Losing weight at university

I went to uni and gained a massive amount of weight in my first term, Ive lost 12lb of it so far (I started losing weight on 2nd December). Im planning on starting the c25k program and tracking what I eat.
My question is, how did you cope at university or when you first left home, are there any tips on how to stay faithful to your diet?


  • ColinIsTheName
    ColinIsTheName Posts: 365 Member
    I was intrigued by your name. Hank who?
  • hankismyspiritanimal
    hankismyspiritanimal Posts: 12 Member
    edited December 2017
    cwells16 wrote: »
    I was intrigued by your name. Hank who?

    I once had a sheep called Hank
  • thecharon wrote: »
    my kids college has a link on their site that shows the healthy eating options in their cafeterias (daily menu). pre-planning what you are going to eat can go a long, long way. does your school offer this? if not, you can ask a worker what a healthy options are, or if they can make something special for you.
    *or are you living an apartment and cooking your own food? are you choosing fast foods and take-out pizza? Do you have access to a kitchen? details are needed to give you a good answer.

    Yes, I have to cook for myself and I definitely made some bad choices in terms of food. I have made a plan for next term so I don't have to think about food, I can just follow my healthy eating meal plan, my only worry is without anyone there to keep me accountable I will fall off the wagon
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,169 Member
    Glad to hear you're starting the Couch to 5K program. Not only will it help improve your fitness, a nice jog is a good stress reliever! I found that when I started running I began thinking of food as fuel for my runs. That helped me avoid junky choices. But here's a head's-up: only you can hold you accountable.
  • Glad to hear you're starting the Couch to 5K program. Not only will it help improve your fitness, a nice jog is a good stress reliever! I found that when I started running I began thinking of food as fuel for my runs. That helped me avoid junky choices. But here's a head's-up: only you can hold you accountable.

    That's very true, Im getting better at that. Ive always wanted to run but Ive had many problems with my feet and ended up having 5 operations on them in the past couple of years, I have one more to go but Im fed up of it holding me back. Have you done c25k?
  • OriginalPegs
    OriginalPegs Posts: 21 Member
    I went to uni and gained a massive amount of weight in my first term, Ive lost 12lb of it so far (I started losing weight on 2nd December). Im planning on starting the c25k program and tracking what I eat.
    My question is, how did you cope at university or when you first left home, are there any tips on how to stay faithful to your diet?

    Since the start of my studies last September, I’ve lost 76lbs. If you want an accountabilty buddy, feel free to add me
  • I went to uni and gained a massive amount of weight in my first term, Ive lost 12lb of it so far (I started losing weight on 2nd December). Im planning on starting the c25k program and tracking what I eat.
    My question is, how did you cope at university or when you first left home, are there any tips on how to stay faithful to your diet?

    Since the start of my studies last September, I’ve lost 76lbs. If you want an accountabilty buddy, feel free to add me

    Thank you!