Does anyone print off their food/exercise diary?

I noticed there was an option to print off your food & exercise diary (with or without notes you take).

I've printed off my food/exercise diary from the start of my MFP journey. Along with my measurements after losing each 10lbs.
The reason I do it, is so I have something to look back on as to how I did along the way. If someone needs advice or asks how I did it, I can show them, instead of having to remember everything.....
It's like when you take a trip, you take pictures. So for me, this is my "memorabilia"
... That, and it's an excuse to use the printer I HAD to buy on Black Friday that I NEVER use. =P

I was wondering if anyone prints these things off? If so, why?


  • mjhuff1121
    mjhuff1121 Posts: 112
    I do! I do! I also keep a spreadsheet, by month, of total calories each day, weekly averages, etc. I love it! I have a whole notebook already full! Need a new one!
  • oceanbreeze1025
    oceanbreeze1025 Posts: 10 Member
    I have been saving them in pdf. At the end of each day, when I log my last food/activity, I save it in a folder using a number/date format so that I can look back and/or print them in hard copy later if I want to.

    As I move forward in the plan, I thought it might be helpful to be able to look back at what I ate or the progress made along the way.
  • bump
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I do. I print them off every time I go see my trainer so that she can see what I've been up to. Helps keep me accountable because I'm paying her a crap-ton of money and I don't want to disappoint her, sabotage my own progress, or waste my money. If I know she's going to look at it and critique it, I want to know that she won't have much to critique!