October 21st - Christmas Challenge



  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    Name: Tracie
    Age: 37

    Start Weight (October 27th): 274.5lb
    Goal Weight (December 22nd): 258 lb

    Weigh-ins on Fridays
    27th Oct - 274.5lb
    03rd Nov - 272.5
    10th Nov - 268
    17th Nov - 266.5
    24th Nov - 262.25
    01st Dec - 268.5 pizza, beer and nibbled last night at comedy event not helping me :(
    08th Dec - 264.7 weighed early as no access to scales tomorrow
    15th Dec
    22nd Dec
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member

    Name: Linda
    Age: 47

    Start Weight (October 21st): 167lbs
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 150lbs


    5th November: 166 lbs

    19th November: 165 lbs

    3rd December: 164 lbs

    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1
    Weight -/+ this month: -3

    Successes / struggles this week:

    Still not getting to the gym :(

  • str82nichelle
    str82nichelle Posts: 1,014 Member
    Name: Nichelle
    Age: 49

    Start Weight (October 20th): 233.2lbs
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 220lbs

    Weekly Friday Weigh-ins:

    27th October: 231
    3rd November: 230.2
    10th November: 227.8
    17th November: 227.2
    24th November: 225.4
    1st December: 223.4
    8th December: 222.4
    15th December:
    22nd December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1 lbs.
    Weight -/+ this challenge: - 10.8 lbs

    Successes / struggles this week: Struggled with stress eating this week.
  • motheroftwins95
    motheroftwins95 Posts: 594 Member
    Name: Deb
    Age: 55

    Start Weight (October 21st): 155.2
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 145

    29th October: 154.6
    5th November: 153.6
    12th November: 151.8
    19th November: 150.4
    26th November: 150.2
    3rd December: 152.6
    10th December: 149.6
    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: - 3.0 lb.
    Weight -/+ since start of challenge: - 5.6

    Successes / struggles this week: Success - Lost the weight I gained last week plus a little more. Back on track.
    Struggle - I binged a lot on chocolate last week but stayed under my calorie limit which means I didn't eat right or healthy. This week's goal, eat less chocolate, eat more veggies!
  • DreamPhedre
    DreamPhedre Posts: 598 Member
    Name: DreamPhedre
    Age: 32

    Start Weight (October 21st): 250.6
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 230

    30th October: 249
    8th November: 247.2
    14th November: 245.2
    20th November: 242.4
    27th November: 240
    3rd December: 236
    10th December: 235
    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -15.6

    Successes / struggles this week: I saw 233 on the scale on Wednesday.... and then I went to my staff party! Anyways, here I am, drinking all the water and back to 'normal' eating so it's just a matter of time.

    I'm still hoping to make my new goal!
  • rvaugh07
    rvaugh07 Posts: 110 Member
    Highest weight - 307lbs March 2014
    Starting weight - 258lbs Oct 2017
    Current weight - 235.6lbs
    November Goal - 240lbs
    December Goal - 230-235lbs
    Ultimate goal- 150lbs

    23rd -258lbs
    30th - 253lbs
    6th - 250lbs
    13th - 246lbs
    20th -245.2lbs
    27th -244.2lbs
    Dec 4th -240lbs
    Dec 11th -235.6
    Dec 18th
    Dec 25th

    Total loss since Oct. - 22.4lbs

    I was kind of surprised when I got on the scale this morning. I weigh myself every morning and yesterday was 237.4 and the day before 237.6 so expected maybe 237.0 today but was very happy when it showed 235.6. I won't be surprised if I don't lose any this week but am going to keep trying.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like.

