Need some motivators!

I'm not new to MFP. However, I have gained a lot of the weight I lost back. :( I am a F 5'5' weighing 210 and looking for some friends to help motivate each other, share food diaries (tips/tricks) I'd like to get down to 145-155. I know that is still high for my range but I have a wedding in 4 months and have to get under 200 pounds! I can't do this alone! add me!


  • Kamille68
    Kamille68 Posts: 46 Member
    Congratulations with your upcoming wedding
  • MarvinsFitLife
    MarvinsFitLife Posts: 874 Member
    This is not a disrespect you don’t look 210 in that pic you just need to change your diet I guess stick with whole foods and add weight training to your gym sessions since you already have great physique muscles will replace the unwanted to support