Lose 25 in 6 months; 2018 Winter to Summer Challenge Together

I am hoping for a few MFP others to join me in this challenge to lose 25 in 2018. I lost over 20 on another site a few years ago and it was the daily checkins by email that seemed to be the trick. We logged EVERYTHING, including water and our exercise and without competing helped to encourage one another to successful and steady goals.

I have already been logging but the group support is so key: who wants to join me? I am looking for about 7-10 really motivated MFPers. We can start now but the official weigh day is Monday Jan. 1 and Mondays thereafter through summer's start. Only for folks committed and willing to check in by private email - which I will create a group for. We check in, daily, with our food, mood, water and exercise progress. It works, trust me.

Please check back here if interested and I will give further details outside MFP - to provide both less distraction and maintain our group member's confidentiality.


  • breannaritchie
    breannaritchie Posts: 16 Member
    I'm interested !
  • laurafresh
    laurafresh Posts: 15 Member

    Let me gather a few others and get this started...how much do you want to try and lose?
  • sanchez253
    sanchez253 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in. Ready to try something new..
  • i'm great with email, i check every day multiple times a day. I have 20 to lose, 25 would be great. let me know.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,725 Member
    I'm interested.
  • I’m interested
  • tiptoppy
    tiptoppy Posts: 9 Member
    I’m interested!
  • joysalts
    joysalts Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in
  • raschnurr
    raschnurr Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! Absolutely motivated and excited to work together to do this!
  • jaxnjosh
    jaxnjosh Posts: 50 Member
    Ill definatly be interested. I have about 25 lbs to lose.
  • laurafresh
    laurafresh Posts: 15 Member
    Hi All and Merry Christmas to everyone!!!

    For me, it's Chrismakkah (I celebrate Chanukkah, hubby does Christmas) which means I get to celebrate TWICE (or nine times if you include each night of Chanukkah...!)
    We had a wonderful and unfortunately non MFP-approved meal last evening at a local French bistro. Another reason that this last week of the year seems appropriate to be whittling down my overconsumption and get prepped for next week's start in earnest.

    I want to lose about 25 pounds this next six months which seems completely reasonable given the pace I am setting for myself: about 1 - 1.5 pounds a week. My goals include being a more streamlined ballerina (my teacher says I can go on pointe within the year if I get a bit leaner/stronger and supporting oneself on toes DOES require slimness. I am about 160 now - or after last night's meal anyway-weigh in next Monday will be my moment of truth. At 55 yo, I think being around 140 is my best weight.

    What are some of your own goals, and why, for those of you joining me are here now?
    As my prior experience showed me, knowing one another's goals helps us to motivate one another. It is so supportive to have others to lean on when a goal becomes elusive and another MFP partner helps to remind one why the cake is JUST NOT WORTH (in my case) not dancing on pointe~!
    Basics: Do folks have fitbits? MFP on mobiles to help track? Drink lots of water? Certain dietary restrictions? Goals already achieved or some ones to name OUT LOUD?
    Finally, we can friend one another on this site to get access to each other's daily logging - which is helpful. I am also thinking that we do what I did before - set up a way (group email? MFP communiques? Challenge thread) to check in daily. I know. I know. Sounds a bit much. But the reality is that unless it is daily for everyone on board it tends to fall away as a commitment. Of course, life gets busy and crazy and we have vacations and sick kids and hard work days but, to the extent it is possible, checking in is imperative to this particular challenge.

    I know this works and am so excited to get started with those of you along for the journey until summer. (We can put in a second challenge: maintainence phase for 6 months?) after completing this one if we want. Please let me know the best way for you to find stead here and how you feel about means for keeping check ins current. I will post the way to check in next.

    LF in Colorado, USA

  • bmfitz41
    bmfitz41 Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2017
    bmfitz41 Sounds like a good way to stay motivated...I'm in !!!
  • SweetSvelte2017
    SweetSvelte2017 Posts: 2 Member
    Is there room for one more?
  • laurafresh
    laurafresh Posts: 15 Member
    Always room for more. I will officially close the challenge on Wednesday to give time for others and those already chiming in with interest to decide if they are wanting to commit here or elsewhere. I generally think about ten is good based on my experience with doing this previously and folks do often show up at first ready then taper off so want to have enough 'alternates' to ensure a solid group of us through to summer goals!
  • GabbyB121677
    GabbyB121677 Posts: 3 Member
    I’m in!
  • JessG0
    JessG0 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in. I've got 35 lbs to go, my purpose for wanting to lose weight is to have a fresh new body for my new life that will happen after summer ends. My son will graduate and my daughter will be married in June. I'll move closer to work(55 minute commute). I want to have a healthy lifestyle in place, before I'm alone and become a couch potato hermit out of default. I need this!
    I used to take ballet and dance on point when I was a teenager. But, years have passed and weights been gained. I'm glad you're focused on such goals!
  • abcrrandrews
    abcrrandrews Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in. More than ready for a healthier 2018.
  • d16262
    d16262 Posts: 18 Member
    I’m interested too!!! Just made it through Christmas without eating everything in site. I’m ready for the New Year.
  • tasha_rose
    tasha_rose Posts: 1 Member
    Very interested. Have 15kg to lose
  • hkerkow0894
    hkerkow0894 Posts: 3 Member
    Interested! On my way to losing 50 pounds as of today.