morning star farms veggie burgers?



  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    ^^Everything is good with caramelized onions. Why are you trying to go meatless?
  • Eleted
    Eleted Posts: 121 Member
    I am vegan and let me tell you there are so many wonderful veggie burgers on the market now. The new player is Pea Protein. Try “ THE BEYOND BURGER” you will-not be able to tell that it is not a meat burger. Also Trader Joes has quite a few good plant based burgers.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Not sure if they're available outside Canada, but I find that Yves products are generally higher in iron and protein than most of the other veggie meat analogs on the shelves and just as tasty or tastier.
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    I am trying to go meatless as I want to get more fruits and veggies in to my diet(for healthy reasons)- like I said- I have done meatless Mondays and we started a family fast on wed(kind of like Daniel fast) so I am taking it slow- will not transition into meatless full time or anything as i do enjoy meat- but I only have so many calories a day on mfp and can eat quite a bit more of fruits and veggies for the same number of calories.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I wouldn't substitute fruits and veg for meat, and I think people should eat lots of vegetables (and some fruit too, if they like it) with diets that include meat too. I certainly wouldn't see meat and fruits and veg as trade-offs. Instead, I'd replace meat with vegetarian (or plant-based) forms of protein, like tofu and tempeh (or the burgers you mention), beans and lentils, more of other foods that have smaller amounts of protein but can be helpful for protein in a plant based diet (like nuts and seeds, grains). You do get protein from vegetables too, but not as much and like I said I'd consider those a non-negotiable whether I was consuming meat or not, especially since they are pretty low cal. (Seitan is another non animal source of protein, although I personally have not experimented with it much, in part because I enjoy soybean sources like tofu and tempeh and know how I like to use them, so tend to gravitate to them.)

    This is NOT to discourage you, as I also am greatly reducing my consumption of meat and eating plant-based more often than not, but the shift isn't vegetables, but the source of protein (so I'm eating more starches and especially beans and lentils).