JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 25



  • enlightenme2
    enlightenme2 Posts: 97 Member
    R23SW: 102.4 R23EW: 103.2 Loss: +0.8
    R24SW: 103.2 R24EW: 100.4 Loss: -2.8

    R25GW: under 99kg
    Mini goals - eat breakfast everyday, drink at least 3l of water/day, do not eat below calorie allowance.

    CW - 100
    GW - anything under 99kg

    12/09 - 100 :s - would it really be too much to ask for a little less this morning? I truly didn't want to see this number. I went over my steps yesterday but didn't have time to eat enough. I even ate right before bed to get some extra calories in... but once Fitbit had calculated my steps, I was still very much lacking calorie-wise. OK went back in edit mode - I lost 400 grams (almost a pound), so I'll shut it!

    12/10 - 100.8 - ok 800g overnight (1.6lbs) - day entailed too many carbs, drank my water, hit my calories though! With Italian dinner, birthday cake, etc. The problem being today is just the same with another birthday to celebrate. Oh well that’s life I guess... I have a week to compensate. I’ll end with a very positive note though, as I’m am officially overweight :)

    12/11 - 102.6 :o - I hyperventilated seeing this number (5.7lbs in 2 days), but as there is NO way I ate that much, I'll say it's the sodium, water retention etc. I have a week to redress the situation!

    12/12 - 101.8 - I always wonder how long it takes to reset the water retention balance... obviously it's not overnight, but what 2? 3 days? It's definitely something to take into account when you don't weigh in daily!

    12/13 - 101.2 - i didn't succumb to the gingerbread cookies, but woke up (very early) so hungry! that rarely happens to me

    12/14 - 100.4 :o - All I can say is that I do not understand my body! Yesterday I woke up hungry at 4 a.m. and my day was just one complete food fest. I ate my planned calories, I ate my added Fitbit calories, I ate so many gingerbread cookies I feel I made up for the day before's efforts... I ate chickpea chips (100g) full-on fat and carbs and chocolate. I drank about 6l of water throughout the day and I lost over a pound?
    There are some days I'm so good and I feel I don't deserve the (STS or gain) numbers on the scale - but today I was afraid of stepping on the scale and it did not reflect yesterday, I also feel I don't deserve these (positive) numbers

    12/15 - 99.8 B) - and this right before the weekend! Note to self - keep out of the cookie jar!

    12/16 - 100 - And a bounce back up... Not enough sleep, way too much sodium, pizza involved -it's OK as long as I tread carefully this weekend and THAT my friends is not a given!

    12/17 - 100.2 - My post disappeared ugh! long story short, yesterday was pizza AGAIN. Drank plenty. Hit my cals more or less - just the fat was sky high. I'm really being very careful today though

  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    This is the lightest I've been in months, whoah :O Gonna keep doin' what I'm doin' I guess. I can't wait until I can start going to the gym again (can't bc surgery 3wk ago)...

    12/09 - 152 lb. Gained two lb since surgery day. Time to start fresh!
    12/10 - 150.6 lb. Probably mostly water weight since I've been slacking there, but I stayed in calorie limit yesterday!
    12/11 - 151 lb. Drank a lot of tea yesterday, and had a good bit of salt probably. Going out for a walk today.
    12/12 - 150 lb. Gotta get back into drinking more water. I drank a lot after surgery then took a break lol.
    12/13 - 150 lb. Had a zeppoli at lunch for Chanukah; gonna have to make up for that later lol.
    12/14 - 152 lb.
    12/15 - 151 lb.
    12/16 - 149.4 lb.
    12/17 - 148 lb.
    12/18 -

