Really weird change in breasts.. paranoid! :(

pdrinnan2 Posts: 3
edited September 30 in Fitness and Exercise

First post here and wanted to see if anyone else has experienced anything like I have been recently....

In the last two months I've been hitting the gym doing the generic cardio and a few light toning weights (I visit the gym around 3 times per week)

I've noticed loads of what feel like hard lumps/tissue all over my breast area - Im SO SO paranoid because i just cant find anything that explains what they are or whats caused them on the net!

My breasts dont seem to have got any smaller in size, or changed shape, but just these odd hard lumps that seems symmetrical on both.... i can also feel my ribs now underneath my breast which i couldnt before, (i really havent lost all that much, around 10 pounds?!)

Im almost certain its to do with the new exercise regime but i just cant be sure of what they are!

Can anyone help :(


  • Phanessa917
    Phanessa917 Posts: 100 Member
    hard lumps? maybe get it checked. better safe that sorry. good luck
  • salvyria
    salvyria Posts: 1 Member
    Visit your doctor if you are concerned, and get a proper exam to put your mind at rest. Its probably just fatty lumps, and you've lost weight so are more aware of them
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    Go see your doctor!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    if you're experiencing anything that's causing you concern (and clearly you are) i say go to the dr to get it checked out. nobody can diagnose anything on the net- you really need to get it looked at.
  • Penguinita
    Penguinita Posts: 159 Member
    Check with your doctor! If you don't have health insurance, go to a clinic.
  • lugovelb
    lugovelb Posts: 60
    I dont have any experience in breast other the usual play time but it sound like you might want to see a Doctor. For what I know lumps in the breast is not a good thing.
  • upsidedownpear
    upsidedownpear Posts: 101 Member
    How did you notice these lumps? Are they visible? Or did you feel it because of pain? Do they hurt? What kind of pain is it if there it sharp and shooting? have you noticed them now because you never really felt your breasts before or you're totally sure its ever since you started exercising? Are you close to your period? Do you have hormonal imbalance?

    I know its a lot of questions but I don't think its anything to worry about. I myself have felt it too..
  • upsidedownpear
    upsidedownpear Posts: 101 Member
    and you are too young for anything dramatic to happen :)
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member

    First post here and wanted to see if anyone else has experienced anything like I have been recently....

    In the last two months I've been hitting the gym doing the generic cardio and a few light toning weights (I visit the gym around 3 times per week)

    I've noticed loads of what feel like hard lumps/tissue all over my breast area - Im SO SO paranoid because i just cant find anything that explains what they are or whats caused them on the net!

    My breasts dont seem to have got any smaller in size, or changed shape, but just these odd hard lumps that seems symmetrical on both.... i can also feel my ribs now underneath my breast which i couldnt before, (i really havent lost all that much, around 10 pounds?!)

    Im almost certain its to do with the new exercise regime but i just cant be sure of what they are!

    Can anyone help :(

    For your peace of mind, you should have it checked out by a doctor. There are lots of benign explainations like your lymph or mammory glands are swollen or you have calcium deposits, but on the chance that it is something more serious, you should rule that out first. Good luck.
  • I would suggest going to your doctor to have things checked out, but also try laying off caffeine. If you have fibrocystic breasts (which sounds scary, but just means that they can be a little dense and lumpy, but nothing to worry about) caffeine can make it much, much worse. Even though that is a well-documented fact, most doctors will never tell you that, unfortunately.
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    Depending on your genetics and age, I know cysts are very common. My mom has them. If you've lost a couple pounds, you might be noticing them more now. I do believe they can alter size depending on your hormones & time of month in your cycle.

    My midwife told me that while doing self-breast exams, if you notice what feels "like gravel", gritty almost, that could be a warning sign for something more serious.

    Definitely get it checked out by your midwife/OBGYN/doctor.
  • Thankyou to everyone who has given their thoughts!!

    UPSIDEDOWNPEAR - They arent visible and dont hurt or cause discomfort at all.. and im very sure they have only started being there since the change in diet and exercise as it was my boyfriend who first realised, and hes always there !!! haha

    What feelings do you have?
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I have this problem too..
    But it happened after i started milking..
    Um yes underage pregnancy...
    Too long before i realised what was going on....

