JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 26



  • Lauburn12
    Lauburn12 Posts: 44 Member
    This is my first day and my first challenge, starting at 169lbs, highest I have ever been.

    SW: 169
    GW: 130

    R26 GW: Maintain (for the week that's in it) or -1lb

    12/19 - 169lbs
    12/20 - 166.6lbs my body must be in shock!Whoop!!
    12/21 - 166.2lbs Need to have more water- feel really dehydrated this morning
    12/22 - 165.4lbs I’m so shocked! But I think the reality is I binged for about a week before I started this challenge but happy it’s moving. Out for Christmas drinks tonight so not too sure if tomorrow will be good!
    12/23 - 165.4lbs happy with this as I was out last night but I am definitely more mindful of what I’m eating/drinking because of this challenge. I would be happy to finish at 165 by the end of this challenge to set me up for the new year!
    12/24 - 167.2 oops getting a bit slack with my tracking and ate loads of cheese last night. Won’t be able to weigh in for a few days but want to wish everyone a Happy Christmas x
    12/25- didn’t weigh in
    12/26 -167.2lbs I’m expecting this to go up after yesterday but I sure it’s Christmas!
    12/27 - 165.6 whoop. Didn’t go overboard yesterday and went for a 7k walk. Would like to be 165 to start January.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,957 Member
    @nikki062181 Thank you, Nikki. I am feeling much better and think he may be too. Hard to believe the insurance won’t cover the meds for his nebulizer! The pharmacist is working on getting the order changed. Sending prayers for good health for your family!

    @rtls Be strong! Show your folks you’re in control!

    A few years ago I started using a product sold by a cousin in hopes that I would lose weight. I did not lose. All along some of the people in those challenge groups touted the benefits of not eating sugar and grains. I could not imagine doing that! I am a bread-aholic! This past July I made a huge change and gave up those things. For the first time in 50 years, I have no knee pain. People said sugar and grains cause inflammation and now I believe it. It wasn’t an easy change to make, I am married to a junk-aholic. But if your joints hurt, you might consider trying it. I’m not sure how long it took to make a difference. I just realized one day that I wasn’t groaning when I sat down and stood up. Some people have asked how I am losing weight, what I am doing. I am eating a Ketogenic Diet. There are dozens (it seems) of websites and books. It really is all about limiting carbs, eating moderate amounts of protein and higher amounts of healthy fats. Totally the opposite of the reduced fat theories pushed on us for the last 40 or more years.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,957 Member
    I am not a dietitian or any sort of authority- this is just what is working for me.
  • enlightenme2
    enlightenme2 Posts: 97 Member
    12/27 166.2 I am becoming quite ticked off due to this gain. I was getting so close to the 150s. It's going the other direction. Ugh.

    2 words - STRESS and FATIGUE... will blow you up like nothing else!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,391 Member
    Round 14 SW: 147.9
    Round 15 SW: 147.9
    Round 16 SW: 147.4
    Round 17 SW: 145.9
    Round 18 SW: 146.6
    Round 19 SW: x
    Round 20 SW: 149.8
    Round 21 SW: 145.4
    Round 22 SW: 147.5
    Round 23 SW: 147.5
    Round 24 SW: 144.3
    Round 25 SW 143.2

    Round 26
    SW: 141.8
    CW: 140

    12/19 141.8 ~ (Steps 9108)

    12/20 142.4 ~ (Steps 19,195)

    12/21 (I didn’t weigh myself) ~ (Steps 13,053)

    12/22 145.5 ~ (Steps 18,914)

    12/23 144 ~ (Steps 14,248)

    12/24 143.3 ~ (Steps 16,744)

    12/25 142.3 ~ (Steps 17,560)

    12/26 142.9 ~ (Steps 7,840) :/:s

    12/27 143.8
    ~ (Steps 17,165) :(:(


  • sheilajean58
    sheilajean58 Posts: 263 Member
    Round 26 - last chance for 2017 :blush:
    Started this year @ 112 lbs. Have been working on losing back to my normal weight of 104-107 lbs for the past 10 years!
    Goal Weight: 105 lbs.

