Im new here

Im Karen and new to my fitness pal! I love the easy way it allows me to track my food and exercise and like the idea of having many others to talk to about trials and successes as I move toward achieving my goal! My exercises of choice are bicycling and walking. I need to lose 15 lbs and increase my muscle mass so guess I better get moving!:smile::smile:


  • smoore85
    smoore85 Posts: 68 Member
    hi, good luck i have just started seriously joined a while bk but didnt really follow it, fingers crossed we both reach our targets soon, good luck, xx
  • pazzescauna1
    pazzescauna1 Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome!! This MyFitnessPal website is FANTASTIC!! There are some very knowledgable people on this site, and it doesn't make losing weight too difficult. Weightloss is a matter of burning more calories than you consume, and the food database is unbelievably accurate. Best of luck to you on your weightloss, and remember: login everyday, even if you didn't do so well with your calorie intake for the day. Be honest with the food you consume-- in the long run, you'll be able to see where you made have made a bad judgment call or 2. It happens to the best of us. :)
  • kbonham22
    thanks for the input - thats great advice and Ill do it!