Gained weight after career change

rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
Hi, my name is Rose and I live in MA, US. I'm excited to be here, I think I know a few people who are on this site but I haven't lurked enough to find them yet :) I used to manage a McDonalds for 6 years, and it was amazing how much exercise I got there, lugging boxes, running around like crazy, 8-9 hours a day...most days I was shortstaffed so I didn't even take a break! Anyway, I got tired of it and I now have a great job that I love, but I spend most of the day sitting. I gained 10 pounds since April, and I want to lose the 10 I gained last year as well. So my goal is to lose 20 pounds, I don't think I want to lose much more than that, because I love my curves. But lately there have been rolls where rolls aren't supposed to be and my tummy is much bigger!


  • PeytonSwan
    PeytonSwan Posts: 56 Member
    Ooh .. well I think everybody is going to love to hear that you've gotten away from "McDonalds" :D and I wish you also a great success in losing weight :)!
  • LamsieDee
    that's interesting that you gained AFTER you left mc d! I'd think you'd gain eating the stuff. hey if you want friends, go ahead and invite me.
  • Marietard
    yeah a job where you sit all day makes it harder ... good for you for embracing curves though :) Ironic that you got more exercise working at McDonalds haha
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Thank you, I'm very happy to have left, not just because of the food, but mostly because of the work environment. I'm a much happier person now! And in a few months I hope to be a smaller happier person too :)
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Is it possible to use html in the signature space, to change the font color and size?