I don’t want anything for Xmas because I’m fat.

Hey guys,

I hope you are having a great Christmas Eve with family. I’m hesitating to post this because I’m sure I’ll get a ton of negative feedback but it’s something that has stuck with me and I really don’t want to open up to those I love about it..

My spouse asked me today (again) what I want for Xmas and I don’t want anything for Xmas. Mainly because o don’t think anything looks good on me. I don’t want the pandora bracelet that I’ve always wanted because of my big wrists. I don’t want clothes because of my big sizes. I don’t want make up or brushes because of my weight. And honestly, I realized this today. I’ve stop myself from doing so many things because I’m either uncomfortable in my own skin or I don’t want to attract negative attention from others. I never ever fully acknowledged that I have a terrible low self esteem because of my weight. I mean this goes as far as when I shopped for my car, stopped from enjoying summer activities and vacationing, and tomorrow I was invited to my brothers home and I’m avoiding it cause my weight always seems to be the topic...

I just wanted to openly say it. And hope that this helps me... I just watched a video of a girl who successfully lost 100 pounds and stated how much more open she is to doing things versus when she was overweight. It’s just nice to see I’m not the only one struggling. :|


  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    PS.....you are a very exotic and pretty young lady :)
  • KeepingUpWithKarina

    I was on depression medication like 3 years ago and it was not helpful. I’m no longer on any medication for it. I’m hoping to find another way to cope with these issues like exercise, for example. However, if I don’t feel like anything is helping, I will seek therapy. I have noticed that I have issues with food. Food anxiety, and feeling guilty when I eat. But I am aware of myself and that I may need to ask for help. Meanwhile, I’m not going to stop with my weight loss journey cause I do need to lose weight and get out of risk for diseases like diabetes but I know that losing weight isn’t going to fix what’s in my mind and how I view myself.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    What about things like ... a gym membership, walking shoes, a set of comfortable clothes to go walking in, or even an agreement to go walking with you every day.
  • KeepingUpWithKarina
    I wanted an Apple Watch. I’ve been eyeing a Fitbit... but I had the Zip awhile ago and had to replace it 2-3x. The new Apple Watch, you can even swim with and don’t have to have your phone around. But that’s almost a $500 gift.. :#:#
  • runsharon54321
    runsharon54321 Posts: 28 Member
    Karina, I went about three years without buying clothes and had grown out of most, refusing to get the next size up. The only thing I was wearing was old tshirts from places we visited. I was getting a little embarrassed going to church rotating the three cleaner tshirts that I had. Sooo I forced myself into kohls this year and at first when I tried on some sweaters I wanted to cry, but then WAMMO. I found a few that really looked good and believe me it was a morale booster! Just take a deep breath and know that you can and will lose the weight and force yourself to find something that you like and looks good, so you can treat it as a victory because it will lift your spirits. Take care and have fun with your family! PS....shoes always work
  • ColtRocker
    ColtRocker Posts: 135 Member
    edited December 2017
    It takes a lot of courage to post something like that and I admire your for it. Now, get busy and it happen :)
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Been there and I feel for you. You can do this - next year I want you to come back and post about how beautiful you feel doing all sorts of fun things in all your new clothes.

    In the meantime, your spouse loves you and it's Christmas! I hope you feel better and have a blessed day.
  • LernRach
    LernRach Posts: 286 Member
    I get this, I really do. It suddenly occurred to me today that my weight bothers me more then my chronic condition that causes pain every day! its horrible and awful, but I know full well that I CAN do something bout this. it might take me longer then most to lose weight, and it might be frustrating and slow but it is something we do have control over. am happy to chat if u need to. we can get through this, think about this post in a year time when you will have lost so much of your weight. Good luck xxx
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I understand your feelings of weight keeping you from doing things. I have avoided things in the past because of my weight.
    I hope you work through your feelings and enjoy yourself even if you are not the size you want to be yet.

    I don't get clothes or jewelry for gifts. I ask for stuff like books, cooking tools, games, etc.
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    Think about shopping for clothes during the after Christmas sales. You will feel much better once you find yourself some clothes that fit you at the weight you are at now. No need to walk around feeling dowdy while you seek to improve yourself.
  • christinaarcand
    christinaarcand Posts: 8 Member
    Hey guys,

    I hope you are having a great Christmas Eve with family. I’m hesitating to post this because I’m sure I’ll get a ton of negative feedback but it’s something that has stuck with me and I really don’t want to open up to those I love about it..

    My spouse asked me today (again) what I want for Xmas and I don’t want anything for Xmas. Mainly because o don’t think anything looks good on me. I don’t want the pandora bracelet that I’ve always wanted because of my big wrists. I don’t want clothes because of my big sizes. I don’t want make up or brushes because of my weight. And honestly, I realized this today. I’ve stop myself from doing so many things because I’m either uncomfortable in my own skin or I don’t want to attract negative attention from others. I never ever fully acknowledged that I have a terrible low self esteem because of my weight. I mean this goes as far as when I shopped for my car, stopped from enjoying summer activities and vacationing, and tomorrow I was invited to my brothers home and I’m avoiding it cause my weight always seems to be the topic...

    I just wanted to openly say it. And hope that this helps me... I just watched a video of a girl who successfully lost 100 pounds and stated how much more open she is to doing things versus when she was overweight. It’s just nice to see I’m not the only one struggling. :|

    Hmm, it sounds to me like you are basically punishing yourself for being big. And that's never a good way to motivate yourself. I just recently had to buy new big girl clothes, which I didn't want to, but then I found things in my actual size that made me feel good and I decided to enjoy that.
    No, it's not in the size I wish I was, and yes, I did have to sift through a bunch of cute clothes that only came in tiny sizes and didn't fit, but in reality nothing feels worse than having no clothing options at all. Rotating a few set of thirsts promotes shame and will only seek to hold you back. No matter what size you are and no matter how you feel about your current look, don't stop dressing up. Do you your hair, do your nails, get waxed if you prefer, do all the girl things that you like. Don't settle for less. I hate to say this, but, be a little more high maintenance. Go the extra mile. Treat yourself like you are important and beautiful. Don't let weight stand in the way. Part of your downfall is your state of mind. Your lack of personal worth is going to lead you straight to the dark side of the fridge or take out every time. Ask for a perfume or to be taken to a play or show. If you don't want jewelry, then ask for something you can enjoy. Don't make your gifts about weight loss. No scales or fitbit. You can buy that for yourself. Ask for something that is really just for you, not a goal, something that will make you feel special and isn't tied into the weight issues.