Doctor Who?

100 days to a new me and I'm only down about 23 pounds. I weigh 240 pounds right now and I'm hoping to get to 175 by summer. I started seeing a physician just to ensure I am on the right track. In October, I lost 9 pounds and the doctor was thrilled. I'm exercising twice a day and cut out most carbs, still eat good carbs and lots of veggies/fruit/protein. For November, I lost 8 pounds and went to the doctor this past week. The doctor told me that "it's not enough, you should be losing more than that if you are going to the gym twice a day." He told me that I would soon plateau and lose interest. He said I was a great candidate for weight loss surgery and handed me the brochure telling me he would make a call and refer me there. WHAT THE WHAT?

I am not interested in that - I want to do this myself. I feel defeated. I thought 8 pounds in one month was good! I'm feeling depressed and especially down right now. Looking for some support or help to get through this funk. I seriously don't think I can lose more than 8 pounds a month; I'm eating less than 1200 calories a day.




  • jenna_nicolo
    jenna_nicolo Posts: 62 Member
    What a quack doctor - folks must be careful sometimes as often doctors partner up with single-service providers (like weight loss clinics) or even a specific pharmaceutical company (as what happened with the brand Alli) in order to get kick-backs or promotion.

    8lbs/month is amazing progress, 2lbs a week is the top end of what you should be losing and what's generally considered healthy and sustainable. You might have expected to lose more than that in the first few weeks considering water weight but 23lbs is an amazing feat regardless.

    Look, you only wanted to lose 88lbs and you've already lost 23 of them - congrats, by the way! It sounds like you're doing well on your own, and if you don't have a serious medical condition that requires immediate weight loss, weight loss surgery sounds seriously dramatic and necessary. Don't be defeated, just keep chugging along!
  • Rogstar
    Rogstar Posts: 216 Member
    edited December 2017
    Wow, yeah 8lbs in one month is incredible! Great job!

    In fact your average has been right around 2lbs/week, which is a perfect spot for you to be in. It's hard to say negative things about doctors, but assuming he is a OB/GYN or General/Family Dr, he may not be the best individual to talk to about losing weight.

    I started at ~240 myself 5 years ago, and I'm still working my way down. I'm currently fluctuating between 190-195, just hanging around the threshold between obese & overweight BMI for my height. There was ups and downs (never reached my highest weight again, but I have gained up to 220) but as long as I'm consistent, I'm happy with my progress. Plus, I've gained an appreciation for exercise that I used to abhor in high school and college! I drug my feet to run 2 miles for a fitness test, but now I happily donate money to run 5k!

    Any reduction of weight is a positive change for your health. Please, take it as fast/slow as you want to and are comfortable with. Sometimes I think even doctors can get caught up in the "Biggest Loser" phenomenon, while us in the real world need to live with our changes.

    Good luck, and stay healthy!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Also, 2lb per week is as much as you want to be losing currently, and that should be scaled back as your weight drops. You'r doctor has unrealistic expectations. Don't take those on yourself :)

    (but still read the article I linked and take that info on board!)
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    You have made great progress. Your rate of loss is fine and healthy. Tell your doctor you are happy with your rate of loss.

    Eating less than 1200 and exercising is not fine but you are probably being inaccurate there or you would be losing more (unhealthily) at your size. You are fortunately likely consuming more than 1200 or burning less than you think.
    You will plateau when you reach your maintenance calorie level for some weight. You are supposed to reduce calorie intake as you lose and you are already thinking you are eating below the reccomended minimum. If you think you are eating very little and exercising like crazy you might get frustrated and give up when this happens.

    Instead of weight loss surgery or more restrictions improve the accuracy of your logging. Find out what you really are taking in. Get a food scale. Log everything you consume. Check that the database entries are correct.
    Once you have done that don't eat below 1200 calories. If you exercise you also need to eat more.
  • jsminer827
    jsminer827 Posts: 62 Member
    edited December 2017
    It would seem to me that your doctor should be celebrating with you not tearing down your efforts. The key to long term success is going to be your ability to find something that works - it is a way of life not a diet.

    I wonder if you might lose more weight if you were eating more, especially since you're going to the gym twice a day. 1,200 calories is like a bare minimum. When I started I ate 1,200 calories a day, but once I started going to the gym about a month in, I was ravenous and hated life... I now eat 1,400 calories a day and on days I go to the gym (between 3 and 4 days a week) I allow an extra 160 calories for my post-workout protein shake. I have lost more weight subsequent to increasing my calorie intake along with the exercise than I did from cutting calories alone.

    If I were you, I'd find a new doctor. I would feel discouraged in your shoes too - and like I said at the beginning, it seems like there is lots to celebrate here... a loss of 2 pounds a week means you are burning off 7,000 calories above and beyond - that's nothing to wag a finger at! You go girl... keep on keeping on and with or without him you'll find success. Whatever you do, don't let him push you into a surgery you don't want (or need - judging by your progress).
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    Your doctor sounds shady AF. Ditto what everyone else said. You’re doing GREAT!!!
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Your doctor is being completely unreasonable.

    You are doing just fine and have a good mindset.

    Please think about eating more calories, no less than 1200! And definitely switch doctors.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Agreed. Your doctor is wrong and you need to be eating more than 1200 calories.

    Please read this and take it to heart:
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I seldom suggest that people go against doctor's advice, but this is insane. You're doing perfectly, it sounds like you're overworking yourself as it is. I started off a tad heavier than you, and my doc did start mentioning surgery, but once I started doing it on my own he completely backed off.