Any non drinkers?



  • xxxkjsxxx
    xxxkjsxxx Posts: 5 Member
    I gained 40 pounds over the last 4 years and drinking was a huge part of it!
    I stopped drinking 12 days ago, because I get horrible anxiety the morning after. I hate myself in the morning, even if I didn't do anything wrong!
    Almost 2 weeks in, I feel great.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    Not tee-total but drink very rarely these days, mostly just special occasions.
  • Mrs181
    Mrs181 Posts: 36 Member
    Not totally, I'm still a glass of wine or two on special occasions, but other than that I don't bother.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    6 years! My Son is dying from alcoholism. Just can’t even look at a drink.
  • Arizona_C
    Arizona_C Posts: 1,476 Member
    I haven't had a drink in 6 years. It was hard in the beginning, but over time it's great. To wake up fresh, no head aches, no empty calories, no stupid bills.
  • kemit1976
    kemit1976 Posts: 46 Member
    I quite about 2 years ago. have money in my pocket a straight head and always wake up in the weekend feeling great... I am happy to be a buddy.
  • TriflinTriscuit
    TriflinTriscuit Posts: 14 Member
    Sober almost 2 years! It helps everything. Definitely cool not to have to count those calories too.. the way I drank! <3 happy for you that you made this decision.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I have not had a drink in what will be 3 years this summer. There are 2 reasons I do not drink anymore,
    1. I don't want to.
    2. I simply can't anymore (I realize now that drinking + moderation will never work for me.)

    Life is better without the alcohol. Not drinking is absolutely one of the best choices I've made in life.
  • Alpha12
    Alpha12 Posts: 251 Member
    Thank you everyone! I did "fall off the wagon" :( it's definitely hard! But I really want to live a sober life. I wake up feeling sad and guilty and I can't do it anymore. Everyone always says quitting drinking is the best decision they made and I want that. I'm quitting again today and this is going to be the last time no matter what it takes :)

    I'm in the same boat. I'm quitting today. One day at the time. Wishing you luck!
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    Thank you everyone! I did "fall off the wagon" :( it's definitely hard! But I really want to live a sober life. I wake up feeling sad and guilty and I can't do it anymore. Everyone always says quitting drinking is the best decision they made and I want that. I'm quitting again today and this is going to be the last time no matter what it takes :)

    For the first few weeks it’s best to try and make social events things that are contracting to alcohol or stituation that you won’t be tempted or pressured into it. It gets easy later down the road but for now it’ll be tough since your friends and possibly yourself don’t realize how committed you are. Ask friends to go to a movie, on a hike, or to get coffee. Be honest with them and let them know that you are serious about not drinking.
  • homegrownish
    homegrownish Posts: 3 Member
    I wasn't a drinker often- maybe once or twice a month. But when I did drink, I went hard!
  • MatildaT73
    MatildaT73 Posts: 12 Member
    Battled alcoholism and everything that comes along with it for 24 years....March 28, 2013 was my last drink....Delivered of it the moment I repented and sought the Lord...God is Good <3
  • sviers13
    sviers13 Posts: 109 Member
    Sober since 2012. Gained 50 lbs that first year after I quit and so far I've lost 27 of it. It's taking forever and been a real struggle. I badly want to lose the rest of that weight but addiction is addiction is addiction. Food easily replaces alcohol.
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    32 years here (yeah, you read that right!) for reasons that have nothing to do with weight loss :smile: So grateful!