Is being hungrier in the winter a real thing?



  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited December 2017
    i notice thirst/dehydration as more of a winter issue than the creeping-overeat thing. i drink less water because the idea of putting cold liquid inside my cold self is unpleasant, and then there's the forced-air heating and the fact that humidity drops too, if it gets cold enough.

    the thing about 'if you think you're hungry it might be thirst' thing is often true in my case, too. we've just had a cold snap and i'm definitely more conscious of something being wrong. i know it's a water thing because i'm paying attention to it. but still my mind keeps trying to deke around the idea of more liquids and talk me into believing that what i need is more soup or more gummy bears.
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies. I’ve been paying close attention and I believe for me it is the decrease in water. I got one of those hospital cups and have been trying to drink 90 oz a day the last two days (which is normal for me in the warm months) and my hunger is less than it was earlier this week.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    I know I am hungrier in winter..........HELL.....I'm hungry in spring, summer and fall too!!! :p
  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    Winter is baking season so when I know there is cake, I want to eat it.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Night and day difference for me. Cold, I’ll be hungry frequently. Hot, appetite is non existent until indoors w AC or PM. I’m talking hot. Like 110f+ (Vegas).
  • poetic_cell
    poetic_cell Posts: 772 Member
    In my case, nope! I'm hungry AF all the time lol. Though I'm definitely craving lighter foods in the summer.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Yes, I am hungrier! And I like soup!
  • jetaimekellydh
    jetaimekellydh Posts: 1 Member
    Well for me it’s basically the same, I noticed since I went for low carbs diet, appetite is never an issue to me, not that I have a worse one, it’s just I no longer crave for so many stuff I used to,,
  • NadNight
    NadNight Posts: 794 Member
    I find in winter that I crave comfort foods. In Summer I find it easy to eat lighter foods and find myself wanting cool drinks and fresh fruit whereas in Winter, once the cold weather sets in I want hot chocolate and marshmallows, big bowls of pasta, basically anything heavy and comforting but very high fat, carb, sugar and calorie...

    My actual appetite is similar in both but it's the types of foods I eat that makes me gain weight in Winter. I am also more active in Summer whereas my Winter activities are more like TV and books (I like walking but it's easier in Summer!). Being more active also means I'm spending more time actually out and about where I'm not sat watching telly thinking about the chocolate in the fridge....

    In general just the longer Summer days make me feel more energetic and motivated to do stuff. I'm 10 times more likely to give in and just get a takeaway or cheap ready meal in winter because I come home and it's dark and cold and it makes me tired. But coming home at the same time in summer when it's still light and possibly even sunny makes me feel awake and I'm more likely to actually cook a meal.

    The other thing that doesn't affect how hungry I actually am but how likely I am to give in to temptation is the clothes. In Summer it's easier to say no to another slice of cake when you're in a bikini and short shorts all the time. But in Winter when bikinis are a mere memory and it's all coats and woolly jumpers that hide my figure...I'm much more likely to happily accept

  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    Too cold to go outside, easier to stay in, eat and do nothing!!!
  • TbGirl92
    TbGirl92 Posts: 13 Member
    edited December 2017
    100% IMO. I worked outside in NY at -30 wind chill and would come home and binge like crazy, but i forget to drink enough to be hydrated. However in summer and when i winter in Florida I have to remind myself to eat in the mornings because I get hot very easily and just don't feel anything but tired, plus I can easily down a gallon of water a day to keep hydrated. Activity levels in both cases were about the same.
  • echastee92
    echastee92 Posts: 48 Member
    I think the major cause for me wanting to eat more in the winter time is boredom. I live in Minnesota. It's usually freezing outside and there's nothing to do. I can't even comfortably go for a walk or a bike ride. There is no more hanging out at the lake, or going to the cabin. No more outdoors. It's just me, and my apartment, and sometimes that leads to boredom. Boredom leads to me thinking about food. Me thinking about food used to lead to me eating more food. I've learned how to be able to acknowledge that I am craving and bored without giving in to it.
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    While there could be more than one issue at play, there is a pretty simple reason a person may be hungrier in the winter - they burn more calories.

    The body has to use more calories to maintain body heat in the cold, so you are going to feel a desire to eat more. Nursing experts even advise nursing mothers to be aware that babies will be need more calories during cold weather because of this.

    In warm weather, not only does it not take as many calories to keep your body temp stable, but digestion itself INCREASES body temperature, so in very hot weather, appetite can be suppressed as a method of keeping your body temperature cooler.