can't lose this paxil weight I gained!!

I had been on Paxil from September 2011 through January 2012, about 5 months. I gained about 10-15 pounds along with other awful side effects so I decided to get off it (I weaned slowly and was completely off by mid-february).

The problem is no matter how hard I try this extra weight will NOT budge!! I've cut down majorly on alcohol, cut my calories and improved my diet, and am working out like crazy. I've lost maybe 1-2 pounds since mid-february.

Has anyone else been able to lose weight after Paxil or am I doomed?? I keep telling myself eventually it will come off but it's very frustrating....


  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    If you aren't on the drug anymore than it shouldn't be the problem. More than likely it is something in your diet or exercise routine that is keeping your from losing weight.

    TBH, when I was on an anti-depressant in the past I lost a good 15 pounds... Personally, I think the weight gain associated with mental health drugs is related more to mental situation, and not the drug. I also know that drinking while on anti-depressants is a big NO NO.
  • I did! I had to cut my sodium to 1500-200 a day and cut alcohol out completely!
    Are you eating enough cals? Are you drinking enough water? What about vitamins are you taking them?
  • solskinnzombie
    solskinnzombie Posts: 122 Member
    I know i had gained 20 pounds with abilify. I was also sleeping more and taking in more calories.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    40 lbs while taking Lexapro for 4 years. I saw the gain happening, and just didn't care. That's what those pills do.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I don't know about Paxil, but I am currently on Celexa and have gained almost 10 lbs from it. I have considered talk to the dr about lowering my dose, but my mental health is more important. I rather have the few extra pounds and be sane (especially through a divorce) then be skinnier and unglued. Hang in there - it will happen!!
  • aregey
    aregey Posts: 4
    between Zyprexa, Abilify, Seroquel, and Risperdal... I gained 50-60 LBS.

    I wouldn't blame it totally just on that, but it played a gigantic part. My appetite went from being a mere annoyance to being a sort of pain that I would feel in my stomach and mind. It was very powerful and dangerous.

    So I got up to 270 LBS, thanks doctor.

    Anyway, I'm relatively certain it can all be burned just by following the same steps everyone else does. For us it tends to feel particularly harsh because we might claim we had less control in reaching these weight levels. My whole life I was basically fine, until around the time I started taking these meds, and became truly overweight.

    So, follow the same things everyone else does and stay strong. Be honest with yourself and make sure your calories are as low as you can go. If that's not working then it might be time to try something else, such as Keto.

    That's my advice. I'm new here and don't really know what I'm talking about.
  • Oh no, this scares me! I am on Paxil and am having trouble losing some weight :(
  • Strange... I gained when on Effexor in the past and as soon as i stopped i saw a HUGE loss!!
    Is Paxil a beta blocker or a regular anti-dep?
  • I am sorry that happened to you. It happened to me as well. I gained over 100 lbs on other antidepressants such as Prozac and Cymbalta. The medicine made me feel so lousy that I had no awareness that the weight gain was even happening. I went from like a size 6 to a size 20 and had been slender until starting the medicine. The good news is that I lost 40+ lbs of it so far. About 40 lbs. before joining MFP and now a few more lbs lost since joining so far. My weight loss has happened slowly with counting calories and gentle exercise. Since quitting the medication, I feel the best that I have in my entire life!!!
    I totally believe in you!!!! I know you can lose the weight too. :) And I applaud you for stopping the medicine. I was on those medicines for 20 years and it's an incredibly difficult task to stop and anyone who does so should be incredibly proud of themselves.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    Unless you have some metabolic or hormone imbalance, the problem is with something else you are doing. Get a full blood panel done.

    Open your Food Diary so we can see any issues with your food, and tell us how you have your Goals set. (How tall are you, how much weight are you trying to lose?)

