Weight Loss Challenge for August! (OPEN)



  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Your starting weight for August: 181
    Your personal goal for August: 176
    Your personal self-challenge for August: to keep going to the gym 6 days a week lifting 3 X a week and running C25K the other 3.

    I really want to be in the mid 170's when this month ends! I've already weighed in on Wednesday and I'm down to 180 so off to a good start and hope it keeps up!
  • Hi, I've only just spotted this post so am a bit late joining in
    SW for August 152.5
    GW for August 148
    PC for August to exercise 6 days a week and drink more water!
  • so far so good for me. i have been getting up at 5 am every morning and making it to the gym by 6. in hopes that i can get in a work out before school starts up. been able to do it so far. i could not help my self i weighed my self today and i am down 6 lbs from Monday. Mondays are of course my weigh in days. so im hoping if i keep this up i will be down 10 for this week. and if so the morning workout will be working better for me than the afternoon workouts. and i will make my goal of being under 250 for when school starts....
  • So, what did I say my goal was? To work out harder/burn more calories each time?

    So, I did the workout my trainer planned for me. It sucked. It was not hard. There was one exercise that was really hard, and the rest was fluff. So, I had to workout longer than usual just do burn what I did last time (I passed it by 5 calories, so I guess I technically met my goal). I texted my trainer because she's coming to my house tomorrow, and I told her it needs to be harder!
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    Checking in - Day 4

    Today went well, got in 9 of my 10 cups of water, burned 450 calories, and stayed within my calorie range. I ate a lot of processed foods today though, which I am not happy about but I was stressed and busy today and quick and easy won out! All in all a good day, I will try to eat "cleaner" tomorrow! Good Luck Everyone!
  • SW as of 08/01: 233
    Goal for Aug: 220
    Self-Challenge: Workout at least once every day and cut junk food out of my diet!
  • SW as of 08/01: 233
    Goal for Aug: 220
    Self-Challenge: Workout at least once every day and cut junk food out of my diet!
  • tweatherford11
    tweatherford11 Posts: 18 Member
    Today was a great day all around, better than going over my cals and skipping the gym yesterday.

    I made healthy food choices today, had a great workout this morning - including 7 mins. on the elliptical (my personal challenge for the month is 10)!

    Sounds like everyone in this group is off to a great start for August!

  • deewildwoman
    deewildwoman Posts: 120 Member
    Just checking in. Did good today. I did my 30 Day Shred workout plus walked a mile. I was proud of myself...I actually did 15 regular pushup before having to sway to the modified ones.

    I also have not had a single soda yet this week.

    Hope everyone had a great day.

    Starting Weight as of 08/01: 188
    Personal Goal for Aug: 183
    Personal Self-Challenge: Work out 6 Days a week doing the 30DS, and cut down sodas to 1/wk.
  • ShannonBas
    ShannonBas Posts: 101 Member
    Weighed in today (thursday 8/4)... 205 lbs !! YAY!!
    Have been able to stay within my calories. Have been doing 30 day shred each day. :smile:
    Getting a little anxious about not being able to see more definition yet. I know it takes time & I have a ways to go, but I sure would like to see a little less fat on my arms. :grumble: I'm sure, in time, I'll get to see that definition I've been working so hard for. :heart:

    Maybe I can shake 5 more pounds by the end of August? Who knows! I'm going to make 200 lbs my new goal, and see if I can reach it. :heart:
  • I'm a bit late to start, but I need some motivation!

    Starting weight (August 5): 158
    Goal weight for end of August: 150

    Personal Goal: Replace soda with water (get 5 glasses a day)
    Stay within my calorie limit
    Run twice a week at least
  • crystalizepurple
    crystalizepurple Posts: 39 Member
    Still waiting for my 30DS to get here, will probably arrive Monday or Tuesday. Till then, just been going for 30+min walks/jogs. Going to work on eating out less and suggest more dinners in. Checking weight almost daily, but hoping to see some results by the end of next week since this one hasn't been as well as I'd like it to be. Good luck everyone!
  • Hello,

    Please can I join, I could really use the support.

    Starting at 147lbs
    Want to end August 137lbs
    I have a holiday in the middle so I desperately want to stay on track :)

    Personal goal is to swim once a week on top of walking to work and back.... and start saving towards my personal "treat" next year.

    Thanks everyone. xxx
  • Checking in..
    Down 2 lbs and 8 more to go for Aug. goal... So far I am meeting my self goal too.. :bigsmile:
  • CynthiaS
    CynthiaS Posts: 208 Member
    today was my day one ( have been sick ) but I am feeling a bit better, I have a zumba class in the morning will let ya know how it goes hope everyone had a good one :)
  • csanchez39
    csanchez39 Posts: 52 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!!!

    I started MFP Challenge a week ago and lost 2lbs but the August challenge this past Monday and today is my weigh in day,

    I started on 8/1 193lbs
    Current weight 8/5 190lbs
    Goal for month 180lbs
    I lost 3lbs I am a little disappointed in myself as I didnt eat good yesterday. But I am going to try harder...no more fried tacos..
    So far I have been exercising everyday, and was thinking it might be a good idea to rest 1 day....

    Good Luck everyone!
  • csanchez39
    csanchez39 Posts: 52 Member
    Checking in..
    Down 2 lbs and 8 more to go for Aug. goal... So far I am meeting my self goal too.. :bigsmile:

    Awesome!! We can do it!
  • Yesterday was good as far as eating goes. I ate A LOT of veggies, and I ended the day under my calorie goal. I've decided I'm not going to eat back all of my exercise calories because just because I burn 600 calories in an hour while exercising, does not mean ALL of those are from exercise. So, I think I'm only going to eat back 75% of my exercise calories.

    My trainer is coming over today. She's going to check my body fat with her caliper and measurements and we are going to compare it w/ my Tanita scale because last week she used a hand held device and the discrepancy was way off, and I have always found my scale to be fairly accurate compared w/ calipers.
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 421 Member
    SW 8/1/11: 248.6
    GW for Aug: 239.0
    PG for Aug: Have No "X's" on my Daily Discipline Chart in my Blog.
  • Yeah! Thanks for starting !
    SW 8/1 - 344
    GW 9/1-330
    PG for Aug - Drink enough water every day and to do Zumba 6 times a week instead of 5 :)