JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 25



  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    edited December 2017
    "Don't be upset by the results you didn't get from the work you didn't do." - Orebela Gbenga

    Start 10/18/2017 = 147.9 * Goal = 130.0 and 20 miles/week
    R22 * Start = 143.4 * Ave = 141.9 * Min = 140.2 * End = 141.2
    R23 * Start = 142.0 * Ave = 140.1 * Min = 139.4 * End = 139.6
    R24 * Start = 140.0 * Ave = 138.6 * Min = 137.0 * End = 137.0
    R25 * Start = 136.6 * GOAL: 135.0 by 12/25 - so for the end of this round, 136.0 as a high weight.

    12/9 - 136.6 - Yesterday well under calories, 29 minute run.
    12/10 - 136.2 - Yesterday under maintenance calories but not under daily goal, no workout, to bed at 7PM. Felt depleted and borderline sick. Drinking extra water today and feel much better, planning on a run.
    12/11 - 137.0 - expected this bounceback. Ran 5.5 miles yesterday, under calories for goal but ate well.
    Having this "135 by 12/25" goal led to me being too far under calories Thursday and Friday, and totally bonking out on Saturday. Counterproductive! I am all about the system, not the goal, and I have to return to that system and "let" the goal happen, instead of trying to "make" it happen.
    12/12 - 138.2 and deserved. Gross headache all yesterday, came home sick, ate for "comfort" and kinda, yeah, couldn't summon the "give a *kitten*" to stop. I did go to the gym and walk gingerly on the treadmill for 3.5 miles. But still over maintenance by a bit.
    12/13 - 137.4 - ate right at calories for slow loss yesterday, no workout (planned due to schedule). Feeling better but still a little knocked-down. Looking forward to a nice workout today for stress relief.
    12/14 - 137.4 - ate under calorie goal yesterday and got a kick *kitten* workout. Still pretty anxious and stressed though so let's do that again.

    12/15 - 137.2 - ate about 50 calories over goal yesterday and no workout.

  • Getting caught up - trying to decide what to get for dinner and doing my best to resist ordering in. Nooooot easy lol.

    12/09 - 152 lb. Gained two lb since surgery day. Time to start fresh!
    12/10 - 150.6 lb. Probably mostly water weight since I've been slacking there, but I stayed in calorie limit yesterday!
    12/11 - 151 lb. Drank a lot of tea yesterday, and had a good bit of salt probably. Going out for a walk today.
    12/12 - 150 lb. Gotta get back into drinking more water. I drank a lot after surgery then took a break lol.
    12/13 - 150 lb. Had a zeppoli at lunch for Chanukah; gonna have to make up for that later lol.
    12/14 - 152 lb.
    12/15 - 151 lb
  • rtls
    rtls Posts: 285 Member
    R14 SW-160.38
    R15 SW- 158.4
    R16 SW- 155.98
    R17 SW- 154.66
    R18 SW- 153.12
    R19 SW- 152.68
    R20 SW- 150.7
    R21 SW- 149.82
    R22 SW- 148.94
    R23 SW- 148.94 (no loss last round)
    R24 SW- 147.84

    Current weight- 146.3
    10 Day Goal: 144.5 I want to reach my 20lb mark by Christmas, which means I need to lose just over a lb a week.
    12/09- 146.3 Absolutely exhausted. Trying to catch back up on sleep. Within calories, but no exercise today.
    12/10- 146.08 ---Apparently I forgot to submit an entry.
    12/11- 145.64 ---And again.
    12/12- 144.98 Continuing with my routine of tracking everything that goes into my mouth
    12/13- 144.98 Went over on my calories today. I've been out of the house and didn't make great choices. (fish and chips) Now I'm home my stomach is growling... Tomorrow is a new day.
    12/14- 144.76 Well this is a surprise. I collapsed last night before grabbing more to eat.
    12/15- 145.42 Think this is probably normal fluctuation Made sure I had dinner before going out Christmas shopping tonight so I would have no excuse to snack while I was out.