  • l_lake
    l_lake Posts: 107 Member
    Name: Lauren
    Age: 31

    Start Weight (October 21st): 160lbs
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 150lbs

    29th October: 159lbs
    5th November: 156lbs
    12th November: 159lbs
    19th November: 156lbs
    26th November: 154lbs
    3rd December: 153lbs
    10th December: 152lbs
    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1
    Weight -/+ this month: -1

    Successes / struggles this week:

    Sorry I missed posting last week, but it has been a kittenshow here. I found out on Dec. 1st I'm losing my job. Which coincided with a week that I had planned off as a vacation. So last week was nothing but being taken out for consolation meals and consolation day drinking :). Haha

    On the other side of things, I ran my first 5K race! It was a Santa run, where 2500 people in identical santa suits (complete with beard) run through Burlington, Ontario. So I'm crediting all the running I did last week with my scale not skyrocketing.
  • Jessiedawn3
    Jessiedawn3 Posts: 38 Member
    Name: Jessie
    Age: 33

    Start Weight (October 25th): 213.2
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 203

    Weigh-ins on Wednesdays:
    ✫1st November: 215.2... Water weight??
    ✫8th November: 212.4
    ✫15th November: 211.0
    ✫22nd November: 213.4
    ✫27th November: 213.0
    ✫4th December: 211.6
    ✫11th December: 214.6
    ✫18th December:
    ✫25th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: +3
    Weight -/+ this challenge: +1.4

    Successes / struggles this week: Completely fell off the wagon this last week. I wanted a break to reevaluate a few things. Most of this weeks gain will be water weight as I wasn't this far over calories, but I am expecting about half a pound true gain. Getting back on the wagon now.
  • HaideeJo13
    HaideeJo13 Posts: 247 Member
    edited December 2017
    Name: Haidee
    Age: 33

    Start Weight (October 21st): 180
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 160

    30th October: 174
    6th November: 169
    13th November:169 :(
    20th November:164!!!
    27th November:162
    4rd December: 159
    11th December: 154- already passed goal.
    18th December:
    25th December:
    Would LOVE to make it to 150 by new years. So close! I work at UPS at the airport... I wear baggy coveralls and a big jacket, hats and gloves. Yesterday we had late planes so there was a lot of down time. I took all my gear off and someone said "Omg Haidee you are sooooooo tiny!!!" I was so Damn happy lol, I was on cloud nine the rest of the day. I was 184 October 17th. So I have lost 30 lbs in just under 2 months. Yay!!!!
  • meloyellow27
    meloyellow27 Posts: 29 Member
    Name: Melody
    Age: 31

    Start Weight (October 21st): 144.8
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 135

    29th October: 143.6
    5th November: 142.6
    12th November:140.8
    19th November: 139.8
    26th November: 142.4
    3rd December: 137.2
    10th December:135.4
    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.8
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -9.4

    Successes / struggles this week: I struggled with cravings this week but somehow managed to fit them in my calories intake. So happy that I'm only .4 pounds away from my goal! I will probably adjust my goal by 5 pounds till I'm comfortable with it.
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    Name: Tracie
    Age: 37

    Start Weight (October 27th): 274.5lb
    Goal Weight (December 22nd): 258 lb

    Weigh-ins on Fridays
    27th Oct - 274.5lb
    03rd Nov - 272.5
    10th Nov - 268
    17th Nov - 266.5
    24th Nov - 262.25
    01st Dec - 268.5 pizza, beer and nibbled last night at comedy event not helping me
    08th Dec - 264.7 weighed early as no access to scales tomorrow
    15th Dec - 264.3
    22nd Dec
  • str82nichelle
    str82nichelle Posts: 1,014 Member
    Name: Nichelle
    Age: 49

    Start Weight (October 20th): 233.2lbs
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 220lbs

    Weekly Friday Weigh-ins:

    27th October: 231
    3rd November: 230.2
    10th November: 227.8
    17th November: 227.2
    24th November: 225.4
    1st December: 223.4
    8th December: 222.4
    15th December: 220.6 <3
    22nd December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.8 lbs.
    Weight -/+ this challenge: - 12.6 lbs

    Successes / struggles this week:
  • str82nichelle
    str82nichelle Posts: 1,014 Member
    HaideeJo13 wrote: »
    Start Weight (October 21st): 180

    11th December: 154- already passed goal.
    So I have lost 30 lbs in just under 2 months. Yay!!!!