    12/19 106.2
    12/20 105.6 - 1500 Calories! Having annual labs drawn today. The weight loss should improve by Cholesterol and A1C :wink:
    12/21 105.9 - Going to get my Dexa-scan today (osteopenia) but the report will also show my body fat percent.

    12/22 106.6 - ate >1900 Calories yesterday, dark chocolate, dried fruit with cashews and red wine were worth it.

    Weighed prior to the Dexa-scan middle of the day: 107.7 lbs. The great news was that my height taken at the appointment was unchanged. Body Fat on the home scale was 22% (usually 24% due to dehydration in the morning). Will be fun to compare my scale (22%) to my Dexa results.

    12/23 105.3 - unexpected . . . :blush:
    12/24 106.2 - expected . . . :wink:
    Exercise first, then to the store to pick up missing items for dinner tonight. Pre-prepared lots of dishes yesterday but the coordination of the feast can still be tricky. Cheers Everyone!!!

    12/25 - forgot due to travel schedule.

    12/26 107.9 lbs very expected but not alarming
    12/27 107.6 lbs - on my way down!
  • leighdaviddesormeau
    I survived the holidays gwaaa! I honestly didn't even count calories the last few days because it was too stressful. Because cheesecake. Going back to the gym after work today even though it's -30C brrr.

    12/19 - 148.5 lb
    12/20 - 150 lb
    12/21 - 149 lb
    12/22 - x
    12/23 - 149 lb
    12/24 - 149 lb
    12/25 -
    12/26 -
    12/27 - 150 lb
    12/28 -

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    sdereski wrote: »
    sdereski wrote: »
    My goal is to be in the 150s.!

    12/19 - 161.4
    12/20 - forgot to weigh myself
    12/21 - 160.2
    12/27 - 164.2 :(

    Did not do well weighing myself over the holidays and it shows in today's weight.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @sheilajean58 Maybe I missed it, but how did your Dexa compare to your scale?

    I'm lucky in that my current scale seems to be the highest BF% of any other measurement method (most BEI scales and devices significantly under-estimate BF%, even for me). For the last Dexa, my scale showed 16.1% on the same day Dexa showed 15.8%. I have another Dexa on Sat., and I expect my scale to be much higher than Dexa this time because 16.1% was a low point (had been running in the 18%'s for the prior week) and only because I had no water retention as I had not consumed vegetables or many carbs for 45 days prior. Water retention from a lot of broccoli, cauliflower, and green beans yesterday has caused my scale to jump about 2% overnight... and I know I won't have an accurate scale result before Sat., so I'm holding my breath with uncertainty about whether I reached my goal BF% for 2017.
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    "Don't be upset by the results you didn't get from the work you didn't do." - Orebela Gbenga

    Start 10/18/2017 = 147.9 * Goal = 130.0 and 20 miles/week
    R22 * Start = 143.4 * Ave = 141.9 * Min = 140.2 * End = 141.2
    R23 * Start = 142.0 * Ave = 140.1 * Min = 139.4 * End = 139.6
    R24 * Start = 140.0 * Ave = 138.6 * Min = 137.0 * End = 137.0
    R25 * Start = 136.6 * Ave = 137.0 * Min = 135.8 * End = 135.8

    R26 * Start = 136.6 Goal: 135.0 by 12/25 CHECK (but bounce is expected)

    12/19 - 136.6 - Under calories yesterday, no workout, got diagnosed with a stye so 1) on antibiotics and 2) stay away from the gym for others' sakes and 3) when I go back to the gym, wipe those machines before as well as after I use them!
    12/20 - 136.4 - under calories yesterday, no workout, but got all the Christmas boxes off (well almost). Feeling better, tonight a workout and early to bed.
    12/21 - 134.8 - Whooosh! I bounce a lot but I will take this.
    12/22 - 135.4 - expected rebound. Good workout yesterday, (barely) within calories. THANKS FOR KEEPING ME MOTIVATED, posting on this thread helps me!
    12/23 - 134.8 - Under calories and solid workout yesterday. Maybe I am gonna get my "135 for 12/25" goal after all.
    12/24 - 136.2 - Under calories and no workout yesterday, too busy running around on errands! No worries. Today, logging and getting a quick run.
    12/25 - 135.0 - Really happy about making my 135.0 goal for Christmas. And it's kinda funny how exact it was. Ran 2.4 yesterday and knee was a little touchy, well under maintenance for the day and that included some Christmas cookies.
    12/26 - 135.2 - REALLY dehydrated, already drank a quart of water. Yesterday no workout and did not log the main meal, I know I was super over because Christmas treat! Back to it today.

