The Better Than Ever Challenge!



  • futurekilousky
    This may sound weird but it worked for me: If it is candy that gets ya, eat a candy you don't like or like the least. Your less likely to eat tons/more of it then you should but still get your sugar fix. For example, I actually really don't like chocolate much.. it's ok but doesn't get me excited. I much prefer chewy/sugary candies (like Sour Patch Kids) so when I am having a REALLY bad sweet tooth, I'll just have a piece of chocolate.. which gets me "bored" easilly and I don't want more. This may only work for me because I am picky.. but yea...

    Thanks! I will try that!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    So its Weds and just as i started to get discouraged about how horribly wrong my day has been, i realized...i'm here for the long haul!!! This isn't some fad diet where i'll drop 100lbs and then gain 200lbs a year later. This is a lifestyle challenge to change my EATING habits, my FITNESS habits, and my negative ideas about my body. The truth is this: we are all beautiful in this moment right now! I may not be healthy, but I am beautiful...and so is each and every one of you. Beauty comes from WITHIN not from today, take a moment to recognize the beautiful heart shining at you from the mirror...then take a deep breath and promise it you'll keep it beating as long as you can. Not because you aren't beautiful already, but because you ALREADY ARE and you want to STAY THAT WAY (and of course become a little sexier)!!! This challenge is about embracing the beautiful person inside of you and giving yourself permission to shine. I'm so happy that you all decided to join me on this journey...from one beautiful person to all of the other beautiful people who take the time to read this post (challengers and not)...I'm cheering for you, each and every one of you!!!
    LOL! Oh yeah, i'm supposed to be saying how my week has been...perfect, regardless of whether it was a good day or bad day the encouragement you guys send my way has been amazing!!! thank u, thank u, thank u...its awesome to have so many terrific people cheering me on. YOU GUYS ROCK!!!
    As for how can you guys help me take it to another level...remind me to stop constantly running, working out and working my job/biz and spend more quality time with them.
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    As for how can you guys help me take it to another level...remind me to stop constantly running, working out and working my job/biz and spend more quality time with them.

    thats supposed to be quality time with my kids...
  • madelinescheihing
    I do not get the amount of sleep I need nor allow.
    I do not eat enough during the day, causing myself to binge and/or slow down my metabolism, resulting in weight gain.
    I go hard in intervals. Rather than always starting and stopping with exercise and eating right, it needs to become a part of my life.
    I don't drink enough water nor move around much during the day!

    To finally lose the fat I have been wanting to rid of for years.
    To look in the mirror and feel great.
    To try on clothes and feel gorgeous in them.

    To start making more simple changes and become more excited every day about changing my life.
    To remain positive. Realize that I can do it, and I really know I can.
    To always be moving, not necessarily working out, but literally always remaining active.
    To eat five small meals a day with as much water. I mean, I don't mind if it's not the perfection of healthy eating, but at least eating does it well.
    Lastly, to sleep at ten every for as many nights as possible.

    SW: 170 lbs.
    CW: 166.1 lbs.
    GW #1: 161.5 lbs (SILK ROBE)
    GW #2: 153 lbs (SPRAY TAN AND WAX)
    GW #3: 144.5 lbs (SPA)
    GW #4: 136 lbs (NICE JEWELRY OF CHOICE)
    GW #5: 127.5 lbs (NEW SWIMSUIT FOR CRUISE)
  • shoniej
    shoniej Posts: 227 Member
    This challenge is about embracing the beautiful person inside of you and giving yourself permission to shine. I'm so happy that you all decided to join me on this journey...from one beautiful person to all of the other beautiful people who take the time to read this post (challengers and not)...I'm cheering for you, each and every one of you!!!
    LOL! Oh yeah, i'm supposed to be saying how my week has been...perfect, regardless of whether it was a good day or bad day the encouragement you guys send my way has been amazing!!! thank u, thank u, thank u...its awesome to have so many terrific people cheering me on. YOU GUYS ROCK!!!

    YOU ROCK!!!!!! Thank you for the daily inspiration and being the "rock" of this challenge! Heres to the start of a brand new beautful day! Hope everyone has a fantastic one and remember the commitments we have set for ourselves!!
  • 4N6junkie
    Day 4 Update:
    D1: Goals met and 230 under cal goal.
    D2: Goals met but 99 over cal goal.
    D3: Goals exceeded and 102 under cal goal.
    D4: Not starting out so good. I had a tiny snack for breakfast, did my workout, then was starving and overage at lunch. I haven't wrecked my cal limit for the day but can physically feel that it was too much. Now food coma sets in because my body has to work harder to digest the quantity of food. On one hand this is a good sign, because I used to be able to handle the same portion size before with no problem... Conclusion: my stomach must be shrinking!

