What to do when very few calories are left for dinner?



  • geltner1
    geltner1 Posts: 85 Member
    So many good suggestions! Thank you all!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Eat smaller than usual portions for dinner, but still eat. Cut back slightly on portions the next day to help balance things out. This assumes you're in maintenance since this is the maintenance forum.

    If you're still losing, eat dinner and carry on as usual the next day. It won't have a big impact on your loss.
  • Marjayhan
    Marjayhan Posts: 59 Member
    I plan in advance and try to use the in app barcode scanner to make sure i'm putting the correct amount in. Maybe remove something from the lunch and breakfast and hoping you're not eating less than 1200 per day. Cos even with breakfast lunch dinner and snacks i don't always make it to the 1200 O_O if you know already by lunch that theres only 200 or so cals left for dinner get out there and walk for 45-60 mins or get on the exercise bike if you have one. Nothing is worth going to bed hungry.
  • asviles
    asviles Posts: 56 Member
    black coffee and lots of water for breakfast. Lean meat and veg for lunch. Decent late dinner so you don't go to bed hungry. Save the calories for Guinness.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I do one or more of these things:
    - Find something low calorie if I'm not too hungry.
    - Take a walk for more calories.
    - Borrow from next day
    - Eat normally as if I have more calories and call it a day, and plan better next time.

    It depends on what I feel like doing, or willing to do.
  • geltner1
    geltner1 Posts: 85 Member
    I agree that sometimes you just have to go over on calories. Tomorrow is always a fresh start.
  • jelly_potato
    jelly_potato Posts: 77 Member
    Add 80g canned tuna (in oil) in a frying pan with 100g chopped carrot,100g spinach, and 5-10g sunflower seeds. Cook until spinach wilts. Serve with a pickle and chopped raw tomato and cucumber. In total it is worth 180-200kcal yet keeps me full for hours.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    Eat a few things that are high in protein and fiber. You can make a low cal, egg and cheese omelette with veggies mixed in.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I would do a huge green salad with a tomato and either egg white or super lean meat, chalula instead of standard salad dressing, maybe sliced cucumber on the side. My other go-to is broccoli slaw. You can do about half the bag, top with lean protein and sliced tomato and/or mushroom and some herbs or cilantro--microwave it and it will steam itself. Top with hot sauce.
  • zugmeister
    zugmeister Posts: 23 Member
    Salads are a go-to for me. Bacon ranch (100 calories for 2 Tbsp) cut with Herdez avocado salsa (120 calories for 4 Tbsp) will season up a huge salad with tomatoes and onions for pretty close to 200 calories and it tastes good too!
    I've also found that seasoned taco meat (90/10) on a Romaine lettuce leaf or two makes for pretty low cal tacos. Non-diet sour cream (60 cals in 2Tbsp) and salsa make great toppings for them.
  • melissalatzel25
    melissalatzel25 Posts: 148 Member
    just go over and log it, and be satisfied that at least its not a binge and youre in control.... last night i ate 2000 by 3pm and didnt wanna go over that but by pm i was hungry so ate 400g worth of fresh juicy ripe pineapple.... it filled me up, hit the sweet tooth, hydrates and i just went over by about 200 calories
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I eat less or more more tomorrow, or another day.
  • aprilzabeth
    aprilzabeth Posts: 18 Member
    Aunt Millie's 35 calorie bread (sandwich or add an egg for french toast)
    Malt o meal (130 calories)
    Popcorn (add peanut butter or parmasean cheese or something if you want some more flavor)

  • geltner1
    geltner1 Posts: 85 Member
    Hmmmm Never heard about Aunt Millie's 35 calorie bread. I think I'll look for some.
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    edited December 2017
    Eggs, soup, a half hour workout, or say screw it and eat less tomorrow.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    Not every dinner has to look like a traditional dinner. Just keep carbs low, eat lean protein, veggies and drink more liquids than usual. You'll be fine. Just keep telling yourself you'll be fine.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    geltner1 wrote: »
    Some days, after I log in breakfast and lunch, there are 200 calories left for dinner. How do you manage that?

    On such a day I would overeat. Which would be okay because I don't eat the same calories every day so I'd just make up for on another day(s).
  • Ostrea18
    Ostrea18 Posts: 3 Member
    Omelet with salsa is really good. Don't use dressings on salads and use pepperchini juice on it instead or lemon. Also you can put some feta cheese or Gorgonzola cheese to make it a little tastier again with lots of veggies. If you eat a tuna sandwich eat it with avacado instead of mayo. And last but not least; do not eat processed foods they usually don't keep you as full as whole foods do.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I love egg whites with one slice of swiss cheese and some salsa, or cauliflower rice and a few small pieces of ham or chicken, or savory spiced chicken broth with an ounce of chicken and lots of veggies. So many options are amazing.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    Raw veggies.
    It takes time to chem them and very low in calories.