    12/27 - 136.2 - richly deserved this bounce! Exhausted yesterday, no workout, grabbed sub-par pie at work then got loose with the oatmeal shortbread in the evening. Let's see if I can fix any of this before the last day of the round!!


  • rparkerslim
    rparkerslim Posts: 398 Member
    Starting Weight: April 2017: 242
    Starting Weight: R23: 215.5......Ending Weight: ? Vacation

    Starting Weight: R24: ? Vacation.......Ending Weight: R24: 215.4
    Starting Weight: R25: 216.7......... Ending Weight: R25: 214.7 GW R25: 212
    Starting Weight: R26: 214.7
    Goal Round 26: 212


    12/19: 214.7
    Off to another round! I might not have made my goal last round, but I plan on reaching it this round for sure!

    12/20: 216.1

    12/21: 215.7

    12/22: 213.1
    I need to battle the rest of this round! One more dinner party before Christmas! I'm not cooking that much for Christmas; I may make a mock potato salad with cauliflower since no one eats it but me! I may cook some candied sweet potatoes because my son loves them, but other than that, no sweets for me!

    12/23: 212.6
    Gotta go! Gotta go! Gotta go right now! Off to the last (hopefully) Christmas dinner!

    12/24: 212.6
    Didn't do so bad. Resisted the rice, mac & cheese, bread, fried chicken, and dessert! Ate baked chicken, collard greens, fresh sliced tomatoes, and onions! Drank water!

    12/25: 213.7 Thank God for allowing us to celebrate another Christmas! I cooked and I ate what I cooked; it was so delicious! I even ate two, yes two, pieces of caramel cake. Tomorrow is a new day, so I will enjoy today, while it is today!

    12/26: 216.7
    I post with a smile! I enjoyed yesterday; now back on track! Hope everyone enjoyed your family and loved ones during Christmas like I did! Thank God, His mercies are new E V E R Y day!!!

    12/27: 218.4
    Holding fluid! Not drinking enough water along with too much salt! Hope it looks better tomorrow. Will start back exercising Jan. 02 (Lord willing). Made some low carb breakfast cookies this morning; they taste really good! So far, I like cooking with almond flour. Got a low carb cheesecake recipe I want to try later!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,522 Member
    Age 60, 5'4" [lost 1/2" somewhere, not the measurement I wanted to lose]
    SW 195 [joined MFP Nov 2015, lost 9.5# & got serious Jan 2017]
    1st Goal 150 in a livable way = It's. Not. A. Diet.
    2nd Goal 145 = normal BMI
    UGW Range 140 - 145