    Weigh and measure everything you eat and drink and log every bite.
  • I feel your pain, I gained 20 pounds on paxil, and I have finally lost all the weight. The key factor to losing weight is by cleaning out the liver. You can read all about it here There is allot of great information and tips that will help with the weight loss. Good luck.
  • lil_lizt
    lil_lizt Posts: 275 Member
    I've gained 18lbs between trazodone, abilify and depo provera. I'm still on it all now and really struggling too lose, but at least I'm not gaining anymore. You're not alone in this!
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I gained 50 pounds while on Celexa (over three years). When I went off I dropped 10 pounds easily...then had to work hard to get the next 30 off, and I still have 10 more to go. It's taken me over three years - but I wasn't trying that hard the first two years.
  • ryanlee77
    ryanlee77 Posts: 65 Member
    If you aren't on the drug anymore than it shouldn't be the problem. More than likely it is something in your diet or exercise routine that is keeping your from losing weight.

    TBH, when I was on an anti-depressant in the past I lost a good 15 pounds... Personally, I think the weight gain associated with mental health drugs is related more to mental situation, and not the drug. I also know that drinking while on anti-depressants is a big NO NO.
  • ryanlee77
    ryanlee77 Posts: 65 Member
    ive been on and off paxil for like 10 years ive lost and gained weight,,,i too am starting to think its a mental thing,,,if you are at a caloric deficit..the weight will come off
  • Pattimaz
    Pattimaz Posts: 3 Member
    I am so tired of hearing from people that the weight gain on or off certain anti depressants is not the drug but your diet....
    I just weaned off of Paxil after almost 2 years . There was no significant weight gain in the first year at all . Then I started losing my hair and at the same time over a period of 4-6 months I gained 15 lbs. Never in my life did I ever gain more than 2-3 lbs in a year .

    I eat very healthy and constantly watch my intake of all calories , sugars , carbs. These 15 lbs.have devastated me and then hair loss on top of this.

    Now I am totally drug free , thank God and I can not lose the weight I never ever would have gained if not for the antidepressants .

    So please DO NOT tell someone it must be your diet . I firmly believe that a doctor who is not a psychiatrist has no place prescribing these extremely potent drugs .
    I am hoping that somehow over time and careful eating the weight will eventually come off .
  • Pattimaz
    Pattimaz Posts: 3 Member
    Well this is at least the very first thing I have heard about how to get rid of the weight gained on Paxil.
    Will you please explain why the liver needs to be detoxified from the Paxil ?
    Thank you
  • transientcanuck
    transientcanuck Posts: 82 Member
    Ugh, I feel your pain. I went on Cipralex back in uni and gained 30 lbs over the course of one year.

    I really think it had something to do with the fact that those pills gave me an enormous capacity to consume large amounts of food. It seemed that no matter how much I ate, I was never satisfied. Not to mention the fact that I was a student at the time and could only afford to eat fast food and junk.

    Once I fully weaned myself off Cipralex, the pounds seemed to melt off. But I think that also had something to do with the fact that I heavily restricting my calorie intake AND since moved to a foreign country (South Korea) where I didn't want to eat anything.

    After reading these responses, hopefully the weight should eventually come off. I know other people who took Cipralex and Paxil and gained tons of weight. After going off the medication they are still struggling to lose, although it's coming off slowly. I'm certain things should eventually begin to improve. Good luck :)
  • tkeenanj
    tkeenanj Posts: 1 Member
    I am having the same problem as well. I workout 5 to 6 days a week (strength training, HIIT, and cardio), I eat really clean, (lots of fiber and high protein), drink lots of water, limit my alcohol intake to about once or twice a week (no more than 2 glasses of wine), and I am still having difficulty losing weight. I have lost some weight after coming off the Paxil, but I am finding it hard to achieve the 6-pack and toned body that I once had before I started taking Paxil. It is extremely frustrating. I keep at it hoping that my efforts will come to fruition.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    tkeenanj wrote: »
    I am having the same problem as well. I workout 5 to 6 days a week (strength training, HIIT, and cardio), I eat really clean, (lots of fiber and high protein), drink lots of water, limit my alcohol intake to about once or twice a week (no more than 2 glasses of wine), and I am still having difficulty losing weight. I have lost some weight after coming off the Paxil, but I am finding it hard to achieve the 6-pack and toned body that I once had before I started taking Paxil. It is extremely frustrating. I keep at it hoping that my efforts will come to fruition.

    Are you in a calorie deficit? Because that’s the only thing you need to lose weight, not the things you’ve listed.