Feeling depressed and eating

Hi. I am 28-years-old stay at home mom. I have been on my weight loss journey since Feburary. I started this journey at 250lbs and I am now down to 210lbs. I am happy with my results so far, but I want to lose a total of 100lbs. I have been doing the slim-fast 3-2-1 plan and for the most part I enjoy it. My motivation for starting this weight loss journey was for a vaction me and my family were planing on taking at the end of this month. However recently we have had a major finincial bomb blow up in our face so it is looking like we are not going to be going on our trip. So now I feel like my drive to workout and eat better are going out the window. I find myself eating whenever I think about this. So far I am still hanging on to the 210 mark, but I know if I keep this up I am going to gain back all my weight and fast. I am not usually a depressed person, but I feel like I am losing control. I don't really want to do anything. My family and I also moved about an hour and a half a way from my family a little over a year ago and I really don't have anyone I would consider a friend here in our new town. I am so lonely and this is only making my problem worse. I guess I just need someone to talk with about this. I would appreciate any advice and major butt kicking!! Thanks for listening.


  • prettytoxic
    prettytoxic Posts: 122 Member
    I know exactly how you feel with the whole moving away thing. I'm 20 and recently moved to livewith my boyfriend 58 miles from my family and friends and it's very lonely.
    I find I eat when I have nothing to do.
    Get yourself involved in some clubs in the area and you'll soon make new friends.

    There may be a bit of a storm with the eating habits happening at the moment but just remember... the sun always shines brighter after a storm.
  • christina000
    Hey Lady!

    Hang in there. I recently moved away from everyone too, so I understand being lonely. But remember food is only comforting for a short while, and then you feel like crap. If you really feel the need to eat away your sorrows, unch on turkey breast, carrots, celery, apple, cucumbers. That way you won;t feel bad about it, and eat more because you feel bad.

    Congrats on the weightloss. You really nedd to stick this out. Remember, losing weight is not about a destination, it's a lifestyle change. You may not go on this trip this year, but maybe next. And if you hang in there, and keep doing what you are doing, then next year when your trip comes along you will be able to feel confident and beautiful.

  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    Do you have any kind of weight loss group in your area that meet once a week? Can meet people there :)
  • jonesz922
    jonesz922 Posts: 89 Member
    I just wanted to share my favorite depression food... We can't always take away feeling blue, and it's REALLY hard to NOT "sad eat" so it's good to be prepared.
    Mine is Pirate's Booty... I can eat a TON and there isn't much to them so it doens't rack up to many bad calories....
    That & Cool Whip with Fat Free or Sugar Free pudding...
    I have to say though... being on this site helps with the "sad eat" a lot. I am a single mom of two with a super stressful life, so coming on here and seeing everyone being healthy helps.... Add lots of friends to keep you going!!!
    It is a pretty small town. Nonw that I have found.
    What is pirate's booty?
  • duke520
    duke520 Posts: 30
    My wife and I joined the local roller derby league when we first moved to a new city. Try looking it up. The girls are always so cool and it's like another little family. Plus, a crazy calorie burn during practice. It doesn't matter if you can skate or not. They'll teach ya!
  • esslgs
    esslgs Posts: 29
    Hi. I am 28-years-old stay at home mom. I have been on my weight loss journey since Feburary. I started this journey at 250lbs and I am now down to 210lbs. I am happy with my results so far, but I want to lose a total of 100lbs. I have been doing the slim-fast 3-2-1 plan and for the most part I enjoy it. My motivation for starting this weight loss journey was for a vaction me and my family were planing on taking at the end of this month. However recently we have had a major finincial bomb blow up in our face so it is looking like we are not going to be going on our trip. So now I feel like my drive to workout and eat better are going out the window. I find myself eating whenever I think about this. So far I am still hanging on to the 210 mark, but I know if I keep this up I am going to gain back all my weight and fast. I am not usually a depressed person, but I feel like I am losing control. I don't really want to do anything. My family and I also moved about an hour and a half a way from my family a little over a year ago and I really don't have anyone I would consider a friend here in our new town. I am so lonely and this is only making my problem worse. I guess I just need someone to talk with about this. I would appreciate any advice and major butt kicking!! Thanks for listening.
  • hannavasgreen
    hannavasgreen Posts: 27 Member
    As for meeting new people.......What about Zumba?

    I lived in a small town 1500 miles from family and I met some great people at Zumba. Also check out the local library for programs. I don't know if you like to read but they should have a book club
  • MiaMcBetty
    I think the suggestions everyone has given you are all great ideas...

    Since you don't think you'll be able to go on you holiday any more, you need to find a new motivator that will keep you focussed and looking at the "smaller" picture ;)
    Maybe your kids could be an inspiration? Or a certain outfit that you'd love to wear but never will until you lose the weight. Or to one day take part in a mini marathon... Whatever makes you tick. Or even just try to remember the awesome feeling you get when you have a loss!
    Also, I hope that your financial situation improves ASAP.. Maybe you will still get to take your holiday sooner than you think, keep working for the body you want, so you don't have to start all over again once the holiday plan is back on track!

    And remember, MFP is awesome for support and motivation so make use of us! :) Good luck!!
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    Rosie, thats sad.
    This is a hopelessly inadequate suggestion - but could you console yourself by thinking of another token reward?

    I am very impressed that you lost all that weight in the first place - well done to you - somewhere in there is a fighter!!
  • esslgs
    esslgs Posts: 29
    Hi. I am 28-years-old stay at home mom. I have been on my weight loss journey since Feburary. I started this journey at 250lbs and I am now down to 210lbs. I am happy with my results so far, but I want to lose a total of 100lbs. I have been doing the slim-fast 3-2-1 plan and for the most part I enjoy it. My motivation for starting this weight loss journey was for a vaction me and my family were planing on taking at the end of this month. However recently we have had a major finincial bomb blow up in our face so it is looking like we are not going to be going on our trip. So now I feel like my drive to workout and eat better are going out the window. I find myself eating whenever I think about this. So far I am still hanging on to the 210 mark, but I know if I keep this up I am going to gain back all my weight and fast. I am not usually a depressed person, but I feel like I am losing control. I don't really want to do anything. My family and I also moved about an hour and a half a way from my family a little over a year ago and I really don't have anyone I would consider a friend here in our new town. I am so lonely and this is only making my problem worse. I guess I just need someone to talk with about this. I would appreciate any advice and major butt kicking!! Thanks for listening.

    What an awesome job you have done to take care of yourself. I understand that you are frustrated by things that have happened, but please don't toss all of your hard work out the window. You have done such a fantastic job- 40 pounds way cool. :smile: Keep it up- take care of you
    Thank you everyone for your kind words. This really does help. I feel like I could get back at it tomorrow. I just need to shake off this feelings of lose and just get over it. There will always be next year. There is a roller derby the next town over, but I really don't think I could ever do anything like that..lol There is a library thing I could take my 3-year-old to. Thanks again for all the wise choices..Would still like to know what pirate booty's are..lol
  • teri1956
    teri1956 Posts: 221 Member
    Pirate's Booty is a popcorn snack that comes in a wide variety of flavors (if you can find them all). The one I've seen most is Aged Cheddar.
  • esslgs
    esslgs Posts: 29
    Thank you everyone for your kind words. This really does help. I feel like I could get back at it tomorrow. I just need to shake off this feelings of lose and just get over it. There will always be next year. There is a roller derby the next town over, but I really don't think I could ever do anything like that..lol There is a library thing I could take my 3-year-old to. Thanks again for all the wise choices..Would still like to know what pirate booty's are..lol

    pirate booty's - salty, crunchy, and portion controlled little bags of YUM