    Congrats on staying in the 140s!
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    Weight: 201 Lbs on March 14th 2017
    R14 HW 198.2 LW 192.6 Total weights Average: 194.9
    R15 HW 195.4 LW 191.8 Total weights Average: 193.7
    R16 HW 194.6 LW 190.8 Total weights Average: 192.8
    R17 HW 192.5 LW 190.8 Total weights Average: 191.7
    R18 - I followed the thread but didn't record my weights as I had no access to a reliable Scale
    R19 - HW 192.2 LW 190.4 - I Can't record Average as I didn't post for 1/2 of the days
    R20 HW 189.8 LW 187.4 Total weights Average: 188.9
    R21 HW 189.8 LW 186.8 Total weights Average: 188.3
    R22 HW 189.6 LW 186.8 Total weights Average: 188.8
    R23 HW 191.8 LW 188.4 Total weights Average: 189.7
    R24 HW 193 LW 190.0 Total weights Average: 191.5

    I was really upset and disappointed by my results in the last 3 rounds. I'm gonna do my best to be MUCH better on this round.

    Goal for this round: Get back on track, lose the bloating and see 187 again.

    Weight on Dec. 7th: 190.8

    R25 (12th Round for me)


    12/9 - sick with flu. Didn't weigh
    12/10 - sick with flu. Didn't weigh
    12/11 - sick with flu. Didn't weigh
    12/12 - sick with flu. Didn't weigh
    12/13 - sick with flu. Didn't weigh
    12/14 - 189.8
    12/15 - 192.2 This is bloating due to a bad reaction to restaurant food last night.
    12/16 - 192.0
    12/17 - 190.8

    I'm so sorry that you've been sick. The flu is awful!
  • reede708
    reede708 Posts: 105 Member
    Round 22 SW: 140lb
    Round 23 SW: 140.3lb
    Round 24 SW: 140.2lb
    Round 25 SW: 136.9lb

    12/09 - 136.9lb
    12/10 - 137.3lb
    12/11 - 137.7lb
    12/12 - 137.8lb
    12/13 - 137.6lb
    12/14 - 137.6lb
    12/15 - 137.1lb
    12/16 - 136.6lb
    12/17 - 138.3lb
  • lajeanneh
    lajeanneh Posts: 175 Member
    SW: 235.5
    EW Rd. 13 231
    EW Rd. 14 229.1
    EW Rd. 15 226.6
    EW Rd. 16 227.1
    EW Rd. 17 224.4
    EW Rd. 18 222.2
    EW Rd. 19 222.4
    EW Rd. 20 222.2
    EW Rd. 21 222.0
    EW Rd. 22 221.3
    EW Rd. 23 222.9
    EW Rd. 24 220.9

    I haven't really been setting weight goals for the last few because I was struggling, but I think I will for this one. I want to end in the teens. I'm hoping to end at 219. Let's do this!

    12/09 219.8 I really don't believe this. There is no way I have lost 1.1 lbs in a day! However, for today l will take it! Date night with the husband, so we will see what tomorrow brings!
    12/10 219.8 This is crazy! I'm still struggling to believe this is my actual weight. Pushed a lot of water yesterday, it's been very dry here so that is making it easier. Doing some Christmas shopping today!
    12/11 221.1 Totally understand where this came from. Panera pastries, not enough water, and to much salt! I love my husband dearly, but I tend to eat like he does when we are out and about, and that's not good for me! I need to get better at that. Today, I plan on doing some grocery shopping, getting at least 30 mins of exercise, and drinking at least 2 liters of water.
    12/12 221.1 Only did five mins of exercise yesterday, and didn't drink enough water. Today will be better.
    12/13 220.0 better! Ready to make this go down further! More water, and at least 30 mins of exercise today!
    12/14 218.5 Bam! Water-drinking is paying off! Also been moving more, although very little actual "exercise" in the last couple days. I plan to actually exercise today and continue to drink lots of water.
    12/15 218.5 Yay! Still here! Moving into the weekend, so I need to be diligent about making healthy choices and definitely need to exercise! Maintaining the water drinking as well!
    12/16 218.5 Did ok yesterday. Eating enough was an issue, which isn't normal for me! Today I'm traveling to see my niece's ice skating event, so I really need to make smart choices where eating is concerned. Also since I'll be in the car for four hours and seated for another 3 at the event, I HAVE to exercise when I get home tonight.
    12/17 218.5 :smiley: If I can just stay here for one more day, I can call this round a success! I can do this! Lots of water and movement today. :S

