JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 25



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,513 Member
    edited December 2017
    Age 60, 5'4" [lost 1/2" somewhere, not the measurement I wanted to lose]
    SW 195 [joined MFP Nov 2015, lost 9.5# & got serious Jan 2017]
    1st Goal 150 in a livable way = It's. Not. A. Diet.
    2nd Goal 145 = normal BMI
    UGW Range 140 - 145

    My scale only has 1/2# increments, and I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale. Comments reflect prior day. Previous round EW 159.5 LW 159.5 First time in 10 years my weight is 1-5-anything!
    R20 SW 166.0 10/20/17 (my round 1)
    R20 EW 166.5 LW 164.5
    R21 EW 164.0 LW 163.0
    R22 EW 162.0 LW 162.0
    R23 EW 162.0 LW 162.0 = included parade day & Thanksgiving, no food/drink logged :wink:
    R24 EW 159.5 LW 159.5 = walked Jingle Bell 5K in 44:37 and pace 14:22
    Round 24 (previous round)
    11/29: 161.5 Walked dog 3.09 miles before work. Fitbit 17,682 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom) hours & 36 floors. 14c water / not sure about net calories, had to guestimate for wine tasting and appetizers sampled at spa open house, totally worth it. :D
    11/30: 162.0 Happy hour w/ 1 pint beer & dinner at Mexican restaurant / net calories -810 (guestimated) and sodium sky high / 15c water. Walked dog 3.07 miles before work. Fitbit 13,444 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 38 floors.
    12/01: 160.5 Net calories green & 15c water. Walked dog 3.08 miles before work. Fitbit 14,665 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 hours (boom!) & 41 floors.
    12/02: 161.0 Walked dog 3.39 miles. Fitbit 13,041 steps, 250+ steps 10/14 hours (day off work for washer & dryer delivery & classic holiday movie date with hubby) & 13 floors. Net calories w/i 100 green & 10c water.
    12/03: 161.0 Walked the Jingle Bell 5K with chip time of 44:37 and average pace of 14:22, beating my goal of 45 minutes. Woohoo! Then walked dog in afternoon 2.65 miles. Fitbit 19,155 steps, 250+ steps 10/14 hours & 20 floors. Net calories w/i 100 green & 12c water.
    12/04: 161.0 Net calories -110 & 14c water. Walked dog 3.27 miles. Fitbit 16,955 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 32 floors.
    12/05: 161.0 Non-dog walk day / Fitbit 8,455 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 33 floors. Net calories green (barely) & 14c water.
    12/06: 160.0 Walked dog 3.1 miles before work and workplace hike (with hills) at lunchtime. Fitbit 17,906 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 87 floors (Ferris Wheel badge). Net calories green & 13c water.
    12/07: 159.5 :love: First time in 10 years my weight is 1-5-anything! Slowly but surely I will reach my GW. Unplanned non-dog walk day. Fitbit 6,998 steps, 250+ steps 11/14 hours & 27 floors. Net calories w/i 100 green & 14c water.
    12/08: 159.5 Walked dog 3.08 miles before work. Fitbit 15,291 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) hours & 36 floors. Net calories w/i 100 green & 14c water. See you next round!

    12/09: 158.5 Little shocked by w-i, no wonder I still felt hungry last night. Net calories red (w/i 100) & 12c water. Walked dog 3.14 miles before work and helped decorate dept. for Christmas. Fitbit 15,471 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) hours & 41 floors.
    12/10: 161.0 Annnd it's bounce-back time. To be honest, I snacked with hubby after getting home late last night from classic holiday movie (A White Christmas) at theatre...he's used to eating after his shift ends at midnight, and I ate right along with him. Net calories red, sodium very red and 12c water. Walked dog 3.07 miles. Fitbit 16,142 steps, 250+ steps 11/14 hours & 17 floors.
    12/11: 160.0 Net calories green, sodium red & 14c water. Walked dog 3.56 miles. Fitbit 17,803 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 38 floors.
    12/12: 160.0 All numbers red except sugar & 15c water. Walked dog 3.11 miles before work, landed on my backside b/c of snow-covered ice patch & switching to indoor workouts for winter. Sad dog. Fitbit 15,643 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 38 floors.
    12/13: 160.0 Net calories barely green, sodium not so bad, sugar red mostly from fruit, and 15c water. Walked 1 mile in workplace hike at lunchtime. Fitbit 13,953 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 33 floors.
    12/14: 160.0 Treadmill 3 miles / 50:35 and shoveled snow 1 hr. (est. 8") / thank heavens for kind-hearted neighbor with snowblower. Fitbit 18,353 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) hours & 39 floors. Net calories, sodium & sugar all green! 14c water, could've had more with all my activity.
    12/15: 160.0 Rest day after activity previous day. Fitbit 10,431 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 27 floors. Net calories w/i 100 green, sodium red & 15c water. Light on fiber lately, need to increase.
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    Jan 1 2017 226... I'm 5'6"
    Started R6 @ 177.1
    First Goal: 170 ✔️
    Next Goal: 159 ✔️
    Next Goal: Hit a healthy BMI 154.4'ish... Hit it once, now to make it solid!!
    Hold steady aroung 159 through December.