  • Morrighan_632017
    Morrighan_632017 Posts: 77 Member
    Been doing the weight loss on my own for a while then discovered this challenge. I found that this is a great resource for me so let's keep going!

    Historical Start weight: 252 lb.
    End weight Rnd 24: 225.6

    12/09 - 224.8 - NSV - finishing the Fitbit Valley Loops Trail solo challenge
    12/10 - 224.1 - NSV - I didn't eat the cookies and chips I was craving all day.
    12/11 - 223 - NSV - not eating all the food! Guys I'm in this phase where I want to eat everything!!! I am not, despite being surrounded by Chistmas baking, bit the struggle is really real! This will end soon, these come round ever so often, but I am almost having dreams of pizza, it's hilariously sad. Staying strong to give in reasonably on Thursday date night which cannot come soon enough.
    12/12 - 222.3 - NSV - I've decided to commit to walking to and from my subway stop this winter. I usually do walk but would take the bus once the snow came. It's 4,000 steps both ways so this year I'm going to tough it out and get my steps in. Last night we got our first real snowfall of the winter and today I did walk, despite the -10 Celcius temperatures and unplowed sidewalks. It's going to be a long winter but I can do it! Brrrrrrr
    12/13 - 221.6 - today is a scale victory day: 30 lbs. down!
    12/14 - 221 - late entry cause movie date night where I ate all the sushi then saw Star Wars :D the sale will likely suck tomorrow but it was completely worth it!
    12/15 - 220.6 - considering all the sushi I ate last night I am honestly shocked I didn't gain. Today was my work Christmas party so 3 beers and appetizers makes me think I won't be so lucky. I still made me steps today so this is what I'm celebrating.
  • Mbodied
    Mbodied Posts: 38 Member
    12/09- 143
    12/13- 142.6
    12/14- 142.8
    12/15- 142.2
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    MFP Starting 2012 & 2015: 201
    MFP Starting 2017: 184

    Round 16 SW: 175.0
    Round 17 SW: 173.5
    Round 18 SW: 173.0
    Round 19 SW: 170.5
    Round 20 SW: 166.5
    Round 21 SW: 167.0
    Round 22 SW: 164.5
    Round 23 SW: 161.5
    Round 24 SW: 161.5
    Round 25 SW: 160.0

    12/9: 160
    My eating has been terrible the last several days. It's cooler outside and I want to eat eat eat.

    12/10: 161.5
    At least I'm still logging and checking in on groups. On the bright side, I've realized this is my 10th round in this challenge! At the end of these 10 days I will have posted here 100 days in a row.

    12/11: 162
    Deserved, yesterday was bad. TOM is a full week late, definitely NOT pg, guess it's aging. Didn't do great on nutrition today but no added sugar and overall low on calories.

    12/12: 160.5
    My progress for the last month looks like an EKG, bouncing between 160, 161, 162. Did OK today on calories & exercise. Had curry at a Thai restaurant, not sure if it was high in sodium so I don't know what to expect tomorrow.

    12/13: 163.5
    Yes, sodium. Tonight I went to dinner at someone's house, didn't log it all.

    12/14: 163.5
    Owning it.

    12/15: 162.5
    I'm just hoping not to end the round on a gain. Had a root canal (2 actually) yesterday, finally TOM and I really want comfort goodies but I haven't been too bad.
  • Ani_GetsHealthy
    Ani_GetsHealthy Posts: 51 Member
    Day 7 Lets do this!!!
    ar63jan wrote: »
    ar63jan wrote: »
    Ok let’s do this again! I’m all in!!! Welcome fit friends!!!

    SW: 221
    R24 208 - 205
    GW: 202 (for round 25)
    UGW: 155


    12/9 204.8 Woo hooo!!! I’m back to losing.

