Why do you want to lose weight?



  • Jackibrazil
    Jackibrazil Posts: 124 Member
    Multiple reasons! I have back pain every day mostly from boob weight but I think losing weight might help alleviate that! I want to feel attractive in a bathing suit and feel like I can look good in anything I want to wear. I want to be healthy going into my 30s because I know the older I get the harder it will be to lose.
  • onetruegem
    onetruegem Posts: 3 Member
    Getting married in August / lost 20 last year/ gained back 10/
  • sbrya0362
    sbrya0362 Posts: 8 Member
    I want to lose weigjt to
  • marinaruff3215
    marinaruff3215 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m not overweight but I’m not healthy. I want to get healthier and feel better about myself. About two years ago I was incredibly fit and felt amazing, then life happened. I have a lot of stress and I remember how working out helped me manage it and I want that back. Also, I want to look good in a bikini again
    MISSNYA92 Posts: 36 Member
    I gained a lot of weight after a breakup. I just felt lost and sad, but I know deep down that I’m just lowering my odds of finding the right person if I don’t take better care of myself.
    I’ve never been a slim person, but I’d like to challenge myself to be something I’ve never been and do things I’ve never done. I don’t want to spend my entire life just putting up with my body. I’d like to shape it into something I’m proud of.
    Also, I want to prove that I can stick with something until completion. I’ve left a lot of half-finished projects in my wake, and I just need to master something.
    This is it!
  • echastee92
    echastee92 Posts: 48 Member
    I have a lot of reasons. This summer I couldn't fit on a ride. It was really embarrassing and sad. None of my old clothes fit. My hips, back, knees, and feet hurt even after only 4 hours of work. My feet are on fire when I work a full shift. My body simply should not have to hold this much weight. I also stopped feeling attractive a long time ago. I stopped getting hit on. People aren't interested in me. My self esteem has been largely affected. I wasn't taking care of myself. I worry about my health. I want to be healthier and happier.
  • azf0019
    azf0019 Posts: 8 Member
    I have intracranial hypertension and weightloss is the only way for it to go into remission. I can’t tolerate the medication and if I don’t lose weight I could end up going blind. I was diagnosed with it when I was 21 and I managed to go a 11 years without a flare up until this year. I gained a *kitten* ton of weight and it came back with a vengeance. I suffer with incessant dizzy spells, migraine auras and blurred vision. It’s awful. You would think with all these scary reasons to lose weight it would be super easy to just do it, but it’s not. Dealing with a chronic illness on top of being depressed just makes it a million times harder. I just want to give up.

    Besides my illness I just want to be comfortable in my skin. Being morbidly obese is both physically and emotionally exhausting. I’m tired.

    You would think the scary reasons would be motivation enough, but cravings seem to have a cool way of just overriding all the rationality that we have :/ I truly hope you get better soon! I’m absolutely not one to associate anyone’s weight with their health, but I hope that you reach YOUR healthy weight and stop having to deal with those horrible issues! You can do it, girl!
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    Honestly lots of reasons but deep down it’s because I looked like crap and was embarrassed.
  • Katherinelittle24
    Katherinelittle24 Posts: 63 Member
    Well, I want to lose weight because I want my clothes to fit better, and I want to feel beautiful again. I also want to get healthier and in shape because of the pain in my lower back. I didn't started feeling this type of pain until I weighed about 340 or 350lbs, and its unacceptable. Its difficult for me to just walk for more than 10 or 15 minutes at a time, which is pretty sad because I am only 26 years old and I feel like my weight has disabled me. Therefore, I want this pain to go away more than anything.