    End of R24 158.2

    12/09 - 156.9. Had Halo Top today, pretty good. Also had 5/guys burger and fries!! Not going to be a good calorie weekend, but a fun one. Lots of steps though. Shopping and fun!!
    12/10 - 159.6. According to the hotel scale. After shower, hair damp and fully dressed. (24,500) Steps. Hope I get the same steps in today. Enjoying a coffee in the morning sunshine before everyone gets up and going. Happy Sunday!!
    12/11 - 157.0 ... Happy with this after a busy weekend of shopping and eating out.
    12/12 - 157.6. Tummy issues this morning. Not sure what’s going on. Moving really really slow.
    12/13 - Really sick yesterday maybe stomach flu or food poisoning, feeling better today. Didn't eat or move, just slept maybe 18 hours. weight in @ 154.1
    12/14 - 153.6 ... Well I ate and had lots of salt. Kinda sad that this in my lowest weight in years and it's because I have been sick. Can't really celebrate it and it should bounce right up in a couple of days I'm sure. Great seeing 70 lbs lost.

    12/15 - 154.8 ... Dinner with relatives tonight. Need to run errands on my lunch so no lunch break walk :( Don't think I'll be able to get my steps in but I do like a challenge. Last weekend before SO comes home for Christmas. Plan is to get a run or atleast tons of steps in. Get most of my shopping and uugggghhhh wrapping done and some Christmas baking. Busy Busy Busy. Oh and clean the house its a train wreak. Keeping those 5's. Happy Friday everyone!!

  • sheilajean58
    sheilajean58 Posts: 263 Member
    Round 25 Goal: Low 106s - Annual Goal is 105.

    12/9 106.9
    12/10 106.7 Over my calorie goal but finally exercised. I do best NOT adding calories to intake when exercising.
    12/11 106.9 Made time for a little jump rope yesterday. Beautiful Weekend!
    12/12 106.6 Nice but I know I over ate yesterday. So . . . hopefully I can make today a little better than yesterday.
    12/13 106.5 My favorite radio station - 106.5 the end !!!! Not my end but happy to be here (again).
    12/14 106.8 Over Calories - again. Will make a good plan for today.
    12/15 107 Nailed the Calories so this number is not reflective of my yesterday. Only 3 more days!
  • suebee143
    suebee143 Posts: 821 Member
    12/15 171.8 - well that's cool! I think over the next 4 days including today I can definitely make it into the high 169 range at this rate. Yesterday I ate really well and went to the gym to do a treadmill/elliptical combo. I ate a snack after work, worked out, then had a late dinner, which might be a good combo for me, as I don't get hungry before bed. This seems crazy but maybe I eat dinner too early, which leads me to snack/binge at night?! This weekend's going to be a bit of a gong show with events, I have 2 holiday parties tonight with open bars, then 1 event tomorrow night, then 2 events on Sunday, one of which is a Christmas cookie swap :neutral: . My goal during all this is moderation - just because there is an open bar or hundreds of cookies doesn't mean I need to eat all the cookies or drink all the drinks. Weekend motto: "one or two will do!"
    I have two cookie exchanges next week as well, Dickens Fair tomorrow, holiday party on Thursday... think I am going to stick with my one glass of wine at the beginning, and bring some sparkling Pellegrino water and lime wedges. It kind of *looks* like a drink, and the bubblies make it feel festive!
  • str82nichelle
    str82nichelle Posts: 1,014 Member
    12/15 145 at 7:30 am....after yogurt and coffee. I guess I lost a lb in a few hours. I too the first weight at 3:30 am.

    I weigh twice each morning just to see the fluctuations. My latter weight is always the lowest because I've had coffee, been to the restroom two or three times and everything is clear :* .