    My scale only has 1/2# increments, and I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale. Comments reflect prior day. Previous round EW 160.0 LW 158.0
    R20 SW 166.0 10/20/17 (my round 1)
    R20 EW 166.5 LW 164.5
    R21 EW 164.0 LW 163.0
    R22 EW 162.0 LW 162.0
    R23 EW 162.0 LW 162.0 = included parade day & Thanksgiving, no food/drink logged :wink:
    R24 EW 159.5 LW 159.5 = walked Jingle Bell 5K in 44:37 & pace 14:22 / first time in 10 years my weight is 1-5-anything!
    R25 EW 160.0 LW 158.0
    Round 25 (previous round)
    12/09: 158.5 Little shocked by w-i, no wonder I still felt hungry last night. Net calories red (w/i 100) & 12c water. Walked dog 3.14 miles before work and helped decorate dept. for Christmas. Fitbit 15,471 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) hours & 41 floors.
    12/10: 161.0 Annnd it's bounce-back time. To be honest, I snacked with hubby after getting home late last night from classic holiday movie (A White Christmas) at theatre...he's used to eating after his shift ends at midnight, and I ate right along with him. Net calories red, sodium very red and 12c water. Walked dog 3.07 miles. Fitbit 16,142 steps, 250+ steps 11/14 hours & 17 floors.
    12/11: 160.0 Net calories green, sodium red & 14c water. Walked dog 3.56 miles. Fitbit 17,803 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 38 floors.
    12/12: 160.0 All numbers red except sugar & 15c water. Walked dog 3.11 miles before work, landed on my backside b/c of snow-covered ice patch & switching to indoor workouts for winter. Sad dog. Fitbit 15,643 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 38 floors.
    12/13: 160.0 Net calories barely green, sodium not so bad, sugar red mostly from fruit, and 15c water. Walked 1 mile in workplace hike at lunchtime. Fitbit 13,953 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 33 floors.
    12/14: 160.0 Treadmill 3 miles / 50:35 and shoveled snow 1 hr. (est. 8") / thank heavens for kind-hearted neighbor with snowblower. Fitbit 18,353 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) hours & 39 floors. Net calories, sodium & sugar all green! 14c water, could've had more with all my activity.
    12/15: 160.0 Rest day after activity previous day. Fitbit 10,431 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 27 floors. Net calories w/i 100 green, sodium red & 15c water. Light on fiber lately, need to increase.
    12/16: 158.0 Getting enough fiber helps! :wink: Net calories green, sodium good, sugar red due to lots of fruit, fiber 30g & 17c water. Walked treadmill 3 miles / 51:43. Fitbit 14,520 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 (noon class) hours & 31 floors. Still fighting off a cold, lots of zinc & water today.
    12/17: 159.0 Hate this cold that's trying to get me! Shoveled snow 34 minutes. Fitbit 11,051 steps, 250+ steps 9/14 hours & 13 floors. Net calories, sodium & sugar green, fiber 20g & 14c water.
    12/18: 160.0 Still fighting off a cold, going to listen to my body, skip workouts & get more sleep. More important to fight off cold than get workouts in, especially being so busy with Christmas preparations. Keep pushing zinc tablets, extra vitamin C & water. Workouts will resume once (a) I feel better and (b) crazy busy-ness ends. Net calories barely green but sodium very red & light on fiber (again) / 12c water. Fitbit 8,247 steps, 250+ steps 11/14 hours & 17 floors.

    12/19: 158.0 Battling a cold, workouts on hold. At least Christmas decorations are almost done. Net calories red (barely), sodium green, fiber 20g & net sugar zero - how did that happen? 18c water. Fitbit 10,525 steps, 250+ steps 11/14 hours & 39 floors.
    12/20: 158.0 Net calories red, sodium green, sugar red mostly from fruit, fiber 20g, and 16c water / trying to flush my cold away. Workplace snowshoe hike at lunchtime / 0.42 miles. Fitbit 11,013 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 32 floors.
    12/21: 158.0 Little surprised / workplace Xmas party at lunch yesterday, then went overboard with Christmas peanut M&Ms while decorating at home. Still no workouts due to busy-ness and my cold. Fitbit 8,612 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 31 floors. Total guess for calories (did quick log instead of guestimating every bite) & 16c water.
    12/22: 157.5 Day off from work, finished cleaning & decorating. Gave in to leftover pizza hubby brought home, but limited myself to two slices. 14c water. Fitbit 7,696 steps, 250+ steps 9/14 hours & 15 floors.
    12/23: 157.5 Vacation/holiday, slept in, round trip by car 2 1/2 hours & niece's Christmas concert = sedentary afternoon. Wrapped presents in evening. Fitbit 8,753 steps, 250+ steps 8/14 hours & 16 floors. 12c water.
    12/24: 157.5 Little surprised I'm maintaining, have been getting into Christmas candy since 12/22. Stopped logging food last night after supper & net calories red. But keeping active with Christmas preparations. No "workouts" this week except shoveling snow and snowshoeing. Fitbit 7,703 steps, 250+ steps 11/14 hours & 25 floors. 10c water.
    12/25: 158.0 Christmas / dinner w/ extended family / not logging food or beverages / Merry Christmas friends!
    12/26: 159.5 Yesterday was a day filled with faith, family, fun, food & adult beverages. Totally worth it! Now, to freeze some of the goodies so we don't eat them all up this week.
    12/27: 160.0 Almost forgot to update...why are some habits so easy to break & forget? W-I not a surprise, have been enjoying Christmas goodies for several days & no treadmill since 12/15 oh my! Back at work, will get back to treadmill this week, I promise.
  • eyer0ll
    eyer0ll Posts: 313 Member
    Goal: 192.4, weigh and track daily

