Morbidly obese...need to change or life at risk, literally

Mine is not a question of knowing what to do, just having self control to do it. i have denied having food issues for years and years, cause I have always felt good, or thought I did. I am so lucky to have friends and support, I just cant hang in. i ballooned up to 440; down to 260, back up to 350. now I am 48 years old and in fear of immediate and massive heart attack. on medicine, but really my chemistry has been ok, not in freak out mode. how do i stick to it? when i set my mind to it, i am fine. just don't feel any urgency.


  • lancenuovo
    lancenuovo Posts: 517 Member
    i have felt good for so long. just recently began to fear for health. i want 45 more years, want kids to have healthy dad. dont want to be stared out. all my weight is omentum fat. in front. used to be all about ego and looks; now about health. things have to change, but i have a lifetime of shrugging off self control.
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    My dad was kinda like you. He’s had a lot of heart issues and had a double bypass almost a year ago now. He still won’t change his ways entirely, but he’s so much more health conscious now than he was when I was a kid.
    At some point, you are going to have major health problems that at best will cause you a ton of issues and a ton of money. At worst, they may kill you.
    Please don’t let it get that far! Take care of yourself!
  • lancenuovo
    lancenuovo Posts: 517 Member
    crud, i hope he is ok. thanks so much. i need some kind of committment and accountability...its lame, but knowledge is not the issue. self control. so tough.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    If you feel you don't have enough self control to lose weight, I'd really like to know what you think you have to do to lose weight.
  • ekim2016
    ekim2016 Posts: 1,199 Member
    you just need to take control of your destiny... being HERE is a good step forward. Get your numbers set up and follow the rules... stop at red lights, go on green. Be the man you are ...
  • lancenuovo
    lancenuovo Posts: 517 Member
    i do know really, it comes down to eating. maybe i can plan in advance and just follow.
  • KhadijahOwos
    KhadijahOwos Posts: 40 Member
    Every day, remind yourself of all of the reasons you want to be healthy.

    Focus on your health, not the weight you have to lose. Eat foods that keep your heart healthy. I don't need to tell you what those are, you already know. Put your health first and the rest will follow.

    If you focus on drinking lots of water, and eating good food, the weight will drop off itself. And when you feel ready, try to incorporate some exercise. Start walking, swimming. Anything that makes you out of breath.

    And think of these things as a lifestyle change, it's not a "diet". Diets are temporary. You want to be around for many for years to come, so you need to look after yourself every day (eat good food and move your body), not just until you get to your goal weight.

    Good luck!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    i do know really, it comes down to eating.
    That's right, but please expand? (Hint: We often overthink.)
    maybe i can plan in advance and just follow.
    That's what most successful people do.
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    I was at the same stage, diet and get healthy or die. I was actually deliberately destroying myself. Had to choose whether to live or not. Finally chose. Still in danger of recidivism.

    In 152 days lost 63lbs, reversed all my metabolic conditions. Just obese now, got to get the rest off this year. 73 to go

    My number one suggestion: set a calorie target and just focus on doing that for one day. Then repeat the next day, just for the one day. Weigh and log everything. I know it's a long road but if you add up a whole bunch of 'just one day' in a row you can make tremendous progress

    Choose life
  • lancenuovo
    lancenuovo Posts: 517 Member
    ok, here it is....dont gasp....

    total weight: 350 (150 to lose)

    goals: 1800-daily calories 203--carbs 50--fat 135--protein

    exercise: 3-5 times a week (found an 8 week fitness blender online course---free, best)
    tomorrow: 1) will measure: neck; chest; belly; biceps; calves; 2) fit test

    will keep updating. maybe this is enough accountability
  • lancenuovo
    lancenuovo Posts: 517 Member
    i am a great planner/listmaker; terrible at following through. will really try. one day at a time.
  • lancenuovo
    lancenuovo Posts: 517 Member
    eating more important than excercising, right?
  • Thr33N1N3
    Thr33N1N3 Posts: 39 Member
    I watch an autopsy done on someone who died of heart failure. It was very eye-opening and gave me the kick in the pants I needed. If you can stomach it I highly recommend it. It is on YouTube; just search "Obese Autopsy : The Post Mortem". Hope it works for you, and hopefully anyone else obese that watches it.
  • lancenuovo
    lancenuovo Posts: 517 Member
  • LilFoxtrot
    LilFoxtrot Posts: 91 Member
    eating more important than excercising, right?

    Eating less will give you weight loss and exercise will give you fitness.
    For people who are easily overwhelmed by changing their diets and the prospect of exercise most people would advise focusing on changing your eating habits first and getting into the habit of logging your food regularly. Then once you've been doing that for a while and it's second nature to you then you can add in exercise like walking or biking and build up as you like. You don't have to be a marathoner to lose weight, but exercise is still important health wise.
  • lancenuovo
    lancenuovo Posts: 517 Member
    makes so much sense. hope to stick with it. will try tomorrow and see how goes, then next day, right?
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    total weight: 350 (150 to lose)

    goals: 1800-daily calories 203--carbs 50--fat 135--protein
    Where did you get those goals? MFP suggests 2050 for a male, born 1969, height 5'9" (guessed), weight 350 pounds, sedentary, and 2 pounds loss per week. It also recommends more fat and less protein. This is why I asked "what do you think you have to do". I think you think you have to do more, harder and unpleasanter things than you have to do.
  • lancenuovo
    lancenuovo Posts: 517 Member
    wow. you got it exactly right. i guess i don't remember how i got to those. i find myself ovewhelming myself! just need to find right advice; not worry about infomercials; ketosis; trendy things; probably should try mfp again in a different way. i am so new to this