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,651 Member
    edited December 2017
    [Round 14 SW: 147.9
    Round 15 SW: 147.9
    Round 16 SW: 147.4
    Round 17 SW: 145.9
    Round 18 SW: 146.6
    Round 19 SW: x
    Round 20 SW: 149.8
    Round 21 SW: 145.4
    Round 22 SW: 147.5
    Round 23 SW: 147.5
    Round 24 SW: 144.3
    Round 25 SW 143.2

    SW - 143.2
    GW- 141

    12/09 143.2 ~ (Steps 11,229)

    12/10 142.9 ~ (Steps 18,341)

    12/11 142.5 ~ (Steps 12,239)

    12/12 142 ~ (Steps 25,461)

    12/13 142 ~ (Steps 19,101)

    12/14 141.8 ~ (Steps 19,513)

    12/15 142.2
    ~ (Steps 11,652)

    12/16 forgot to weigh in ~ (Steps 18,659)

    12/17 142.4 ~ (Steps 18,733)


  • tandysha
    tandysha Posts: 95 Member
    Start weight: 152.2
    End weight Rnd 22: 148.6
    End weight Rnd 23: 146.2
    End weight Rnd 24: 144.6
    Loss to Date: 7.6 lbs
    Final Goal Weight: 135

    12/09 - 144.2 hopefully I can hold onto this over the next few days. Today will be interesting, potluck lunch and pub Christmas party for dinner. At least there will be lots of movement with the dog competition we are going to.
    12/10 - 143.2 might be a false blip but I’ll take it for now :) Didn’t end up logging the potluck it just became too complicated with a little bit of this and that but I think I did alright with a light plate and then I chose a single dessert to treat myself and try. Then at the pub I really didn’t want to derail things so I chose to drive and have a club soda and chicken Caesar salad so I think I did alright. More dog competition today and another potluck lunch so hopefully I can keep it up.
    12/11 - 143.2 very happy with this number. After the weekend of two potlucks and a pub evening Christmas party I feel like I managed to mostly keep it together. Took the same approach to the potluck I did on Sunday and went with the small plate and chose 1 treat to sample. Hoping to keep it up.
    12/12 - 143.2 ended up doing drive through for dinner which was a mistake. Normally when that happens I skip the fries and I’m usually pretty good but I thought last night I would eat them. OMG they were so salty and I didn’t stop until 3/4 of the way through. Ugh the busy holiday season is making meals a bit tough. Keep pushing for the healthy or at least reasonable choices though.
    12/13 - 143.0 headed in the right direction. Gotta keep it together with this crazy holiday season wind up. Still so much to do yet.
    12/14 - 142.4 um ok? Yesterday was busy, went to the gym and then dog class. I didn’t eat a whole of dinner since it was kind of a flop so I threw most of it out and I ended up doing some baking tasting :) Christmas party dinner tonight so that’s definitely going to put me over daily calories.
    12/15 143.6 yeah yesterday wasn’t great. I wasn’t organized ahead of time and ended up having to purchase a salad for lunch then definitely over ate hugely at the Christmas party dinner. It was a sit down meal so tough to really portion control unfortunately. But as long as every day isn’t like that the trend should continue which is the main thing.
    12/16 - 143.0 did some power shopping yesterday. Struggling a bit with logging all my foods with the holiday season and haven’t made time to go the grocery store to refill the veggie drawer so I need to carve out some time for that so I can keep on track with the crazy Christmas holiday meals that are around.
    12/17 - 143.6 uh oh, paying for the sins of the over indulgence at the Christmas party last night. Should be able to keep it together today though as it’s a get organized for Christmas Day today.
  • suebee143
    suebee143 Posts: 821 Member
    Back for another round. :) I'd be happy just to maintain for the next ten days.