    So, Tip of the day: If you skip or have an unusually light meal don't "make up for" all those calories or general quantity (the physical size of the meal) regardless of calorie worth. You'll make yourself sick and/or set off a foodcoma which will make you feel groggy and less motivated to work/ exercise, etc. If you NEED to eat those calories, for whatever reason, save it for a later snack or spread across multiple meals.
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    welcome to the challenge ladies! 4n6junkie...luv the way you posted ur stats for the week, copying ur technique! will post it after work. have a great day everyone!!!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    Day 4 Update:
    D1: Goals met and 230 under cal goal.
    D2: Goals met but 99 over cal goal.
    D3: Goals exceeded and 102 under cal goal.
    D4: Not starting out so good.

    hey ladies i think we should post our stats like this every Sunday nite!!!! (or Monday am)...what do you guys think? not only will it e easier for me to see what areas need extra cheering, it'll also allow us to each see how we're doing. then you'll know exactly what is lagging in your challenge. would luv to know how you guys feel about that! that would also show me what direction to steer our weekly challenges in...
  • tanksmom104
    tanksmom104 Posts: 10 Member
    I have had a rough couple of days yesterday and today. I am still motivated and excited. I did get 60 minutes of exercise in on Monday, but then went back to school and started all the extra walking I haven't been doing over the summer. Needless to say, my body is sore and I have a blister on my pinkie toe. I have bought some cool bandaids and I am still moving. I weigh in tomorrow, but no matter what I know I am making myself a healthier person both inside and out. I just hope I remember that when I get on the scales!
  • 4N6junkie
    Needless to say, my body is sore and I have a blister on my pinkie toe. I have bought some cool bandaids and I am still moving.

    It's all about the cool band-aids. As a hairdresser, I cut myself relatively frequently and figure.. if I gotta use a band-aid.. it may as well be a cool/interesting one. At one point I had light blue ones with little ambulances on them and others that were comic-book bubbles that said things like ARGH! OOOOWCH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! POW!! etc. I even had a friend buy me CareBear ones because we are convinced they have extra-special healing properties. :P
  • tanksmom104
    tanksmom104 Posts: 10 Member
    I hear you! My favorite have been the Scooby-Doo ones, but they don't sell them anymore. :sad: If I see the Care Bear ones, I may need to pick them up.
  • 4N6junkie
    saylerm104... Amazon is the way to go! (hey that kinda rhymed!)
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    I find myself dragging my feet today...don't feel like eating, don't feel like working out. My eyes keep filling up with tears of joy. There are no words for how happy i am with my life right now. Now if i could just push through this moment and jump on the trampoline!!!
  • 4N6junkie
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member

    4n6junkie LOL!!! girl! you joining this challenge was on of the best things that could've happened to me! got off my butt and busted out an interval session...after a 13 minute rebound session. 33 mins down only 27 more to go! thank you!!!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    Posting week 2's challenge this eve, if you have any suggestions PLEASE EMAIL THEM TO ME!!! please take time to post your stats from week 1 on the forum or email them to Monday morning.
    If you're not sure how to do that 4n6junkie has an awesome example on her wednesday post in the forum. Have a great weekend ladies!!!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    Happy Saturday week 2 challengers! Yellow Unicorn, Kwianjel, 4n6junkie, Sunshinel397, jdownes89, Thatscrystal4u, Carletta36, Thatgoodone, Saylerm, Jnchorn, Skmellyg, Futurekilousky, Mel7759, UnwrappingCandy, CVRobinson, Msmiddie, Madelinescheihin, Shoniej!!!

    First of all regardless of how you did...i'm glad you took the steps to becoming a healthier you. CONGRATS!!! Please remember that the person you're looking to challenge is THE OLD YOU!!! You want to defeat the person inside you, that doesn't want to watch what they eat and eat right, who wants to lay on the couch instead of exercise and who wants to give up when its not going perfectly. SHE'S WHO YOU WANT TO DEFEAT! Food is not your enemy, exercise is not your are your biggest challenger! I KNOW WE CAN ALL DO THIS...EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US!!!

    For next week:
    1) evaluate how you did last week - what did you learn, good and bad about yourself AND this journey (then post on the forum)
    2) ignore the scale until next Saturday...instead rely on your measurements. (chest, waist, arms, legs)
    *the scale can hide shrinkage when you're building muscle, this will show you that your hard work is REALLY paying off!!!
    3) exercise goal: if you're not strength training already, incorporate 1-3 days of strength training into your workout schedule
    *muscle burns more fat...u don't have to bulk...just strengthen!
    *here's a great strength training site:
    4) food goal: eat only your allotted calories...let your exercise calories go!!!
    5) trick your body into burning calories more efficiently by boosting your's a website with suggestions

    My last suggestion for week 2...this is a jouney NOT a race, we can ALL win here! Forgive yourself for any and all things you may have done wrong last week. Learn from it and GROW from it, but NEVER let it hold you back!!! I believe in you...

    p.s. just wanted to say thank you for keeping me motivated!!! inspired!!! and encouraged!!! thank u, thank u, thank u
  • thatgoodone
    thank you so much for reaching out and giving me help. and your right so my ultimate goal weight is to be 190lbs, during this challenge my goal is to lose 30lbs. the big word is accountable......and im holding myself accountable everyday. the challenge is great and so are the ladies that have joined it!!!! :-)
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    Tiff I'm glad ur here...u kicking my butt 3 days a week has been a blast!!! and I agree, the people here are awesome!
  • bondy89
    bondy89 Posts: 1
    Whats holding me back:
    -munching after work and before dinner
    -find myself eating bad when i hangout with the boyfriend
    -and then tend to lack on the workouts

    -within the last year i have lost 30 pounds and finally down to 106 ( i am 5 feet) so i am trying to focus on toning rather then losing more weight. my goal is to go down a pant size and to tone my legs and butt

    -walk 4 nights a week
    -- use kettlebell on regular basis
    -learn to say no to fast food

    im excited to do this with all of you!