Post your supplements!!



  • Pridgenization
    Pridgenization Posts: 65 Member
    My doctor did some lab work to see if I needed any vitamin supplements. I have a prescription for vitamin D because my levels were so low. Because my diet is pretty high in protein, I take an over the counter fiber supplement that also has calcium (because I don't really like milk very much). The fiber capsules are sort of difficult to swallow. However, whether it is the diet or the vitamin D or both, I feel awesome.
  • I take vitamin D and iron supplements on the advice of my doctor, plus I take fish oil and a multivitamin. I'm taking one of those joint supplements just until the bottle is empty because my wife bought it for herself and didn't want to take them any more. The iron really helps because I was iron deficient and thus felt sluggish much of the time. As far as the fish oil, ask me again in 40 years if that did any good :-)
  • 0uTc4sT
    0uTc4sT Posts: 26
    The Good:
    Universal Animal Pak Sports Nutrition Supplement - Awesome! [Still taking.]

    Universal Animal Cuts Sports Nutrition Supplement - Awesome! [Cycled off]

    Universal Animal M Stak Sports Nutrition Supplement - Great pump in the gym.. One of the best sups i've ever taking. [Cycled off]

    Fish Oil and Psyllium Husk Caps

    The Bad:
    Hydroxycut Hardcore - Worse then i've ever taking in my life. Side effects are ridiculous. Would never recommend these to anyone.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Multi-Complete Vitamin
    Calcium PLUS
    Fish Oil,Flax, & Borage Oils blend
    Vitamin D
    Folic Acid
    Red Yeast Rice
    Ginger Root
    Apple Cider Vinegar
    B-12 injections

    I feel great!!
  • caligirl2802
    caligirl2802 Posts: 232 Member
    Whey Protein shake once or twice a day with wheatgrass
    Cod Liver Oil with Evening Primrose Oil
    Vitamin D
    B Complex
    Folic Acid
    Gingko Biloba
    St Johns Wort
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    A multi for men, cinnamon, fish oil.
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    Vitamin B 12, it was prescribed by my doctor. Ever since I take it, I am more relaxed and not stressed out because of every little thing. Good for the nerves.
  • mommyami1
    mommyami1 Posts: 154 Member
    I used to be a supplement junkie. Now I only take a pre-natal, Vit D, and occasional Apex protein powder or meal replacement. I'm thinking about starting up 5HT on the advice of my doc. I need to do more research though.
  • ladybug11
    ladybug11 Posts: 87 Member
    I use Pea Protein Powder after heavy workouts, Cytomax after running, and take Vitamin D and Iron as supplements. Since I'm vegan, I have my blood tested every few months to ensure I'm healthy on all levels. I get most everything from my plant-based diet, but because I run six days a week (one to two long runs) I like the extra insurance. The supplements are just that - supplemental to my diet.
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    I take Folic Acid, or a Prenatal vitamin. (the prenatal makes me feel sick so eh I don't take it as much as I should) I hear taking it at night helps but I always forget :grumble:
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    i just started taking the GNC Ultra Mega Women's vitamin. It doesn't make me sick or anything, but the serving is 2 huge pills, so that's kinda annoying.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    I am taking Juice Plus+. Its like a vitamin but better!!!
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Most of my vitamins and minerals are covered by my diet, except for calcium. I am lactose intolerant, so I rarely eat any dairy, and I usually only get about 30% of my daily allowance from other sources. So, I take calcium + mag + d.

    I don't feel any different since I started it, but osteoporosis runs heavily in my family, so I'm hoping that this plus the weight-bearing exercise will really pay off in the long run.

    I suppose whey protein is technically a supplement, too. I like to use it as a snack. :smile:
  • paulaercksn
    paulaercksn Posts: 29 Member
    I take Women's One A Day - active mind and body - I feel drained if I don't take it.

    My doctor told me to take Vitamin D3. Not sure if I feel any different, but I don't feel tired in the afternoons anymore. Not sure if that is the vitamin or something else. I like it either way.
  • Mel7759
    Mel7759 Posts: 8
    I have:

    BSC Body for Women protein-this is used for my breakfast smoothies

    Thermo protein poweder- after workouts

    Green tea tablets x1 a day

    Hydro burn- before a workout.

    Omega 3 tablets

    Women's destress tablet

    Am working with my supplier now, on a few different things.

    The Good:
    Universal Animal Pak Sports Nutrition Supplement - Awesome! [Still taking.]

    Universal Animal Cuts Sports Nutrition Supplement - Awesome! [Cycled off]

    Universal Animal M Stak Sports Nutrition Supplement - Great pump in the gym.. One of the best sups i've ever taking. [Cycled off]

    Fish Oil and Psyllium Husk Caps

    The Bad:
    Hydroxycut Hardcore - Worse then i've ever taking in my life. Side effects are ridiculous. Would never recommend these to anyone.

    I have used the Animal Cuts before, love them, thinking of cycling this with my hydroburn. Also glad I'm not the only one that the Hydroxycut affected, I'd get heart palpitations, feel really sick. Will never recommend them to anyone.
  • MikkiV
    MikkiV Posts: 9
    raw one for women- daily vitamin
    hair skin and nails
    lipodrene with ephedra
    jillian micheals fat burner
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,480 Member
    A very old thread, but I found it interesting. I'm looking for what mfp uses for 100% calcium and Vitamin D. According to blood tests last week, my calcium is at max and has been over in the past year, without supplements. My D is about 30. I take supplements, but will double them for a while.