I'm Eating Way Under My Calorie Goal

hnodine Posts: 28 Member
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
EDIT: Thanks to everyone. I got the info I need.


  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    I cant see your diary :flowerforyou:
  • hnodine
    hnodine Posts: 28 Member
    I cant see your diary :flowerforyou:

    Sorry about that. I made it public now.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    You're eating WAY too far under your goal. You can eat up to your goal and lose weight, eating less than 1200 calories (and 1500 calories for a man) will put you into starvation mode. If you work out then you need to eat even more and your NET calories should be those minimums, not just consumed.

    Eat more, lose more :D

    Edit: the closer you get to your goal the more important it is to actually EAT what you're allotted, because your body has less junk to get rid of. I'm down 71lbs in a year (from 242 to 171) and haven't hit a plateau, I work out 5/6 days a week and eat back my exercise calories.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    What you did before DID NOT work - you gained it all back and then some - because you were dieting.

    Eat more, trust the MFP calculations, and really make a lifestyle change. You will be so glad you did!!

  • kerlyp
    kerlyp Posts: 11 Member
    I learned from my doctor that you must first find out what your daily caloric intake should be based on your current age, height, and weight. You then want to eat 500 less calories a day if you want to lose about a pound a week. One thing I have noticed is that you drink a lot of water. If you are drinking more than half your body size in water, this could be affecting how much you eat. You also want to make sure that you are eating from all food groups. You want to make this a lifestyle change as oppose to focusing on just losing the weight so you won't gain it all back once you stop your diet.
    I hope this helps.
  • One thing that might hinder you, those Michelina's meals contain a ton of sodium I believe. The general rule is do not eat under 1200 calories. Of course you can lose weight eating less than that but it is usually (I'm sure there are exceptions) a bad idea. Eat more calories by plugging in more fruits, veggies and legumes. "Pad" your snacks. Having crackers, pair them with grapes. Having a milkshake, have a couple carrot sticks.

    Obviously everyone is different, just putting that out there.
  • divadoll41
    divadoll41 Posts: 188
    I THINK U NEED TO CHECK OUT YOUR SODUIM INTAKE AS WELL. those frozen dinners are loaded with sodium. Also make sure u are eating 1200 calories too.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    have a lot more cals for breakfast to start. You have a banana or 90cal cereal bar which is nothing really. Maybe porridge oats with milk and lots of mixed fruit or a smothie with yogurt and frozen fruits? and have meals with lots of veggies and protien. Im trying to keep my NET at 1200 which has been tough so I understant where you are. You can add me if you like :) (try to get the 1500 net cals after exercise like Melizerd says :wink:
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    So you need to be eating your exercise calories as well? I don't always do that....maybe that's why some weeks are lower.... I know you need to eat the minimum but didn't realize I needed to include the exercise calories as well. I thought that was optional. hmmm.....I've learned something - thank you~!
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    in my personal opinion you will prob. lose the weight fast again but you'll actually have a shot in hell at keeping it off if you eat what mfp says its a much more attainable lifestyle choice
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Find healthy sources of calorie dense food. Peanut butter, nuts, etc. You could try making your own protein bars or just a peanut butter + banana sandwich on whole wheat bread could be just as easy to take on the go (literally 1 minute of prep) and has a lot more calories than just a banana.
  • jfarmer1226
    jfarmer1226 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi..looked at your diary. I would always make sure you are eating AT LEAST 1200 calories a day...otherwise your body will hold on to the weight because you have gone into starvation mode. You will also lose more muscle mass doing that. Also...try adding some natural foods to your diet. Everything I saw was processed..which has a ton of sodium and isn't as easy for your body to digest. Add fresh veggies, fruit, etc. And I would limit those frozen dinners to like 2 a week....they are LOADED with sodium. And what I would say about your 2008 weight loss is that it did not work...otherwise you would have kept off the weight. If you want to do this the RIGHT way and keep off the weight..I would follow MFP's calculations and NEVER drop below 1200 calories. Hope this helps!
  • clrrrr
    clrrrr Posts: 261 Member
    This might be out of the question based on your work schedule, etc., but I'd recommend swapping out processed foods (frozen light meals, sugar-free grape drink, I Can't Believe It's Not Butter) for the real thing. In the same portion-controlled amounts, of course (although I'd eliminate the grape drink, personally, but I'm one of those weirdos that loves the taste of plain water). Your digestion and general health will probably thank you and you'll be closer to your calorie goal. It will probably taste better, too. If you don't have time to cook at a given mealtime, make whatever you would normally buy as a frozen meal fresh over the weekend and refrigerate or freeze it to heat up for lunch or dinner at work, etc.
  • hnodine
    hnodine Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks everyone. I know I need to find a way to incorporate more calories, especially in breakfast. My problem is I am not a morning person, and never have. I've tried to wake up early, but it never works. So my breakfast is normally "on the go". So I've got to work on that big time. My daily schedule is just hectic to begin with, so I never have time to cook.

    But again...got to work on that. Thanks for everyone's input. I feel pretty bad, but I guess I should have expected that.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I'm not a nutritionist. You are not eating much especially during breakfast. A fruit smoothie you make yourself, egg(s), whole wheat toast/bagel/english muffin. The minimum try to have your net calories at least to 1200 daily.

    I would just focus on eating clean and more frequently. If you want to transition to this cleaner eating lifestyle you can start here: http://www.extremely-fit.com/fitness-tips/2011/01/8week-transition-diet/. Just like you mentioned more veggies will never hurt. I would also incorporate some form of protein for every meal.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    I don't buy into that eat more lose more, not for me anyway. When I was eating 1200 calories I was hungry all the time and binging every few days. Now I eat well under 1000 calories a day and its killed my hunger and I'm losing weight rapidly, where before at 1200 I was losing weight very slowly and then gaining it back.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Thanks everyone. I know I need to find a way to incorporate more calories, especially in breakfast. My problem is I am not a morning person, and never have. I've tried to wake up early, but it never works. So my breakfast is normally "on the go". So I've got to work on that big time. My daily schedule is just hectic to begin with, so I never have time to cook.

    But again...got to work on that. Thanks for everyone's input. I feel pretty bad, but I guess I should have expected that.

    You really don't have to change your schedule too much to incorporate healthy foods. Breakfasts are the simplest to me because there's so many quick healthy things like peanut butter, nuts, whole wheat toast, smoothies, protein bars. The other ones might take some prep on the weekend, but a more calorie-dense breakfast is definitely doable.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    First off, Holy Processed Foods, Batman!

    In all seriousness, whether you're eating 3,000 cals a day or 300 cals a day, you're setting your body up for major health problems with all the fake food you're eating.

    Calorie-wise, I honestly don't think you are "way" under, like some are suggesting here. Depending on your body composition, lifestyle, etc, that's a really hard judgement to make. The industry standard is no less than 1200, but honestly, that doesn't work for everyone. Yes, it works for most, but there are a few folks out there who can do fine between 850-1100, too.

    I'd really suggest bumping up the real food in your diet though. If you eat breakfast on the go, make it the night before. You can make a simple porridge with steel cut oats, or even brown rice or quinoa and add some agave and peanut butter or fresh berries to it. Package it in a little "to-go" container and grab it on your way out the door. Try to get a real vegetable at each meal, and if you're really feeling ambitious, try to get them in your snack foods as well. But most important it getting all the processed stuff out of your home and out of your body, as it does more harm then good to you.
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