Ladies (& gentlemen!) in recovery for any eating disorder...

... I want YOU! I'm fairly new, and have few friends. It seems as though the moment someones finds out about my past I am automatically discredited, blacklisted, and ignored.

I'm looking for friends to add to my friends list that are supportive, understanding, and empathetic.
I have bad days. I have bad weeks. I have temptations and horrible torturous thoughts about myself.

BUT I'm taking the steps to recover and get back into a healthy frame of mind.
So if you're in recovery for any eating disorder and all on board to be supportive to those that are in the same boat- please add!
And if this thread caught your eye for whatever reason and you're otherwise healthy but you're kind and not judgmental- feel free to add me too please!

We all need encouragement, no matter where we are, right?

I'll go by Rose on here. :] Keep it anonymous.
I'm recovering from an EdNos, and sometimes its h*ll! I'm 23, 24 in September, and female! :D Best part right there hehe.
Who, and HOW, are all of you tonight?

P.S.; if you don't know what EdNos is, you probably shouldn't try to friend me. I don't want to be the reason anyone finds this world I stumbled into back when I was a teenager. =/


  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    I'd consider myself much closer to the "recovered" end than the "recovering" end of the spectrum - but of course it's one of those things you'll fight for the rest of your life, right? Feel free to add me!
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    I'd consider myself much closer to the "recovered" end than the "recovering" end of the spectrum - but of course it's one of those things you'll fight for the rest of your life, right? Feel free to add me!

    Thank you! I'm seriously about getting my head right, I really appreciate you responding. :]
  • findmyself
    You've already got me, darlin'. I'm e-following you all over the place, aren't I?
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    You've already got me, darlin'. I'm e-following you all over the place, aren't I?

    You're all I'll ever need, Slick.
  • GrantsMomma429
    Its been years but the body image never really goes away :(....feel free to add me!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    YOu can add me if you like.
    However i don't no what EdNos is.

    But my friend is trying to recover from an eating disorder.
    And i am worried about her, i don't know if she will think im out of line doing this.
    But maybe you could help encourage her to eat more..
    She is trying, but i have to say im worried about her.
    I dont want her to get ill..
    You could become healthy together!
    Here is a link to her page ->>..

    Yout dont have to add me though.
    Take care

    Edit: I proberlly should of checked what you eating disorder is first..
    I think her's is something along the lines of anorexia.
  • findmyself
    YOu can add me if you like.
    However i don't no what EdNos is.

    But my friend is trying to recover from an eating disorder.
    And i am worried about her, i don't know if she will think im out of line doing this.
    But maybe you could help encourage her to eat more..
    She is trying, but i have to say im worried about her.
    I dont want her to get ill..
    You could become healthy together!
    Here is a link to her page ->>..

    Yout dont have to add me though.
    Take care

    Edit: I proberlly should of checked what you eating disorder is first..
    I think her's is something along the lines of anorexia.

    I think it's wonderful of you to try to help your friend.
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    We ALL need encouragement! And definitely without judgement. Nobody is perfect even on a good day.
    You are making steps in the right direction! That's what matters.

    I've never had EdNos. I know what it is though. Feel free to add me. I'm happy to offer support. You would never find any judgement from me. That goes for anyone.
  • Abigailblue39
    Abigailblue39 Posts: 212 Member
    I'm in recovery, too (I have chronic BN since 25 years, started with AN, I have been to extensive therapies including hospital stays all to little avail). I'm not completely 100 % and relapse, but very rarely so I probably don't fit the BN category any more. Friend me if you like. There is also a pretty good thread and I found a lot of friends there and the support really helped me to finally move forward:
  • findmyself
    You've already got me, darlin'. I'm e-following you all over the place, aren't I?

    You're all I'll ever need, Slick.

    You have no idea how much that made me smile. You're pretty rad, you know that?
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    You have no idea how much that made me smile. You're pretty rad, you know that?

    I have missed you! I was happy when I saw your little internet-face! <3
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    YOu can add me if you like.
    However i don't no what EdNos is.

    But my friend is trying to recover from an eating disorder.
    And i am worried about her, i don't know if she will think im out of line doing this.
    But maybe you could help encourage her to eat more..
    She is trying, but i have to say im worried about her.
    I dont want her to get ill..
    You could become healthy together!
    Here is a link to her page ->>..

    Yout dont have to add me though.
    Take care

    Edit: I proberlly should of checked what you eating disorder is first..
    I think her's is something along the lines of anorexia.

    I have seen her posting around before! I recognized her gorgeous profile picture. I've added her, and I don't think you're being out of line. :]

    Edit: Oh. Mines EdNos. Not otherwise specified. I, basically, am not cool enough to be anorexic or bulimic. My thought processes and urges and body image and meticulous food planning, need for control, and need for exercise define mine.
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    Its been years but the body image never really goes away :(....feel free to add me!

    I shall! Thank you. <3
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    Thank you, everyone. :] this means a lot. I'm feeling optimistic!
    And energized! :D
    May have been the orange I ate though... and the cheese and fiber one bar. Gotta fuel the body!

    If I didn't add you- I meant to! <3 I'll check back to make sure I did!
  • crunchygirl
    Working on recovery from a very long road with AN. Would love to support you!
  • findmyself
    Working on recovery from a very long road with AN. Would love to support you!

    May I add you as a friend?
  • fleetinglovesongs
    I'm in treatment for bulimia right now, but I wouldn't say I've reached recovery. In fact I'm not even close, but I'm trying my best. I'm on here to try and lose weight a bit more healthier and keep track of what I eat (my nutritionist is getting annoyed because I never record anything) I'd love some support, and I'd love to be a source of support for others with ED's, so feel free to add me.
  • Jackie_Snape80
    I've been mostly EDNOS, but now I'm borderline anorexic. Not "officially" diagnosed, but I was reccomended and sent to a therapist for it...I guess that counts.

    I'm trying to let myself reach out for some additional hard as it is for me(Ed hates other people getting involved). I've been doing well keeping my intake closer to the bare minimum, and almost always at/above it. I'll be starting college next Monday and I'm scared Ed will start calling me again. I don't think I can go back to college on my own again...that's what made Ed come out from where he was hiding in the first place. I'll probably slip up and I may have a relapse day or two, but I'm trying my best to reach out and achieve full recovery(even on days when Ed tells me that I'm "not *that* sick" or that I'm "all better now").

    I'd love to friend up with anyone....if you want