    SW: 174
    Round 12: 171.4
    Round 13: 168.6
    Round 15: 163.3
    Round 16: 164.4
    Round 18: 164.1
    Round 20: 165
    Round 21: 164.5
    Round 22: 164.1
    Round 23: 161.4
    Round 24: 159.9

    12/9: 159.8 Two days in the 150s... maybe a gift to keep me on track? Christmas tree today, and my brother is in town. They want to go out for breakfast. Breakfast is my kryptonite!
    12/10: 159.4 Ordered the oatmeal with bananas and walnuts. Was craving my SIL's beef stroganoff recipe last night, so made it with low sodium broth and the no yolks pasta... delicious! Three holiday get togethers today. Must stay disciplined.
    12/11: 159.3 Gym has been closed for renovations since the 7th. Back open on Wednesday. I miss my running!
    12/12: 158.9 Hubs texted me last night... gym WAS open! B) I am finished with the C25K and moving on to 10K. Did 4 miles last night. Helped me with my work stress. Company party was this afternoon. A little too much wine, but limited myself to one plate of food.
    12/13: 158.8
    12/14: 159 couldn't complete my run last night... just did not have the energy. Today I have been hungry. Ate out at lunch, and nibbled on sugary holiday treats from vendors at work. I am trying to get up the energy to work out now, but am cozy by the Christmas tree...
    12/15: 158.8 Thankful for the elliptical in the garage last night. Did 30 minutes and then took the dog out for a walk... it was freezing! I feel like a cold is coming on today, so drinking the water and emergen-c.
    12/16: 159.4 Oh snap. Am not feeling well at all today; have tried to bake and nothing is turning out right. Losing my patience with my teenage children today. Think it might be TOM, but who knows; it's never predictable these days. I didn't work out yesterday and have not today... just want to crawl into bed...
    12/17: 158.7 Okay. Time to reset. Yesterday was a pretty high carb day with the testing of failed holiday treats and a caroling party... did not feel like eating much, but what I did eat was lacking in nutrients. Time to clean the fridge and set myself up for a better week, food-wise.
  • eyer0ll
    eyer0ll Posts: 313 Member
    Goal: weigh and track daily.

    12/11: 196.6
    12/12: 193.6
    12/13: 194.2
    12/14: 194.2
    12/15: 193.2
    12/16: 194.6
    12/17: 193.4

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,603 Member
    edited December 2017
    Age 60, 5'4" [lost 1/2" somewhere, not the measurement I wanted to lose]
    SW 195 [joined MFP Nov 2015, lost 9.5# & got serious Jan 2017]
    1st Goal 150 in a livable way = It's. Not. A. Diet.
    2nd Goal 145 = normal BMI
    UGW Range 140 - 145