    12/19: 194.8
    12/20: 194.2
    12/21: sullenly refused to weigh in the frigid morning air
    12/22: 193
    12/23: 193
    12/24: 196.6
    12/25: bah
    12/26: and humbug. No weighing or tracking.
    12/27: 199.6...sigh. Lots of water today.

  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,083 Member
    Goal this round = maintain -- my birthday is Friday and then Christmas. I don't plan to overdo the goodies, but I do intend to enjoy.

    Goal 140 by 2/17; UGW 130 by 6/30
    5'3", 64 yrs.
    Weight 2/2015 - 218
    Lost 68#, regained 12 (to 156) on metabolism reset 11/16-6/17.
    R15 end weight 151.2
    R16 end weight 151.4
    R17 end weight 151
    R18 end weight 150.4
    R19 end weight 149.6
    R20 end weight 149.3
    R21 end weight 149
    R22 end weight 148
    R23 end weight 148.4
    R24 end weight 149
    R25 end weight 148.4
    R26 goal 148.4 (maintain)

    12/19 - 149
    Not a surprise - we went out for lunch yesterday and I know my sodium was high and I feel bloated.

    12/20 - 149
    Definitely retaining water - I feel bloated.

    12/21 - 148.6
    That's better.

    12/22 - 148.6
    Going out for birthday lunch today, but I have my order planned - broiled seafood, veggies, and probably a dessert, no bread or potatoes. If the rain holds off I'll go for a walk later - had a good one yesterday. Thanks @quiltingjaine for remembering. :-)

    12/23 - 148.6
    Very happy with this since I had a major pig out yesterday - lunch out, with dessert - reasonably healthy but lots of calories - and then had a piece of cake and some other goodies later (hey, birthday stuff!) and had about 900 extra calories. I expect to bounce up tomorrow, but I'm ok with that. I'd just like to finish the round where I started. I'm not a sweet freak, but I do plan to have some fun!

    12/24 - 149
    As expected. It's all good!
    MERRY CHRISTMAS - Ho Ho Ho! And happy holidays, too -- all of them. <3

    12/25 - 149
    Merry Christmas, all! I plan to enjoy the food - not many sweets here, but I did bake a mince pie and some shortbread. I'm actually staying close to my maintenance calories, just more carbs than usual. Beautiful weather, so I'm off for a walk. Enjoy your day!

    12/26 - 149.2
    I absolutely enjoyed two generous servings (lunch and evening) of the mincemeat pie I baked and a couple of pieces of shortbread, plus a healthy dinner of turkey, a bit of dressing, gravy, sweet potatoes (steamed, not candied), brussel sprouts (steamed), cranberry sauce (homemade - cranberries + fruit-only blueberry spread - delish!) I went for a lovely hour's walk along the river, and otherwise just chilled with my hubby & doggy, knitting and reading. Today I'm back on track with the eating (yes, leftovers, but all healthy) and hopefully a walk (although it looks like rain, of course - Oregon!). Don't know that I'll make my goal to maintain, but I don't think I'll be too much over, either. I hope you all had a delicious Christmas if you celebrate, and lovely day if not. <3

    12/27 -149.8
    Not unexpected! And it's fine. I'm back on track as of yesterday, and working on cutting back a bit on net carbs. I won't make my goal this round, but a pound or two Christmas/birthday week is fine. Ready to roll in 2018!

    12/28 -

  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,957 Member
    @rparkerslim Breakfast cookie recipe??