    12/10 205 I didn’t have enough water yesterday. A lot of tea but I guess it’s not the same. Oh well, I’ll make up for it today :)

    12/11 204.4 YAY going back down :) I was worried bc I had a cheeseburger yesterday but I worked out to make up for it.

    12/12 203.4 :smile: but I’m skeptical bc I barely ate yesterday so it might be temporary... I won’t get too excited. Either way it I’m close to getting of the 2’s!!! [/quote]

    12/13 202.6 :) wooooo hooooo I’m still heading down!!!! I’m excited [/quote]

    12/14 202!!!!! Wooo hooooo I hit my goal for this round!!!! Yeeeesssss!!!! I could almost taste the 200! [/quote]

    12/15 203 ok so I went up, I’m not going to let it brake me... I’ll keep going but I’m wondering what did it. Either going out to eat, even though I stayed within my calories or ??? Btw, spot
  • enlightenme2
    enlightenme2 Posts: 97 Member
    edited December 2017
    R23SW: 102.4 R23EW: 103.2 Loss: +0.8
    R24SW: 103.2 R24EW: 100.4 Loss: -2.8

    R25GW: under 99kg
    Mini goals - eat breakfast everyday, drink at least 3l of water/day, do not eat below calorie allowance.

    CW - 100
    GW - anything under 99kg

    12/09 - 100 :s - would it really be too much to ask for a little less this morning? I truly didn't want to see this number. I went over my steps yesterday but didn't have time to eat enough. I even ate right before bed to get some extra calories in... but once Fitbit had calculated my steps, I was still very much lacking calorie-wise. OK went back in edit mode - I lost 400 grams (almost a pound), so I'll shut it!

    12/10 - 100.8 - ok 800g overnight (1.6lbs) - day entailed too many carbs, drank my water, hit my calories though! With Italian dinner, birthday cake, etc. The problem being today is just the same with another birthday to celebrate. Oh well that’s life I guess... I have a week to compensate. I’ll end with a very positive note though, as I’m am officially overweight :)

    12/11 - 102.6 :o - I hyperventilated seeing this number (5.7lbs in 2 days), but as there is NO way I ate that much, I'll say it's the sodium, water retention etc. I have a week to redress the situation!

    12/12 - 101.8 - I always wonder how long it takes to reset the water retention balance... obviously it's not overnight, but what 2? 3 days? It's definitely something to take into account when you don't weigh in daily!

    12/13 - 101.2 - i didn't succumb to the gingerbread cookies, but woke up (very early) so hungry! that rarely happens to me

    12/14 - 100.4 :o - All I can say is that I do not understand my body! Yesterday I woke up hungry at 4 a.m. and my day was just one complete food fest. I ate my planned calories, I ate my added Fitbit calories, I ate so many gingerbread cookies I feel I made up for the day before's efforts... I ate chickpea chips (100g) full-on fat and carbs and chocolate. I drank about 6l of water throughout the day and I lost over a pound?
    There are some days I'm so good and I feel I don't deserve the (STS or gain) numbers on the scale - but today I was afraid of stepping on the scale and it did not reflect yesterday, I also feel I don't deserve these (positive) numbers

    12/15 - 99.8 B) - and this right before the weekend! Note to self - keep out of the cookie jar!

    12/16 - 100 - And a bounce back up... Not enough sleep, way too much sodium, pizza involved -it's OK as long as I tread carefully this weekend and THAT my friends is not a given!
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,821 Member
    Average weight per round
    R11 = 145.18 .....................R12 = 143.40
    R13 = 141.88 .....................R14 = 141.40
    R15 = 140.16 .....................R16 = 140.04
    R17 = 139.75 .....................R18 = 139.02
    R19 = 138.75. ....................R20 = 138.02
    R21 = 137.86......................R22 = 137.68
    R23 = 138.42......................R24 = 138.38

    So happy to have maintained last round as I was all over the place.

