tummy pics after 70lb+ weight loss?

Brandy3827 Posts: 42 Member
Okay ladies (and gentlemen), I'm getting discouraged despite my slow and steady weight loss.

The problem?

The skin around my tummy isn't as tight as I'd like it to be (I had a baby 8 months ago, could that be a factor?)

I still have about 70 pounds to lose to and I'm afraid the problem will get worse! :ohwell:

For you brave souls, I'd love to see pics of the tummy area after similar weight loss. I just want to prepare myself for what is in store for me... good or bad.


  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
  • Id ike to know as well! I havent had a kid though.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    not quite 70lbs yet, only 50, but here you go... still looking to lose another 20 - 30, so maybe I'll check back then!

    IMAG0138 by swinginchandra, on Flickr
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hahha...I had a baby 15 months ago (c section)....and recently lost 80 pounds ( in a litle less then 5 months)( I don't update my ticker till Sunday) To be blunt...my belly still sags, as does my chest...I hope they aren't in a race to my knees!!!! Anyway....once my back is better (slipped disc)...Ill be toning till the cows come home....and no, I'm not brave enough to take a pic, sorry!
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    I hate my belly, I hate this flab that just hangs no matter what, but I have a 9 month old and a 23 month old so I now that is why it's there, however I have lost almost 100 lbs and even though its smaller it will probably never go away on its own :(
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    Hi there-

    I've had five kids, last one being almost 11 years ago. I have tons of stretch of marks, so no more bikini for me! However, I have tummy flab still, not while standing up, the poach is not noticeable then but when I lean over, I have some extra skin that I dont think will ever go away! I'm still working on it though. I refuse to give up.

    Its only been 8 months, that is a huge factor, give yourself some more time. I bet next time this year you will look awesome!
  • amelbo
    amelbo Posts: 8
  • Ahendon824
    Ahendon824 Posts: 22 Member
    I lost 105 lbs after having my first daughter (who will be 4 in a couple weeks.) I could feel my stomach was flat underneath but had excess skin. It wasn't too bad or too noticable with clothes on. Right now I am 14 lbs away from where I was then. But I just had my second daughter almost 8 months ago.. my stomach is no where near what it was then.. I'm sadly disappointed but am going to hit my goal weight and stay there for a while to see what happens. I still look like I'm 4 months pregnant on top of having the extra skin. If it doesn't get better I have already looked into other options. Hope that helps and if you have any questions or need a friend I'm here!!
  • kellimr
    kellimr Posts: 69
    I've had two children (one natural, one c-section) and have lost about 50+ pounds after each child. My stomach bounced back much better after the first child. The second was c-section and my stomach as never been the same. It will probably always be a problem area because of extra skin. You're not alone in this ~ I'm sure almost every Mommy out there can identify!!!
  • SabrinaG1986
    SabrinaG1986 Posts: 135 Member
    My baby just turned 1 year old, I've only lost a little bit of weight so far but I'm already noticing my skins starting to sag a lot. Just hoping it tightens up lol.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member

    I love it. Wonderful.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Keep in mind when you have kids, for most women there is this pouch at the bottom that just wont go away. 'Swinginchandra" tummy looks awesome, but she may not have had children, you can get your belly as flat as hers, but you may have a slight pouch at the bottom. Each person is different, do your thing and see how it goes.

    Even people like swinginchandra aren't as fortunate to have their tummy turn out as nice even without having kids.

    So, just do you and maybe you will be one of the lucky few. I have stretch marks as well, and a slight pouch, so my aim is to get rid of my love handles and get the tummy as toned as possible, just so it can look good in my clothes and nothing hanging over or under.
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Ok, I'll be brave. This is only 60 pounds lost. I'm 39 years old and my last baby (I've had 4) was 14 years ago. I have a lot of stretch marks, so it doesn't look good, but it's a lot better than it used to be. I have lost an additional 7 pounds since this picture was taken, and still have about 10 to go. When I feel my belly, I can feel hard abs under my skin, but not sure I'll ever be able to see them because there is a lot of extra skin sitting on top of them (along with a little fat still sitting there, ugh).

  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Bumping for later. And i LOVE the link... :heart:
  • Steph70508
    Steph70508 Posts: 110
    At my heaviest (pregnant) I was >250 pounds (I stopped looking after that) I am now 124-126. I do have some stretch marks my tummy is not nearly taught, but it is flat and until I can afford a tummy tuck its what I got. I also should mention that I had 4 c-sections and that damned scar makes like an indention, but again its much improved from what it once was.
  • Thanksfor sharing the site, it is awesome and makes me feel normal :)
  • Steph70508
    Steph70508 Posts: 110
    Ooops missed the part about it only having been 8 months...it took 9 months to grow that baby, it just takes time to get back in shape. Give yourself a break and don't stress too much. You can do this! :)
  • KRB28
    KRB28 Posts: 248 Member
    I had a baby 7 months ago and I have about 37 pounds I would like to lose. I have a bit of sagging at the bottom of my stomach, which I am surprised I don't have more as my belly was huge and my son was 9.5lbs. I have a feeling it might still look like that after I lose the weight, but you never know. I'm hoping it tones up nicely.
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    From what I have heard..it may take a little longer for the skin to firm up after the weight loss. I have hope for a firmer tummy one day...I have 3 kiddos (I had surgery as well on my lower tummy..so I currently have a small "pouch"). Stretch marks are another story... :cry:
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    At my heaviest (pregnant) I was >250 pounds (I stopped looking after that) I am now 124-126. I do have some stretch marks my tummy is not nearly taught, but it is flat and until I can afford a tummy tuck its what I got. I also should mention that I had 4 c-sections and that damned scar makes like an indention, but again its much improved from what it once was.

    You give me a little hope! I've had three c/s and you look GREAT.
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