your fasting. The point was that your blood sugar will be low while fasting and will also not be as elevated if eating low carb as it would be if eating more carbs. The discussion was on caners liking sugar.
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    I don’t IF every day, but on days where I know I will have a high calorie dinner, I do it. For things like the holiday season or special events, it’s a godsend. I’m not hungry until I eat like something like someone else mentioned, so if I can wait until lunch, all the better
  • PokeyBug
    PokeyBug Posts: 482 Member
    I used IF nearly every day when I first started to get my weight under control, and, honestly, having an eating schedule really worked for me. I tried to eat like a "normal" person (three meals a day) after I lost my weight the first time. I ended up grazing continuously through the day and gaining the weight back. So, I've gone back to doing what works, except I'm not going to try going back to three meals a day once I hit my goal. I'm a late-evening eater, so I don't eat until 4:00 or 5:00 pm most days and finish my eating by 10:00pm. I still manage to eat 1300 calories during those 5 hours, because (as noted), I can't just eat a meal and be done for a few hours. When I hit my goal this time, I'm going to continue with the IFing, because that WOE really suits my personality. Different things work for different people.
  • ketofire51
    ketofire51 Posts: 102 Member
    edited December 2017
    I have skipped breakfast for well over 30 years. I did not know it was a 'thing' until I came to MFP.
    On work days I eat two meals between about 12 and 6pm. On home days I prefer to eat one huge meal about 4pm. I get my calories in either way.
    I have been slim for most of my life, gaining weight for the first time about eight years ago when I gave up smoking and ate everything in sight.
    I don't think I would eat this way if it wasn't so easy for me to do. I don't feel hungry and I have heaps of energy. I don't use the words IF to describe how I eat. It just is what it is.

    A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet! :)