    I have 2 weeks to my friends wedding so I would like to lose 2lbs. So my mantras are going to be
    'eat that, gonna get fat' and 'eat less, move more'

    09/12 - 138.4
    10/12 - 138.2
    11/12 - 138.0
    12/12 - 137.6
    13/12 - 138.0
    14/12 - 137.4 I've got a shocking cough and cold at the mo. Positive - I'm not at work being tempted by all the cakes and sweets people bring in. Negative - I'm feel so dreadful that I can't do any exercise except shuffle between the kitchen and bed.
    15/12 - 138.0
    16/12 - 137.2
    17/12 -
    18/12 -
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,361 Member
    commitment is pushing yourself when no one else is around

    SW, 212 -
    Loss BY AVG weight 19.7lbs.
    Loss BY SW --- 20 lbs

    spoiler Contains my Average weights and my total losses in each round from R8 - R24
    R08, Avg weight - 203.4 Total Down 8.4lbs
    R09, Avg weight - 201.4 Total down 10.4lbs
    R10, Avg weight - 201.1 Total down 10.7lbs
    R11, Avg weight - 200.2 Total down 11.8lbs
    R12, Avg weight - 197.7 Total down 14.3lbs
    R13, Avg weight - 198.4 ^^^ gone up
    R14, Avg weight - 197.2 Total down 14.8lbs
    R15, Avg weight - 197.9 ^^^ gone up
    R16, Avg weight - 196.4 Total down 15.6lbs
    R17, Avg weight - 196.3 Total down 15.7lbs
    R18, Avg weight - 196.5 ^^^ gone up
    R19, Avg weight - 196.1 Total down 15.9lbs ~~~ started eating higher to save my hair
    R20, Avg weight - 194.5 Total down 17.5lbs
    R21, Avg weight - 194.8 ^^^ gone up
    R22. Avg weight - 194.8 ~~~ stayed the same ~~~ but I've stopped losing my hair
    R23, Avg weight - 193.3 Total down 18.7 lbs
    R24, Avg weight - 192.3 Total down 19.7 lbs

    R25 SW - 192

    My goal for R24 R25 is for my average weight to drop under 192 lbs

    UGW 140

    08/12 - 192 - R24 - The round that I ran out of anti inflammatory pills and my pain came back on like a train, also the round I found out my doctor wasn't really going to help me out, I have more pills now and I think slowly but surely they are starting to work again ... I have around 4 -6 weeks to wait to see a physio and around 35 weeks till I get to see a spinal specialist ... yay for long waits while in pain!

    09/12 - 192.6 - had a little relief from my pain, so I done some xmas cleaning (something I am having real difficulty with at the moment, bending and stretching is the worst) after 1 hour I was laid up for the rest of the night in agony, had to sit in an upright position for any relief. looks like my house won't be clean for Santa!

    10/12 - 192.4 - went out for a walk today at the xmas German market in town, still walking slowly but I get there in the end!

    11/12 - 192.6 - 5 miles on the stat bike and calories higher than I intended -- i can still easily pull them back by average thou.

    12/12 - 192.6 - lots of strength exercises today with some flex and cardio .. 2 1/2 hours total, im still in pain. so everything is modified ... the pain got worse later on at night ( due to pushing myself, i guess) so i went to bed and read a book ... and fell asleep early

    13/12 - 192.6 - holding steady!
    14/12 - 192.4 - holding steady!!
    15/12 - 191 - <<< NEW LOW and a very welcome sight :)
    16/12 - 193.6 <<< WTH
    17/12 -
    18/12 -

  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    Just joining in. what do we do in this group ?

    We weigh ourselves daily, and we post our weight here to help hold us accountable. I have found that it works for me. We can post a goal if we have one, and we can discuss our day and what we've done to lose or not lose any weight. We even talk about some personal parts of our lives together if we feel like it. I'm glad you joined. :)