
I have been a Yo-Yo dieter all my life. Food has always had a fierce control over me. It has given me bulimia and now (most likely) binge eating disorder. I don’t know how to stop it. I have been in therapy my whole life and nothing seems to help. I have to get my eating under control because my health is starting to be affected. I am overweight for sure. I have high triglycerides and am looking at developing diabetes before I am thirty if I keep this up. I have too much to do to quit at 25. I don’t want my food issues to ruin my life any more. I don’t know how to do this. Any suggestions on how to keep going and figure this out- especially from people with eating disorder issues like me would be helpful


  • carylholli
    carylholli Posts: 1 Member
    Binge eating usually goes along with bulimia nervosa. Usually those diagnosed with the disease also have co existing mental health diagnoses. Usually the patient feels a need to feel in control of their lives in some sort of way,which is usually in what they eat or take in. The problem is, that ppl starve binge, have guilt, puke, feel more out of control, and the cycle is a never-ending vicious one. Very damaging to an already fragile psyche of a person who needs continuous therapy to work on treatment of not only their eating disorder/s, and what ever else the co existing mental health diagnoses that person has; but also therapy to figure out why the patient has the need to to inflict punishment on one's self and lastly to address any body dysmorphia issues and the origins of the cause.

    A small amount of or a few weeks to a few months or even a year of therapy is not going to be effective. Therapy for an eating disorder and all the underlying issues and diagnoses, causes, and learning to truly accept and truly love and forgive yourself is VERY HARD. Treatment takes years, usually it's a life time commitment! It's a decision you literally have to or death? Bulimia nervosa may "begin" due to some weight issues, but there's always other issues!'s not very effective for weight loss...bulimics are usually most always averaged sized to over weight ( cause you can not puke every thing up), have bad breath issues, bad teeth/ dental issues, and although not skinny...are nutrient deficient so have a gaunt look/ or dark circles under their eyes; and risk rupturing their esophagus, Mallory Weiss tares in the esophagus and usually give themselves a hiatial hernias of the stomachs and esophagus. Please seek help and continue the therapy throughout life. At least as long as it takes for you to resolve the eating disorder and ALL coexisting issues too. Therapy can work! It's a matter of finding the right therapist, and therapeutic methods,, individual, hypnotherapy, mixed methods....what ever works best for you. There is no right or wrong...only what's right or wrong for you. YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!
  • Hello.
    This forum is unable to offer you the professional advice and support you need lovely.
    I seriously advise you to seek the advice of your GP and professional medical team.
    I wish you well on your journey. :)