Weight Watchers?



  • aaronagostini
    aaronagostini Posts: 72 Member
    I haven't read the previous posts, so this may be redundant, but here's why I started Weight Watchers, and why after losing weigh on their program, I'm moving over here.

    I had lost weight in the past on both WW and on MFP, (30 starting on WW and then 30 on MFP), then when we had our second child, life got hectic, and my eating habits went down the tubes. So earlier this year, I finally got around to getting back on track. WW had a half off enrollment with the coaching option. This was before their latest transition. I thought the program was good, didn't have a problem with fruits being "zero points", mostly because I had a lot of weight to lose, and I'm not at the point where that would a huge difference (I probably eat 3 - 5 pieces of fruit a day). The coaching at first helped keep me on track, and I got some good recipe ideas. The coaching special was for three months, after which I moved to their regular online program. The plus side of points is that they're easier to manage than calories, in that the number is lower. It does simplify things. I did move points around a bit, even beyond my flex points, to target a weekly calorie goal. That's one thing; they're inflexible on things other than uniform amounts of calories. Then This month they switched to having "lean proteins" (to include whole eggs) count as zero. That was ultimately what did it for me. If the majority of my diet was fruit, vegetables, and lean protein (which I shoot for)), why pay 20 bucks a month for an app to only log a bunch of zeroes? It just wasn't for me any longer at that price. If you're new, and are looking for an easy system to get your daily eating under control, I think WW is good. The overall program discusses measuring food, which really is an eye opener. Once you get some habits established, though, I don't see the long term value, at least for online only. If meetings are inspiring, that's great! However, I do think there's something to be said for existing outside your comfort zone, and my fear is that the meetings bring people who have habitual problems, and not people who have solved those problems and are habitually fit (aside from the leaders). Just my 2 cents; really, whatever strategy you stick with is a good one.
  • kathyrunsfast
    kathyrunsfast Posts: 7,146 Member
    I am Lifetime with WW. I go once a month and if I WI within two pounds of goal I don't pay anything, and I get the app/tracker at no cost. For me this support & accountability is huge. I have been at goal since 2004. No matter the program (Core, PointsPlus, Freestyle) I have been successful with WW.

    What I like is that no food is off limits but yet it is clear what I should be eating. It is about being accountable (monthly wi for me) and support from community.

    I do not think a person has to join WW to lose weight successfully, but for a person like me it works very well. I have been tracking my food since 2003 and my motto is "one day at a time" and I still live by this. I think WW is an excellent program for ME. So if you are being pulled that way it can't hurt to try it!
  • kissijohnson
    kissijohnson Posts: 3 Member
    I left WW last week because of the new Freestyle plan. I don’t eat dairy, meat or tofu so the new zero point foods and the new lower daily points allowance didn’t balance out for me. It wasn’t a sustainable lifestyle for me, which is what I am seeking. I enjoyed Connect for the most part, I found recipe ideas and most people are really positive and inspiring. There are definitely the popular kids but I don’t care about that stuff. I’m enjoying the flexibility of calorie counting but I’m careful to make sure the nutritional value is still there. And it’s free!
  • TMcChamp
    TMcChamp Posts: 165 Member
    Jimb376mfp wrote: »
    I went on WW several times in my lifetime. I’m 69 yo. I would lose weight but gained it back when I stopped following the Program.
    In 2013 at age 65 and weighing 376 I joined WW again in lieu of WLS. In the past five years following WW programs I have lost 187# (WL by year:60, 32, 16, 38, and 42). They change the program based on research, this year they are allowing us to eat more Zero Point foods (healthy choices like chicken, turkey. eggs, tofu)

    IMHO The WW program provides me a structured plan I can easily follow. The App logs my intake and exercise and has a friendly social media site for members only (WW Connect). The weekly meeting and weigh in gives me the accountability and paying a monthly fee until I’m at my goal weight is worth it because of the benefits I have accrued.
    I’m Off all prescription drugs for my T2D, and cholesterol, my Dr has reduced my BP meds.

    WELL DONE!!!
  • kabrina30
    kabrina30 Posts: 94 Member
    ramrutd wrote: »
    I cancelled my subscription with WW just yesterday. I lost 31lbs on the programme but then have stayed the same weight for the past few months. Finally thought that I'm paying WW for no reason and I found their Connect site for member's a bit 'cliquey.' My hubby wanted to count calories and I encouraged him to join MFP & I decided to join him. Really looking forward to using MFP.

    I did WW about ten years ago and tried to use their boards for support, it was horrible! There was no support, just mean girls. Which is ironic because I'm sure they were mostly grown women who should have known better. It was like they were on some sort of power trip and had no use for newbies. I've done MFP for years on and off but just in the past week started using these boards, mostly because of the trauma of that last experience, but so far here everyone seems very supportive and welcoming!
  • yvonne_beavis
    yvonne_beavis Posts: 39 Member
    I've lost 50 lbs with ww, but have now cancelled and started using mfp to log calories and exercise. For a long time I found the ww chat room helpful and the plan manageable, but the new system doesn't suit me at all, and the chat room has become rather negative and divisive. I do think that some of the habits the ww plan encouraged, especially portion control, have helped me a lot, it I think I can do it for myself now. Good luck whatever you decide to do.