    My scale only has 1/2# increments, and I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale. Comments reflect prior day. Previous round EW 159.5 LW 159.5 First time in 10 years my weight is 1-5-anything!
    R20 SW 166.0 10/20/17 (my round 1)
    R20 EW 166.5 LW 164.5
    R21 EW 164.0 LW 163.0
    R22 EW 162.0 LW 162.0
    R23 EW 162.0 LW 162.0 = included parade day & Thanksgiving, no food/drink logged :wink:
    R24 EW 159.5 LW 159.5 = walked Jingle Bell 5K in 44:37 and pace 14:22
    Round 24 (previous round)
    11/29: 161.5 Walked dog 3.09 miles before work. Fitbit 17,682 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom) hours & 36 floors. 14c water / not sure about net calories, had to guestimate for wine tasting and appetizers sampled at spa open house, totally worth it. :D
    11/30: 162.0 Happy hour w/ 1 pint beer & dinner at Mexican restaurant / net calories -810 (guestimated) and sodium sky high / 15c water. Walked dog 3.07 miles before work. Fitbit 13,444 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 38 floors.
    12/01: 160.5 Net calories green & 15c water. Walked dog 3.08 miles before work. Fitbit 14,665 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 hours (boom!) & 41 floors.
    12/02: 161.0 Walked dog 3.39 miles. Fitbit 13,041 steps, 250+ steps 10/14 hours (day off work for washer & dryer delivery & classic holiday movie date with hubby) & 13 floors. Net calories w/i 100 green & 10c water.
    12/03: 161.0 Walked the Jingle Bell 5K with chip time of 44:37 and average pace of 14:22, beating my goal of 45 minutes. Woohoo! Then walked dog in afternoon 2.65 miles. Fitbit 19,155 steps, 250+ steps 10/14 hours & 20 floors. Net calories w/i 100 green & 12c water.
    12/04: 161.0 Net calories -110 & 14c water. Walked dog 3.27 miles. Fitbit 16,955 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 32 floors.
    12/05: 161.0 Non-dog walk day / Fitbit 8,455 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 33 floors. Net calories green (barely) & 14c water.
    12/06: 160.0 Walked dog 3.1 miles before work and workplace hike (with hills) at lunchtime. Fitbit 17,906 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 87 floors (Ferris Wheel badge). Net calories green & 13c water.
    12/07: 159.5 :love: First time in 10 years my weight is 1-5-anything! Slowly but surely I will reach my GW. Unplanned non-dog walk day. Fitbit 6,998 steps, 250+ steps 11/14 hours & 27 floors. Net calories w/i 100 green & 14c water.
    12/08: 159.5 Walked dog 3.08 miles before work. Fitbit 15,291 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) hours & 36 floors. Net calories w/i 100 green & 14c water. See you next round!

    12/09: 158.5 Little shocked by w-i, no wonder I still felt hungry last night. Net calories red (w/i 100) & 12c water. Walked dog 3.14 miles before work and helped decorate dept. for Christmas. Fitbit 15,471 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) hours & 41 floors.
    12/10: 161.0 Annnd it's bounce-back time. To be honest, I snacked with hubby after getting home late last night from classic holiday movie (A White Christmas) at theatre...he's used to eating after his shift ends at midnight, and I ate right along with him. Net calories red, sodium very red and 12c water. Walked dog 3.07 miles. Fitbit 16,142 steps, 250+ steps 11/14 hours & 17 floors.
    12/11: 160.0 Net calories green, sodium red & 14c water. Walked dog 3.56 miles. Fitbit 17,803 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 38 floors.
    12/12: 160.0 All numbers red except sugar & 15c water. Walked dog 3.11 miles before work, landed on my backside b/c of snow-covered ice patch & switching to indoor workouts for winter. Sad dog. Fitbit 15,643 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 38 floors.
    12/13: 160.0 Net calories barely green, sodium not so bad, sugar red mostly from fruit, and 15c water. Walked 1 mile in workplace hike at lunchtime. Fitbit 13,953 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 33 floors.
    12/14: 160.0 Treadmill 3 miles / 50:35 and shoveled snow 1 hr. (est. 8") / thank heavens for kind-hearted neighbor with snowblower. Fitbit 18,353 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) hours & 39 floors. Net calories, sodium & sugar all green! 14c water, could've had more with all my activity.
    12/15: 160.0 Rest day after activity previous day. Fitbit 10,431 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 27 floors. Net calories w/i 100 green, sodium red & 15c water. Light on fiber lately, need to increase.
    12/16: 158.0 Getting enough fiber helps! :wink: Net calories green, sodium good, sugar red due to lots of fruit, fiber 30g & 17c water. Walked treadmill 3 miles / 51:43. Fitbit 14,520 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 (noon class) hours & 31 floors. Still fighting off a cold, lots of zinc & water today.
    12/17: 159.0 Hate this cold that's trying to get me! Shoveled snow 34 minutes. Fitbit 11,051 steps, 250+ steps 9/14 hours & 13 floors. Net calories, sodium & sugar green, fiber 20g & 14c water.