    Wow congrats, that's a lot of weight. Are you doing anything in particular or just eating right and exercising?
  • motheroftwins95
    motheroftwins95 Posts: 594 Member
    Name: Deb
    Age: 55

    Start Weight (October 21st): 155.2
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 145

    29th October: 154.6
    5th November: 153.6
    12th November: 151.8
    19th November: 150.4
    26th November: 150.2
    3rd December: 152.6
    10th December: 149.6
    17th December: 150.2
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: + .6 lb
    Weight -/+ since start of challenge: - 5.0

    Successes / struggles this week: Success - I'm still meeting my step goal each day through this busy time. Christmas shopping done!
    Struggle - I'm still eating TOO much Christmas goodies. Thank goodness Christmas only comes once a year.
  • DreamPhedre
    DreamPhedre Posts: 598 Member
    Name: DreamPhedre
    Age: 32

    Start Weight (October 21st): 250.6
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 230

    30th October: 249
    8th November: 247.2
    14th November: 245.2
    20th November: 242.4
    27th November: 240
    3rd December: 236
    10th December: 235
    17th December: 230.2
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -4.8
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -20.4

    Successes / struggles this week: Finally dropped water weight from last week, hurrah!
    There have been a lot of chocolates, goodies and full meals brought in by staff to share. I literally ate my lunch today within an arms reach of: salt water taffy, blueberry pie, chow mien, box of Purdy's chocolate, two bite brownies and ice cream. Uggghhhhh. I am determined to make it into the 220's before Christmas. It WILL happen.
  • HaideeJo13
    HaideeJo13 Posts: 247 Member
    Name: Haidee
    Age: 33

    Start Weight (October 21st): 180
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 160

    30th October: 174
    6th November: 169
    13th November:169 :(
    20th November:164!!!
    27th November:162
    4rd December: 159
    11th December: 154- already passed goal.
    18th December:151
    25th December:
    New goal. Start the year off at 150. Then only 10 lbs after the new year till my ultimate goal!!!
  • rvaugh07
    rvaugh07 Posts: 110 Member
    edited December 2017
    Highest weight - 307lbs March 2014
    Starting weight - 258lbs Oct 2017
    Current weight - 234.8lbs
    November Goal - 240lbs
    December Goal - 230-235lbs
    Ultimate goal- 150lbs

    23rd -258lbs
    30th - 253lbs
    6th - 250lbs
    13th - 246lbs
    20th -245.2lbs
    27th -244.2lbs
    Dec 4th -240lbs
    Dec 11th -235.6lbs
    Dec 18th -234.8lbs
    Dec 25th

    Total loss since Oct. 23.2

    Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • l_lake
    l_lake Posts: 107 Member
    Name: Lauren
    Age: 31

    Start Weight (October 21st): 160lbs
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 150lbs

    29th October: 159lbs
    5th November: 156lbs
    12th November: 159lbs
    19th November: 156lbs
    26th November: 154lbs
    3rd December: 153lbs
    10th December: 152lbs
    17th December: 151lbs
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -9

    Successes / struggles this week:

    I'm still somehow on track for 150 for Christmas. I actually saw 150 on the scale earlier this week, but only once. The christmas treats are starting already and I think it's starting to slow me down. It's also hard to keep to my normal work out schedule. Everyone's got a holiday party or something going on. But, these are all really fun problems so I'm just gonna relax and enjoy.
  • meloyellow27
    meloyellow27 Posts: 29 Member
    Name: Melody
    Age: 31

    Start Weight (October 21st): 144.8
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 135

    29th October: 143.6
    5th November: 142.6
    12th November:140.8
    19th November: 139.8
    26th November: 142.4
    3rd December: 137.2
    10th December:135.4
    17th December: 135
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -.4
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -9.8

    Successes / struggles this week: TOM... Holiday Parties everywhere... My goal this week was to just maintain during all the holiday madness and I did!
  • str82nichelle
    str82nichelle Posts: 1,014 Member
    Name: Nichelle
    Age: 49

    Start Weight (October 20th): 233.2lbs
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 220lbs

    Weekly Friday Weigh-ins:

    27th October: 231
    3rd November: 230.2
    10th November: 227.8
    17th November: 227.2
    24th November: 225.4
    1st December: 223.4
    8th December: 222.4
    15th December: 220.6 <3 Goal reached
    22nd December: 219

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.6 lbs.
    Weight -/+ this challenge: - 14.2 lbs :Do:)

    Successes / struggles this week: