Pregnant- EDD March 2012

Any other pregnant women out there trying to stay in shape while going through these rollercoaster times?
I would love to hear suggestions and ideas for what you are doing to healthy!


  • Jkiddy7
    Jkiddy7 Posts: 1
    I've had 3 kids and my weight was different through every one of them, let me know what your struggles are and I'll give ya some tips :) every pregnancy was different so I got alot of em lol
  • KJKP
    KJKP Posts: 6
    Me! I'm due next month. Basically just eating healthy and staying active, to the best of my abilities. First trimester really wiped me out, I was completely exhausted all the time, but you do what you can. With this pregnancy, I have gestational diabetes, so it's even more important to eat right. Just don't make it a goal to LOSE weight, just gain healthily.
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I'm here, due in October.
    Just use the same common sense you've been using regarding foods. Being pregnant though some of the foods you once loved will no longer appeal to you and others that you didn't like, you may crave. It's strange!
    Don't focus on losing weight, just gain sensibly. It will make it easier to lose after delivery (hopefully).

    I have gestational diabetes and was just put on Insulin yesterday .. even though I tried my best to NOT need it. I have PCOS as well though so I was always hovering on Insulin Resistance.
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    First of all, CONGRATS! I am expecting my 4th baby in November and this pregnancy has been totally different than the last three. I do like being healthier and more aware of what goes into my body. Exercising hasn't been easy due to a very sore back.
  • Beachbride07
    Beachbride07 Posts: 49 Member
    I too am EXHAUSTED! Of course, I'm in the first trimester and I know I was the most tired here last time too. I have been trying to keep up my running (C25K), but I am having a hard time staying on it just being so tired. I also am feeling EXTREMLY bloated and large right now even though I haven't gained any weight yet (I had to go back up a size in my jeans today). I just don't want be back in the same spot I was after my last pregancy.
  • KJKP
    KJKP Posts: 6
    Exercising hasn't been easy due to a very sore back.

    You should try swimming, it's the only thing that has been keeping my sciatica at bay. Good motivator for keeping active!