    Anyway since it stopped iv had these lumps..
    and my fiance says i should go to the doctors..
    But because of how my breasts look i refuse to let anyone see them.
    Even if it kills me..

    Have to say sometimes im terrified i have cancer tho..
  • sadnad
    sadnad Posts: 6 Member
    really very good workout.
    I am new in this side please help me for losing weight. I have 11 months old baby who is on breast feed. that's why diet is not possible for me. i am 160.6 lbs and my goal is 125lbs.
  • Get checked out right away. If it is something to worry about, it is best to catch it early! I will tell you that my experience with lumpy breasts. I had two non cancerous lumps removed and continue to have other small ones that are more prominent with hormone fluctuations. My mother and sister also have "lumpy breasts" which have resulted in nothing super serious other than we have to monitor them closely. Bottom line though: some lumps are cancerous and others are not so, if you are experiencing them for whatever reason, you should have a doctor take a look and see if they recommend further testing. Please don't be scared or avoidant about it. Trust me, if feels much worse to sit on it and lay in bed at night worrying about the what if's. The doctors will be able to assess if it is something to be concerned about or if you should just be on your merry way. Good luck!!
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    and you are too young for anything dramatic to happen :)

    While I am not an alarmist (and I pray that it is nothing), this is kind of an irresponsible statement to make. I understand that you want to ease the worries of this young girl (which is a very sweet thing to do), but it is always best to err on the side of caution.

    Always listen to your body, especially changes you may notice. Take comfort that we ALL support you, and we all want there to be nothing wrong. Think positive, and DO have it checked out. You will feel better, once you have a clean bill of health! GOOD LUCK!

    From the daughter of a Breast Cancer Angel, THANK YOU ALL, for supporting this beautiful young woman! : )
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I thought I had lumps too a few months ago. I was doing my monthly self exam, and note I hadn't done this since before I lost my weight...bad I know but I'm kinda ditzy like that.
    So i feel what I think is a huge lump near my armpit...turns out it was my pectoral muscle. I lost a full cup size and I had been doing lots of upper body stuff so that's what that ended up being.
    Also, when you have breastfed sometimes there may be little lumps of hardened milk. I had that after my son.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member

    First post here and wanted to see if anyone else has experienced anything like I have been recently....

    In the last two months I've been hitting the gym doing the generic cardio and a few light toning weights (I visit the gym around 3 times per week)

    I've noticed loads of what feel like hard lumps/tissue all over my breast area - Im SO SO paranoid because i just cant find anything that explains what they are or whats caused them on the net!

    My breasts dont seem to have got any smaller in size, or changed shape, but just these odd hard lumps that seems symmetrical on both.... i can also feel my ribs now underneath my breast which i couldnt before, (i really havent lost all that much, around 10 pounds?!)

    Im almost certain its to do with the new exercise regime but i just cant be sure of what they are!

    Can anyone help :(

    I would see the doctor but i suspect it is something to do with your new exercise routine. For the lumps to be on both sides in the same position at the same time. I don't know the chances of it being an ailment (i know your thinking the big C) in both sides, but i'd think it was pretty remote. Don't panic till you've seen the doctor.
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    good to see a dr to have the examination but may be u have developed some muscles there.

    while typing it just clicked me tht i did machine workout with weight in which u pull down the bar last dec (one month only i was on a vacation) and did tone up my biceps and triceps. But after tht whenever i need to give blood sample for test nurse cant find my vein near the elbow side. not just one nurse or one hospital, all of them said there is tendon above the vein cant get blood out...(had to experience tht many times coz i had a surgery after tht and regular checkups for TSH)
  • upsidedownpear
    upsidedownpear Posts: 101 Member
    I get shooting pains at times but they are only fatty lumps..they disappear..I usually won't have more than goes away eventually.. but to free your mind, ask your doctor. I can tell you one thing for sure from my personal experience in the past and my profession that you have no reason to be paranoid.. just wear the right bra while you exercise :)
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