? about recommended rate of loss and, uh, motivation

I'm going to try to word this in the most objective, non-snarky way I can... because I really don't mean it to be snarky. I mean it as a legit question.

A little background, fwiw...
I'm 41, male.
I've been as high as 190lbs, as low as 160lbs. Currently at 181.
I've been at this MFP thing for, I dunno... 8ish years.
I typically cut/lose during the spring and summer, then bulk/gain during the winter (intentionally).

I understand why people suggest/recommend slower rates of loss for people with less to lose. Cognitively, it makes sense. But how do you balance that realistically with the ability to stay focused and motivated? If someone told me that I should plan on a year to lose my 15 vanity lbs, I'd probably quit right then and there. Grinding this out, day in and day out, for a year... just for 15 vanity lbs??? The mental effort it requires for me to stay on track is not worth it (to me) for ~.3-.5lbs week loss.

Am I the only one that struggles with that?

Again, logically I get it. But emotionally... how do people come to terms with that?


  • Biker_SuzCO
    Biker_SuzCO Posts: 54 Member
    Some of us have no real “choice” on how quickly we can lose. As a short 40 year old, I had to work my butt off for 1 year to lose 20 pounds! I could not have eaten less without developing an eating disorder. But—20 pounds at my height is like losing 50-60 to taller people IMO.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    edited December 2017
    I think as long as you're reaching a nutritionally balanced and safe calorie goal for your height, weight and sex (generally speaking, a minimum of 1200 for women and 1500 for men), the pace of your weight loss is up to you. If you can handle the hunger that comes with a lower calorie goal (and the higher chance of muscle loss), go for it.

    I only have around 10-15lbs left to lose and I'd like to do so in the next few months so I can buy my wedding dress at a smaller size. So my goal is a bit aggressive and I'm trying to stick to around 1200-1300 cals a day. My TDEE is 1800, so if I wasn't in any rush, I'd probably be averaging around 1400-1500 calories a day instead.

    In short... do what works for you, as long as you're keeping yourself healthy and sane in the process.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    At this point though balanced nutrition and working out have become my lifestyle. I choose to live this way and happier doing so regardless of weight
  • NextRightThing714
    NextRightThing714 Posts: 355 Member
    P.S.: Thanks for asking the question. I find this angle on weightloss really interesting and I feel like it's not discussed often enough. So much of this is mental and emotional.
  • Icandoit233
    Icandoit233 Posts: 90 Member
    I was just told it may take a year for me to lose 20 LBS. I was kind of shocked that it would take that long. I am hoping I will stay motivated that long
  • watts6151
    watts6151 Posts: 903 Member
    I aim for 1% of body weight per week
    When I’m not lean (over 10-12% bf )
    At 220lb I aim for 2.2lb per week,

    When I’m lean I aim for 0.5% of body weight per week.
    Currently at 209lb and aiming for just over
    1lb per week
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I don't really think of 1 lb per week as too fast unless one is quite small or really working on body composition and trying to get quite lean. If the latter, the focus should be less on weight loss as the strength training program and so on, I'd think, and that -- as well as following physical changes and strength improvements -- would supply the motivation, and the loss would be secondary.

    Beyond that, I think losing 15 lbs super slowly would not require a way of tracking and eating all that differently than maintenance. Just eat a bit less and adjust if you aren't losing. Since maintenance IS (for me, anyway) harder than losing, not a bad thing to start working on, and I'd do that more like a recomp.
  • Blythmag
    Blythmag Posts: 252 Member
    Some of us have no real “choice” on how quickly we can lose. As a short 40 year old, I had to work my butt off for 1 year to lose 20 pounds! I could not have eaten less without developing an eating disorder. But—20 pounds at my height is like losing 50-60 to taller people IMO.

    Totally get this.im at a 17lbs loss with 8 to go before i will be happy finally and im a shorty too, weight looks rubbish on me and finally im beginning to look healthy, its harder for us wee guys.

    I do this for me and my mind, im unhappy being fat.im happier being like i am now, its whats in my head, but im sure overall im healthier for it.keep focused and yes i know this is a pain but theres no quick fix if you want a healthy body and mind.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    i mean...if you didnt want to gain more weight youd eat to maintain...the entire point of losing slow is to make it sustainable. the calorie difference to lose 15 pounds in a year would be basically no different thn maintenance. Why wouldthat make it so difficult and quit worthy o_O Beats being fatter next year or starving
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    It's your body. If you'd like to see faster progress, set your calories for 1500 to 1800 for a couple weeks and see how you feel. Then slow it down after you lose five pounds or something . Sounds like you might be more motivated with some immediate gratification.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    some interesting responses... thank you. Keep em coming!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited December 2017
    During my initial weight loss, I never purposefully slowed my rate of loss...it just happened...my guess is adaptive thermogenesis from being in a deficit for 9 months. I initially lost 40 Lbs at an average rate of about 1-1.5 Lbs per week which slowed as I neared the end.

    I've more or less maintained my weight now for going on 5 years this spring...I did drop another 5 Lbs a few years ago to get down to 175 but then went back up to 180 because it was just more comfortable and easier to maintain given what I was willing and not willing to do. I had no problem dropping that 5 Lbs over the course of about 1 month.

    I usually put on a bit of weight during the winter...usually 8-10 Lbs, and I take that off in about 8-10 weeks give or take when I cut.

    I don't really subscribe to the lose much slower philosophy when cutting those Lbs...I look more at a general rule of thumb of 1% of body weight...that said, anymore than about 1 Lb per week isn't happening for me because I'm not willing to cut my calories like that...a 500 calorie deficit for a quick cut in the spring is pretty easily doable. I also make sure I keep my protein a bit higher in a cut as well.

    I think the slow just happens when you've been in a deficit for a long time...once hormones are all re-calibrated, etc it's pretty easy to cut again.

    ETA: I think it becomes more of an issue when you're already very lean...when I'm 180 I'm about 15%, so not super lean...still plenty of body fat there to lose about 1 Lb per week. If I was cutting from 12% or 10% or trying for single digits, my answer might be different.