first weigh in tonight...

So... last time I weighed myself i was 210.. that was a while ago..

but... tonight at the Gym i'm going to face my fears and hop on those scales! (thus.. my CW being blank..)

It is safe to say I'm pooing my pants a bit at the prospect of climbing on those nasty evil scales.. but hopefully I will see a loss or that I'm AT LEAST the same! Shall keep y'all posted!!


The girl hiding under her desk at work so the scales don't find her


  • climbingpanda
    climbingpanda Posts: 36 Member
    Be brave and get out from under the desk!

    The only reason I got weighed was because they needed my weight to set up a bike, have been working hard to make sure that when I now weigh myself each week it's gone down ... still don't like scales though. Horrible things.
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    good luck..hope you get a pleasant suprise
  • Tracey_Smith
    Have faith, I do :smile:
  • Klbryce1
    Klbryce1 Posts: 23
    good luck climbing on those horrible horrible scales! just think, once its done, its done, and its all progress from there on :). good luck!