Hello fellow earthlings

Just thought I would introduce myself, name is Justin. I have been on here before many many moons ago. Wasn't very active and quit quiet quickly. This time I am in it for the long haul.


Age: 33 (this Sunday, 17th is my bday so 34 it is)
Weight: 236lbs (239 on 12/8, down 3lbs)
BF%: 39%
Height: 5' 11"
Haven't taken any measurements as of yet


My precious two year old daughter McKenzie and I have a second one on the way.


Weight: 185lbs
BF%: 15%?

I am watching what I eat, how much I eat and working out 3 days a week. Figured I use this site and forum as additional motivation. If you like add me would love to talk to like minded people and see what tips and tricks they might have.
