Any other women with PCOS want to connect

Hi everyone.

Looking to connect and get to know some other women on here with PCOS. Was diagnosed about 4 years ago, only really trying to sort out my weight properly for the first time. Hoping to lose around 60kg, first goal is 25kg by May. Picked the worst possible time to start, right at the end of semester 1 of my final year, exams and christmas, trying to stay strong! Would love to talk to other in similar situations.


  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Do a search of the forums for "pcos".

    Other PCOS sufferers are everywhere, and there are loads of threads with tips.

    Good luck.
  • kiaphaneuf
    kiaphaneuf Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I'm 20 and I just got diagnosed with PCOS and I'd love to connect and share advice and get help for this confusing condition that seems to make it so much harder to lose weight!
  • deqchik
    deqchik Posts: 8 Member
    hi i also have pcos.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited December 2017
    i have pcos. I lost my first 100 pounds in 13 months. Its very doable with the right mindset. Just wanted to throw in that saying you picked the worst possible time sounds like you plan to fail. Which is okay. But every beter choice counts. Just focus on making beter choices for a bit. Beter choices are not fails ;D Have one less christmas cookie. Dont buy that fruit cake AND the pepermint icecream, Pick one. Load that christmas dinner plate up with yummy vegetables. Go for a walk. Etc etc. You can atleast begin focusing on the baby steps to beter health through the holidays. Dont go in expecting to fail because the time of year :)

    Edited to add: Throw out the "i want to lose __ amount by __ time" Just lose weight and focus on being healthy. Crash dietign to meet deadlines is counter productive and no fun. Dont bother youll likely just regain it all and be unhappy and unhealthy. The people who succeed here focus on self love not self hate
  • singularlysarah
    singularlysarah Posts: 8 Member
    Hey, I have PCOS as well. I was diagnosed in 2015, but I really buckled down on the weight loss in January 2016. It's been lots of ups and downs, but I've lost just about 60 pounds now and am over halfway to my goal. I just started walking every day and tracking my food in MFP and drinking SO MUCH water. Don't try to make all the changes at once; focus on one or two and then add another once you've made the others a habit. I never thought I'd be someone who exercised every day, but 2 years later and I feel about missing a workout like I do when I forget to brush my teeth!

    Wishing you the best! You can do this!
  • qwerkyday
    qwerkyday Posts: 3 Member
    I have only recently been diagnosed with PCOS. I went to the doctor 6 months ago to get serious about losing weight/getting healthier, I'm 27yrs and weighed 100kg.
    November just gone it was diagnosed, and I started celebrity slim shakes (I've had success in the past), I used them to break my eating habits of going for carb and sugar rich foods. In November I lost 3kgs, December is proving harder with festive sweets being around.
    I like what singularlysarah said above - making better choices one by one to change habits.