Strength training and back pain

A few months ago I had to be admitted to the ER due to extreme back pain and was informed that I most probably have degenerative disc disease (as do my father and brother). This was a rude awakening and I began to actively lose weight and increase my fitness levels via walking long distances. I have however avoided strength training and generally carrying heavy items to give my back some time to recover from the incident, but I know that I need to somehow strengthen my back to help me as I grow older.

Does anyone have any advice on how to approach this? I don't want to put more strain on my back but it is important to build more muscles for general health purposes. I cannot afford a gym membership at the moment, therefore house-bound exercises would be ideal.


  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,216 Member
    I suggest talking to your doctor familiar with the situation and see what level of activity/load they recommend.

    Beyond that, bodyweight exercises and yoga are underrated for being able to strengthen muscles both of which you can do at home without any (or minimal) equipment. I would think the flexability fostered from yoga and the strength in isometric holds it incorporates would be a good place to start.
  • Fitnessmom82
    Fitnessmom82 Posts: 376 Member
    Talk to your doctor or a physical therapist! I'd be careful with getting advice for back trouble online. What works for some won't always work for you.
    I've had 4 lower back surgeries. I have spondylosis and two of my vertebrae are bone on bone now. I've also got extensive nerve damage in one of my legs. When I started going to the gym I knew i needed to strenght train and I really wanted to. I know my limitations pretty well, but I hired a trainer to teach my how to properly exercise. It worked wonders for me and I am now comfortable going at it alone. In general, just go slow and light. Bodyweight exercises are great. If it feels wrong, then it probably is wrong!