JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 25



  • sheilajean58
    sheilajean58 Posts: 263 Member
    Round 25 Goal: Low 106s - Annual Goal is 105.

    12/9 106.9
    12/10 106.7 Over my calorie goal but finally exercised. I do best NOT adding calories to intake when exercising.
    12/11 106.9 Made time for a little jump rope yesterday. Beautiful Weekend!
    12/12 106.6 Nice but I know I over ate yesterday. So . . . hopefully I can make today a little better than yesterday.
    12/13 106.5 My favorite radio station - 106.5 the end !!!! Not my end but happy to be here (again).
    12/14 106.8 Over Calories - again. Will make a good plan for today.
  • wannabesmaller2017
    wannabesmaller2017 Posts: 433 Member
    @KayHBE - 70 pounds lost is amazing!!! Congratulations!!
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,184 Member
    Female 5’1” Age 67 y 9 m
    Started Keto WOE 7/17/17 (mid-Rnd 10)
    *Travel no scale part of the time
    Weight on 1/17/17 174.5
    SW Rnd 7 167 AW 165.8
    SW Rnd 8 168* AW 166.1
    SW Rnd 9 164.5* AW 165.5 SW
    Rnd 10 167 AW 165.3
    SW Rnd 11 163 AW 163.5
    SW Rnd 12 162.5 AW 160.2
    SW Rnd 13 159.5 AW 159.1
    SW Rnd 14 158.5 AW 158.9
    SW Rnd 15 158 AW 157.25
    SW Rnd 16 156 AW 155.9
    SW Rnd 17 155.5 AW 156.5
    SW Rnd 18 157.5 AW 156.15
    SW Rnd 19 155.5 AW 155.6
    SW Rnd 20 155.5* AW 155.3
    SW Rnd 21 154.5 AW 152.15
    SW Rnd 22 152.5 AW 152.2
    SW Rnd 23 151 AW 150.2
    SW Rnd 24 150 AW 148.8
    SW Rnd 25 147.5

    12/09 147 I have a full day ahead and do not feel well! Stupid cold or allergies??
    12/10 147.5 Crazy busy yesterday! Community breakfast bingo, three basketball games, Christmas lights at the museum, dinner at a casino buffet before free music in the lounge. Did not drink enough water!! And I’ve pretty much lost my voice.
    12/11 147 Did nothing yesterday. Trying to recover from Saturday.
    12/12 146 I am feeling better but this is a crazy week. Grand-girls have basketball 2 hours away today. Must remember to drink, drink, drink!
    12/13 146.5 After checking for restaurants online before we left for basketball yesterday I felt confident I would be able to eat on plan. LOL Lesson learned, the internet lies! I should have made some tuna salad and hard boiled eggs to put in the cooler! I did drink 3 quarts of water or more.
    12/14 146 And so the feasting begins! Community Holiday Dinner tonight.
  • eyer0ll
    eyer0ll Posts: 313 Member
    ]Goal: weigh and track daily.

    12/11: 196.6
    12/12: 193.6
    12/13: 194.2
    12/14: 194.2

  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,198 Member
    Goal 140 by 2/17; UGW 130 by 6/30
    5'3", 64 yrs.
    Weight 2/2015 - 218
    Lost 68#, regained 12 (to 156) on metabolism reset 11/16-6/17.
    R15 end weight 151.2
    R16 end weight 151.4
    R17 end weight 151
    R18 end weight 150.4
    R19 end weight 149.6
    R20 end weight 149.3
    R21 end weight 149
    R22 end weight 148
    R23 end weight 148.4
    R24 end weight 149
    R25 goal 147.5
    R26 goal 146
    R27 goal 144.5
    R28 goal 143
    R29 goal 141.5
    R30 goal 140

    12/09 - 149
    Enough. I'm off this afternoon to check out a gym - no more weather excuses for lack of exercise. And I've been lax about my eating, so seriously getting back on track and hitting the macros hard - 30P/30F/40C. We will be moving across the country in late February, and I want 10 pounds less of me by then. That's 10 weeks from now, so a pound a week, so 1.4 per 10-day round (assuming they'll be continuing in 2018, I hope?!?) I'm down a little from R15, but really, pretty stable over many weeks, so my metabolism is fine and this should be doable if I stick to the plan.

    12/10 - 149
    Back on track yesterday. Nothing showing on the scale, but I feel lighter, if that makes any sense.

    12/11 - 149
    Oh, for heaven's sake. It's like fat has superglue.

    12/12 - 149.2
    OK, now I'm really getting frustrated. The only thing different yesterday was that I was a bit heavier than usual on carbs (whole grain). I have been lower fat, higher protein & carbs than usual the past few days. I wonder whether that could make the difference? So disappointing!

    12/13 - 148.8
    Finally. Now to continue....

    12/14 - 148.8
    Sooooo sloooowwwww. Sigh.


  • lewisea72
    lewisea72 Posts: 16 Member
    On to the next 10 days.

    12/09 - 135
    12/10 135.5
    12/11 135
    12/12 134.5
    12/13 134
    12/14 134
  • hjeppley
    hjeppley Posts: 230 Member
    Up a little but not too concerned.

    SW 155.7 35.5% BF (July 19, 2017)
    GW 125-130, 21% BF
    Round 17 136.6 29.3% BF
    Round 18 138.0 28.5 % BF
    Round 19 135.1 27.0% BF (but had a couple extra days in there)
    Round 20 133.6 27.4% BF
    Round 21 133.0 26.2% BF
    Round 22 132.5 26.2% BF
    Round 23 133.3 24.4% BF
    Round 24 133.1 25.3% BF

    Goal this round: Maintain. Since it is the holidays and I’ve been carbo-loading for my running, I think I am going to try to maintain this round.

    12/09 133.3 25.6%BF Ran 5.5 mi + yoga class
    12/10 133.2 25.6% BF Ran 12 mi
    12/11 133.7 25.8% BF Water walked + PT
    12/12 133.2 25.9% BF Ran 5.1 mi + PT
    12/13 133.2 25.7% BF Ran 3.1 mi + PT
    12/14 133.9 25.7% BF Ran 4.8 mi + PT
  • StephN1227
    StephN1227 Posts: 16 Member
    First timer, starting with Round 24
    SW 149lbs - GW 130

    Day / Weight / Comment

    12/09 - 149.9 / FINALLY below 150!
    12/10 - 149.0 / took my measurements today
    12/11 - 150.0 / maybe water weight? I also busted my calories - boyfriend made butter steak ❤️❤️
    12/12 - 149.4 / first thing in the morning.
    12/13 - 150.6 / went out to dinner instead of the gym last night
    12/14 - 150.9 / haven't gone to the gym since MONDAY! I am confident that this increase is water and food since I usually do cardio 5 days a week. I am optimistic I'll be back below 150 by the 18th
    12/15 -
    12/16 -
    12/17 -
    12/18 -
  • Went out to dinner with friends yesterday so I went waaay over my calorie limit. Taking it easy today and eating very little. Still not hungry anyway hahah.

    12/09 - 152 lb. Gained two lb since surgery day. Time to start fresh!
    12/10 - 150.6 lb. Probably mostly water weight since I've been slacking there, but I stayed in calorie limit yesterday!
    12/11 - 151 lb. Drank a lot of tea yesterday, and had a good bit of salt probably. Going out for a walk today.
    12/12 - 150 lb. Gotta get back into drinking more water. I drank a lot after surgery then took a break lol.
    12/13 - 150 lb. Had a zeppoli at lunch for Chanukah; gonna have to make up for that later lol.
    12/14 - 152 lb.