Best weight loss tips/advice!?!?



  • TenderBlender667
    TenderBlender667 Posts: 78 Member
    Don't let the "all or nothing" mentality ruin your long term progress. If you screw up once, don't stress over it and get back on track the next day. I've lost count of the amount of times one little screw up (eating a "forbidden" food or going 5 calories over) led to an unplanned week long binge.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    learn to listen to your body. No one is made the same.
  • jjballantyne
    jjballantyne Posts: 20 Member
    Response to above as to calories - im logging everything and staying within my calorie allowance. Funny thing is, just by removing the bread and sugar, its been super easy to hit my macros. Usually im playing around with dinner cause i ate 3 cookies as an afternoon snack with my coffee. Im on 1200 to 1500 calories depending on workout days and thats not a lot to play around with when unhealthy treats are in the mix.
    As to after 30 days, im hoping that i feel better (less tired, less puffy, more energetic) and if i actually do lose any real weight and by that i mean fat, that will be a bonus. I honestly havent thought that far ahead. I just know that what i usually do has not really worked (e.g., eat fairly well most of the time then have cheat meals that lead to cheat days that lead to cheat weeks lol). Sometimes doing a program and resetting is a good starting point. Winging it does not work for me, so i guess my overall tip/advice is have a plan.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    beachme14 wrote: »
    What happens when you start allowing the "banned" foods back in your diet after the 30 days?

    Yeah this.........

    Whole 30 wasn't even set up as a weight loss plan. It's for people with food sensitivities/allergies that they need to figure out. The reason people lose weight is it's so very restrictive.

    Strict may get you started.......but weight maintenance is the thing you do for the rest of your life. Elimination diets always backfire (for me).
  • jjballantyne
    jjballantyne Posts: 20 Member
    Response to above on calories. I log my food and stay within calorie allowance. Funny thing is that its been easier to hit my macros since i cut out bread and sugar. Im on 1200 to 1700 calories depending on workout days so not much room for 3 cookies with coffee in the afternoon anymore.
    As to after 30 days, well to be honest i havent thought that far ahead. I just need a strict program to reset. Winging it doesnt work for me. One cheat meal leads to a cheat day then cheat weeks lol and before i know it, its June and im still 20 Ibs too heavy. Ill see how i feel on Jan 24th. If i feel better (less tired, less puffy) great. I may continue. If ive lost weight, and i mean lost fat, im hoping thats enough to inspire me to continue to eat this way. Once i complete 30 days, i will come up with a new plan. I guess thats my overall tip/advice is to have a plan.
  • Bigbluefrog
    Bigbluefrog Posts: 28 Member
    I did the whole 30, it helps for food sensitivities.

    Set a specific goal
    Set a time to achieve goal
    Make a reasonable attainable goals.
    Like I want to weigh this specific amount in 3 months. 1 to 2 pounds a week is good.
    3 reasons why?
    More energy
    Healthy feet- I just had foot surgery
    Look hot!

    Visualize every morning and night achieving the goal.

    Dont dwell on the past. Every day one day at a time. You can do anything for one day....push through temptation. It is 10pm and I want a glass of wine....but I just had all my calories met...tomorrow:)
  • myles1230
    myles1230 Posts: 163 Member
    Eat right and do “HIT” cardio. High intensity training. You can use a variety of cardio equipment for this type of training. Example: treadmill. Walk at a moderate pace for 2-4 minutes then sprint for 1 minute, then repeat this cycle for 15 minutes. This type of training burns more fat, keeps your heart rate up and allows you to keep burning fat even after your workout.
  • Little_Suzy_Asskicker
    Shop on the outer perimeters of the grocery store. I only hit 1 isle and it’s for spices and extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil. I personally do not weigh food, log food, or count calories. I’m eating intuitively, and eating whole food, mainly plant based. I’ve lost 45 lbs in 3 months, 1 week. Working out in moderation, 3-4 times a week, from between 20min to an hour each time.